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Rose Princess of Hellrage Volume 3 Chapter 22

Palm Dancing Until Morning

The number of troops deployed by the Khenis Empire’s Blue Army (though officially more) for the capture of the Gaisenfall Great Forest was about 60,000. In this battle, the casualties exceeded 2,000.

While not rendered completely incapacitated, the Blue Army was forced to retreat.

The existence of the “Rose Princess of Hellrage” was known to the Blue Army, and they had made some preparations.

However, they did not expect her to appear at this moment.

After all, to reach the Gaisenfall Great Forest from the Ku-Lukal Mountains, one had to cross the southern Lugarut Kingdom. However, the spies sent by the Blue Army to the Lugarut Kingdom failed to detect the march of the monsters.

The undead forces that attacked the Blue Army were creations of the suddenly appearing “Rose Princess of Hellrage”, who used storage magic to scatter corpses and instantly turn them into undead.

While a few other undead, ogres, and large dog-like monsters were confirmed, they were in small numbers. In other words, it was a small, elite force capable of secretly moving, and the Blue Army fell victim to a surprise attack.

As the stage moved to the mopping up of remaining enemies, the overall defense and the soldiers’ morale relaxed.

The Blue Army was then suddenly attacked by the monstrous forces.

Trampled from sky and earth, soldiers enchanted by the Charm Eye of a vampire engaged in friendly fire, and the dead rose as undead to join the enemy ranks. It was a situation fitting of a nightmare.

The wielders of holy magic managed to break the enchantment on the soldiers and deal with the undead, but due to the delay in their initial response, the damage had already spread, and a swift resolution was impossible.

When the chaos finally subsided, the surviving elven soldiers, who were almost isolated, had already retreated, and the undead had disappeared without a trace. There were hardly any bodies of slain soldiers left, and even several precious cannons had been stolen along with storage magic items.

They achieved as much success as they could and retreated before facing a counterattack. It was a hit-and-run tactic at lightning speed.

Continuation of the battle would bring no significant gains. To calm the soldiers’ turmoil, the Blue Army had no choice but to temporarily retreat.

* * *

On the southern side of the Great Forest, the meeting took place.

Military tents were set up under the brilliantly shining moon.

Surrounding them were undead, ogres, lizardmen, and a force consisting mostly of monsters.

The military flags displayed were torn and tattered, with a menacing rose emblem drawn in human blood fluttering in the night sky.

Inside the eerie crimson and black tent, surprisingly, the atmosphere was quite bright.

Magic lamps were placed along the walls and hung from the ceiling.

Several figures were present, facing each other across a table.

“I am Alastair Darryl Gerald. Despite being less than the princess, I have received her trust and hold the position of Marshal of the National Army of the Dead Land of Ciel-Terra.”

The ghoul elderly gentleman with a lifeless pale skin and cloudy eyes offered a courteous greeting.

He, an undead, exuded a sharp intelligence that did not tolerate disrespect, glaring at those facing him.

“Before we proceed with the discussion, well then. Princess-sama instructed for ‘someone with decision-making authority’ to come, didn’t she?”

The figure across the table, emerging from the ground, was made up of vines gathered to form a detailed humanoid shape, resembling a treant.

It took the appearance of a beautiful elven woman.

“Indeed, is that an elven etiquette? Although it may be disrespectful, the Princess herself came in person, yet you send such a puppet.”

To the sarcasm of the elderly gentleman, the vine-formed figure bowed slightly in acknowledgment.

“Please forgive the rudeness. Even if you assure my safety, it’s understandable that you might find it hard to believe. My name is Liellamires, a warrior of the tribe ‘White Serpent Crawling on the Rock Wall’. Although I am indeed a mere warrior using this method to convey my will and words, right now, the true leader, Jibalmagza, stands by my side. I will convey your words to him, and his words I will deliver.”

While Liellamires spoke the prepared words, she observed the undead through the ‘puppet’s’ eyes.

At the very moment when the empire was about to strike the final blow, a mysterious force appeared and saved the elves.

… No, was it really salvation?

An old ghoul gentleman named Alastair.

A Ghoul swordsman who wore a costume similar to those of the Empire and carried a slender sword at his waist.

A female vampire wearing a maid outfit, with cat-like triangular ears and membranous wings.

And beyond them…

A small figure sitting on an assembled portable throne made of human bones (there was no other way to describe it).

Its appearance was both horrifying and beautifully spine-chilling.

Liellamires saw a silver-haired girl in a pure white dress, whose facial features seemed innocent, but behind her eyes hid a cold gleam of pure, yet terrifying madness.

She had thrust a strange sword, seemingly carved from a crimson gem, into the ground.

The skirt of her dress bore the same blood-red roses as the military flag, and a scarlet mark resembling a collar floated on her slender neck.

After hearing from the elves who traveled for trade and the Elder Council, Liellamires and the council finally learned her name.

The calamity from the north, … the ‘Rose Princess of Hellrage’.

It was unbecoming of a proud warrior of the tribe, but just by being in this place through the puppet, Liellamires felt a shiver. Going to such a place just because she was summoned, one would have to be a real fool or someone seeking death.

Alastair glanced at the ‘Rose Princess of Hellrage’ seated behind him.

She seemed entirely unresponsive, but Alastair seemed to have received some kind of answer.

“Well then, fine. Let’s make a concession. That one.”


The cat-eared vampire took out two pieces of paper from a box placed in the corner of the tent and placed them on the table.

“At least show your face. You understand how to use it, right? In this place, communication should reach from the edge of the forest.”

It was a magic item for sending both voice and image by combining two pieces of paper, an Illusion call mark.

 * * *

The Illusion call mark as activated after the vine puppet brought back one half of the set, quite some time after. Probably checking if there was no curse or similar issues.

A semi-transparent figure stood inside the tent. An elderly elf adorned with colorful bird feathers, bones, and fangs of beasts all over his body. His hair was smoothly bald, and his joints looked swollen, giving him the appearance of a withered tree.

The description of a withered tree was commonly used, but there was something about him that evoked more than just the image of a withered tree. However, it did not mean decay.

Although his body was thin and emaciated, the accumulation of time was evident from his demeanor. He had the air of an elderly person who, despite being thin and frail, had experienced many moons. There was a sense of someone unpalatable, but not in the sense of being decayed.

“Greetings for the first time. I am Jibalmagza, the leader of the tribe White Serpent Crawling on the Rock Wall’. To make it understandable for those outside the forest, you may call me the deputy tribe leader. I have come here as the representative of the ailing tribe chief.”

“Nice to meet you. I am René ‘Rosey’ Ruvia Ciel-Terra. I am the first princess of the Dead Land of Ciel-Terra and also the acting ruler in place of my late father.”

René stood on a skeleton step-stool, placing her hand on the Illusion call mark on the table. In this position, she lightly lifted her skirt and made a courteous gesture with a slight bend of her knee.

René touching the card was simply necessary to send her voice and image, and Jibalmagza’s figure was visible and audible to everyone.

While Jibalmagza seemed to have doubts after hearing René’s self-introduction, he did not show it in his attitude.

However, he displayed genuine surprise at René’s following words.

“I have only one wish. Let us join forces and stand against the threat of the Empire.”

“…What did you say?”

“I simply wish to obtain temporary peace in this land. However, the Imperial Blue Army continues its invasion, and the threat to our territory is only a matter of time. If we join forces to resist the invasion, it will benefit both parties.”

Jibalmagza quickly returned to a stern and tightened poker face, staring at René.

It seemed intimidating, but René was unfazed.

“I do not intend to take your forest. I only wish for a sincere military alliance. If we can trust each other on the battlefield, I ask for nothing more.”

“Before we discuss that, there is one thing that must be made clear. The assistance earlier was unknown to us. It was not what we sought, nor did it have any proper reason. It was you who jumped into the battlefield and fought on your own accord.”

“What are you…!”


Mialanze, who had become irritated at Jibalmagza’s tone, returned to a borrowed cat-like state when admonished.

The battle from yesterday, which could be said to be a matter of life and death for the forest.

The Dead Land of Ciel-Terra supported the heavily outnumbered elves, launching a surprise attack on the Imperial Blue Army. They killed soldiers, snatched corpses, confiscated cannons, and disappeared by the time the Blue Army regained their composure.

As a result, the Blue Army was temporarily forced to retreat, and the elves escaped with their lives.

However, Jibalmagza had to assert, even if it was a blatant lie, that they should not be looked down upon.

In the world of politics, maintaining appearances is crucial.

So, René did not raise an objection to this extent.

“As you say. However, after that battle, I believe you now understand the strength of my country. …Even if the elven warriors are robust, it’s challenging for forest elves alone to continue fighting against the Blue Army. That’s why you allied with human countries and fought against the Blue Army. I believe it’s time for a new ally to join, replacing the two countries that surrendered to the Empire.”

“Something seems to be misunderstood… No, let’s make sure you’re not conveniently forgetting something. We are a human race, and you are monsters.”

It was a talk based on too natural a premise.

A human nation that allied with monsters or dabbled in dark arts would be unequivocally condemned as evil.

If a nation lost recognition from the temple as a legitimate state, it could provide a justifiable reason for invading that country. The territory would be ravaged from all sides, leaving nothing behind.

But René saw through it. His internal turmoil and hesitation.

Even though Jibalmagza, summoned to this place by the Illusion call mark m, was not physically present, he fell within the range of René’s ‘Emotional Perception’.

He was being cornered to the point of considering a proposal that should have been dismissed outright, like forming an alliance with the undead.

Even though it was objectively the state of affairs, the rigid leadership was starting to show signs of indecision.

“A human race. Humans. …I, too, was called such a being until a few months ago. And I never questioned that. However, I was killed by fellow humans and became something that cannot be called human. By a tyrant recognized by the temple as the legitimate ruler.”

René smiled.

Jibalmagza maintained a rigid expression, but internally, he was taken aback.

“The Khenis Empire boasts that ‘the growth of the nation is necessary for the battle against the evil gods’ and continues its aggressive war. Do you adhere to such a doctrine of appearances? Will you offer the forest to become sustenance for the Khenis Empire, or…”

Even if they allied with the undead, would their existence persist?

As if saying, ‘Do you understand?’ René deliberately cut off her words.

Jibalmagza’s internal turmoil and confusion were apparent.

“Of course, I believe I understand your position as well. Declaring friendship openly and fighting against the world may not be to your liking.”


“So, this is purely an implicit alliance. I won’t ask for an answer here. Please discuss it with the people in your village.”

Jibalmagza fell into a silent contemplation.

He neither said ‘yes’ nor ‘no’.

It was too appealing to refuse, yet the proposal was too sinister to jump at. Everything was put on hold with his silence.

A drowning person would clutch at straws.

The forces of the Dead Land of Ciel-Terra were not just straws but a reliable lifeboat.

However, what would be demanded of them as compensation was a topic that warranted caution.

“And then…”

René lowered her eyes slightly, seeming troubled.

“Not out of malice, but perhaps due to some unfortunate misunderstanding… Could you please stop attacking us?”

“What do you mean?”

Jibalmagza showed a bewildered expression at René’s modest request.

It didn’t seem like an act.

—Pattern B.

Through her thoughts, René issued a specific instruction to her undead subordinates.

Right after that.

“Princess, ‘it’ is here!”

At that timing, a blatant emergency communication from Everis entered René’s communication device.

René and her retainers immediately went on high alert.

Shortly after, a white explosion blew away the tent.

Access 10 Chapters ahead of the Novelupdates release on our Patreon. <3

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Rose Princess of Hellrage Volume 3 Chapter 22

Rose Princess of Hellrage Volume 3 Chapter 22

Palm Dancing Until Morning

The number of troops deployed by the Khenis Empire's Blue Army (though officially more) for the capture of the Gaisenfall Great Forest was about 60,000. In this battle, the casualties exceeded 2,000.

While not rendered completely incapacitated, the Blue Army was forced to retreat.

The existence of the "Rose Princess of Hellrage" was known to the Blue Army, and they had made some preparations.

However, they did not expect her to appear at this moment.

After all, to reach the Gaisenfall Great Forest from the Ku-Lukal Mountains, one had to cross the southern Lugarut Kingdom. However, the spies sent by the Blue Army to the Lugarut Kingdom failed to detect the march of the monsters.

The undead forces that attacked the Blue Army were creations of the suddenly appearing "Rose Princess of Hellrage", who used storage magic to scatter corpses and instantly turn them into undead.

While a few other undead, ogres, and large dog-like monsters were confirmed, they were in small numbers. In other words, it was a small, elite force capable of secretly moving, and the Blue Army fell victim to a surprise attack.

As the stage moved to the mopping up of remaining enemies, the overall defense and the soldiers' morale relaxed.

The Blue Army was then suddenly attacked by the monstrous forces.

Trampled from sky and earth, soldiers enchanted by the Charm Eye of a vampire engaged in friendly fire, and the dead rose as undead to join the enemy ranks. It was a situation fitting of a nightmare.

The wielders of holy magic managed to break the enchantment on the soldiers and deal with the undead, but due to the delay in their initial response, the damage had already spread, and a swift resolution was impossible.

When the chaos finally subsided, the surviving elven soldiers, who were almost isolated, had already retreated, and the undead had disappeared without a trace. There were hardly any bodies of slain soldiers left, and even several precious cannons had been stolen along with storage magic items.

They achieved as much success as they could and retreated before facing a counterattack. It was a hit-and-run tactic at lightning speed.

Continuation of the battle would bring no significant gains. To calm the soldiers' turmoil, the Blue Army had no choice but to temporarily retreat.

* * *

On the southern side of the Great Forest, the meeting took place.

Military tents were set up under the brilliantly shining moon.

Surrounding them were undead, ogres, lizardmen, and a force consisting mostly of monsters.

The military flags displayed were torn and tattered, with a menacing rose emblem drawn in human blood fluttering in the night sky.

Inside the eerie crimson and black tent, surprisingly, the atmosphere was quite bright.

Magic lamps were placed along the walls and hung from the ceiling.

Several figures were present, facing each other across a table.

"I am Alastair Darryl Gerald. Despite being less than the princess, I have received her trust and hold the position of Marshal of the National Army of the Dead Land of Ciel-Terra."

The ghoul elderly gentleman with a lifeless pale skin and cloudy eyes offered a courteous greeting.

He, an undead, exuded a sharp intelligence that did not tolerate disrespect, glaring at those facing him.

"Before we proceed with the discussion, well then. Princess-sama instructed for 'someone with decision-making authority' to come, didn't she?"

The figure across the table, emerging from the ground, was made up of vines gathered to form a detailed humanoid shape, resembling a treant.

It took the appearance of a beautiful elven woman.

"Indeed, is that an elven etiquette? Although it may be disrespectful, the Princess herself came in person, yet you send such a puppet."

To the sarcasm of the elderly gentleman, the vine-formed figure bowed slightly in acknowledgment.

"Please forgive the rudeness. Even if you assure my safety, it's understandable that you might find it hard to believe. My name is Liellamires, a warrior of the tribe ‘White Serpent Crawling on the Rock Wall’. Although I am indeed a mere warrior using this method to convey my will and words, right now, the true leader, Jibalmagza, stands by my side. I will convey your words to him, and his words I will deliver."

While Liellamires spoke the prepared words, she observed the undead through the 'puppet's' eyes.

At the very moment when the empire was about to strike the final blow, a mysterious force appeared and saved the elves.

... No, was it really salvation?

An old ghoul gentleman named Alastair.

A Ghoul swordsman who wore a costume similar to those of the Empire and carried a slender sword at his waist.

A female vampire wearing a maid outfit, with cat-like triangular ears and membranous wings.

And beyond them...

A small figure sitting on an assembled portable throne made of human bones (there was no other way to describe it).

Its appearance was both horrifying and beautifully spine-chilling.

Liellamires saw a silver-haired girl in a pure white dress, whose facial features seemed innocent, but behind her eyes hid a cold gleam of pure, yet terrifying madness.

She had thrust a strange sword, seemingly carved from a crimson gem, into the ground.

The skirt of her dress bore the same blood-red roses as the military flag, and a scarlet mark resembling a collar floated on her slender neck.

After hearing from the elves who traveled for trade and the Elder Council, Liellamires and the council finally learned her name.

The calamity from the north, ... the 'Rose Princess of Hellrage'.

It was unbecoming of a proud warrior of the tribe, but just by being in this place through the puppet, Liellamires felt a shiver. Going to such a place just because she was summoned, one would have to be a real fool or someone seeking death.

Alastair glanced at the 'Rose Princess of Hellrage' seated behind him.

She seemed entirely unresponsive, but Alastair seemed to have received some kind of answer.

"Well then, fine. Let's make a concession. That one."


The cat-eared vampire took out two pieces of paper from a box placed in the corner of the tent and placed them on the table.

"At least show your face. You understand how to use it, right? In this place, communication should reach from the edge of the forest."

It was a magic item for sending both voice and image by combining two pieces of paper, an Illusion call mark.

 * * *

The Illusion call mark as activated after the vine puppet brought back one half of the set, quite some time after. Probably checking if there was no curse or similar issues.

A semi-transparent figure stood inside the tent. An elderly elf adorned with colorful bird feathers, bones, and fangs of beasts all over his body. His hair was smoothly bald, and his joints looked swollen, giving him the appearance of a withered tree.

The description of a withered tree was commonly used, but there was something about him that evoked more than just the image of a withered tree. However, it did not mean decay.

Although his body was thin and emaciated, the accumulation of time was evident from his demeanor. He had the air of an elderly person who, despite being thin and frail, had experienced many moons. There was a sense of someone unpalatable, but not in the sense of being decayed.

"Greetings for the first time. I am Jibalmagza, the leader of the tribe White Serpent Crawling on the Rock Wall’. To make it understandable for those outside the forest, you may call me the deputy tribe leader. I have come here as the representative of the ailing tribe chief."

"Nice to meet you. I am René 'Rosey' Ruvia Ciel-Terra. I am the first princess of the Dead Land of Ciel-Terra and also the acting ruler in place of my late father."

René stood on a skeleton step-stool, placing her hand on the Illusion call mark on the table. In this position, she lightly lifted her skirt and made a courteous gesture with a slight bend of her knee.

René touching the card was simply necessary to send her voice and image, and Jibalmagza's figure was visible and audible to everyone.

While Jibalmagza seemed to have doubts after hearing René's self-introduction, he did not show it in his attitude.

However, he displayed genuine surprise at René's following words.

"I have only one wish. Let us join forces and stand against the threat of the Empire."

"...What did you say?"

"I simply wish to obtain temporary peace in this land. However, the Imperial Blue Army continues its invasion, and the threat to our territory is only a matter of time. If we join forces to resist the invasion, it will benefit both parties."

Jibalmagza quickly returned to a stern and tightened poker face, staring at René.

It seemed intimidating, but René was unfazed.

"I do not intend to take your forest. I only wish for a sincere military alliance. If we can trust each other on the battlefield, I ask for nothing more."

"Before we discuss that, there is one thing that must be made clear. The assistance earlier was unknown to us. It was not what we sought, nor did it have any proper reason. It was you who jumped into the battlefield and fought on your own accord."

"What are you...!"


Mialanze, who had become irritated at Jibalmagza's tone, returned to a borrowed cat-like state when admonished.

The battle from yesterday, which could be said to be a matter of life and death for the forest.

The Dead Land of Ciel-Terra supported the heavily outnumbered elves, launching a surprise attack on the Imperial Blue Army. They killed soldiers, snatched corpses, confiscated cannons, and disappeared by the time the Blue Army regained their composure.

As a result, the Blue Army was temporarily forced to retreat, and the elves escaped with their lives.

However, Jibalmagza had to assert, even if it was a blatant lie, that they should not be looked down upon.

In the world of politics, maintaining appearances is crucial.

So, René did not raise an objection to this extent.

"As you say. However, after that battle, I believe you now understand the strength of my country. ...Even if the elven warriors are robust, it's challenging for forest elves alone to continue fighting against the Blue Army. That's why you allied with human countries and fought against the Blue Army. I believe it's time for a new ally to join, replacing the two countries that surrendered to the Empire."

"Something seems to be misunderstood... No, let's make sure you're not conveniently forgetting something. We are a human race, and you are monsters."

It was a talk based on too natural a premise.

A human nation that allied with monsters or dabbled in dark arts would be unequivocally condemned as evil.

If a nation lost recognition from the temple as a legitimate state, it could provide a justifiable reason for invading that country. The territory would be ravaged from all sides, leaving nothing behind.

But René saw through it. His internal turmoil and hesitation.

Even though Jibalmagza, summoned to this place by the Illusion call mark m, was not physically present, he fell within the range of René's 'Emotional Perception’.

He was being cornered to the point of considering a proposal that should have been dismissed outright, like forming an alliance with the undead.

Even though it was objectively the state of affairs, the rigid leadership was starting to show signs of indecision.

"A human race. Humans. ...I, too, was called such a being until a few months ago. And I never questioned that. However, I was killed by fellow humans and became something that cannot be called human. By a tyrant recognized by the temple as the legitimate ruler."

René smiled.

Jibalmagza maintained a rigid expression, but internally, he was taken aback.

"The Khenis Empire boasts that 'the growth of the nation is necessary for the battle against the evil gods' and continues its aggressive war. Do you adhere to such a doctrine of appearances? Will you offer the forest to become sustenance for the Khenis Empire, or..."

Even if they allied with the undead, would their existence persist?

As if saying, 'Do you understand?' René deliberately cut off her words.

Jibalmagza's internal turmoil and confusion were apparent.

"Of course, I believe I understand your position as well. Declaring friendship openly and fighting against the world may not be to your liking."


"So, this is purely an implicit alliance. I won't ask for an answer here. Please discuss it with the people in your village.”

Jibalmagza fell into a silent contemplation.

He neither said 'yes' nor 'no’.

It was too appealing to refuse, yet the proposal was too sinister to jump at. Everything was put on hold with his silence.

A drowning person would clutch at straws.

The forces of the Dead Land of Ciel-Terra were not just straws but a reliable lifeboat.

However, what would be demanded of them as compensation was a topic that warranted caution.

"And then..."

René lowered her eyes slightly, seeming troubled.

"Not out of malice, but perhaps due to some unfortunate misunderstanding... Could you please stop attacking us?"

"What do you mean?"

Jibalmagza showed a bewildered expression at René's modest request.

It didn't seem like an act.

—Pattern B.

Through her thoughts, René issued a specific instruction to her undead subordinates.

Right after that.

"Princess, 'it' is here!"

At that timing, a blatant emergency communication from Everis entered René's communication device.

René and her retainers immediately went on high alert.

Shortly after, a white explosion blew away the tent.

Access 10 Chapters ahead of the Novelupdates release on our Patreon. <3



not work with dark mode