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Secret Side Business Reincarnation Chapter 39

A Surprise Attack, But What?

Ryu, day by day, worked on road maintenance and building walls while feeling restless.

It had been half a month since Grandfather Kamiza headed to Marquis Sugoella’s place.

There was no communication, and his whereabouts were unknown.

Father, Jiro, and Sugo were away for about another month, as they went to the royal capital, which took three weeks one way.

Although the eldest son, Tauro, could return within a day, he hadn’t made contact.

This was because they wanted him to focus on his studies.

This was also Mother Cecile’s wish.

Grandmother Kay was likely worried, but she remained as calm as usual.

Since Grandfather Kamiza often ventured into the Demon Forest, she seemed accustomed to the lack of communication.

“…Lately, I feel like I’m being watched a lot.”

While still revered by the local residents, Ryu sensed a different kind of attention.

However, despite feeling the gaze, he couldn’t identify the observer.

Is this surveillance?

Ryu felt that it might be something like Captain Sugo’s ability, the ‘Hawk’s Eye’, observing him from a distance.

Even in his past life, when Yakuza offices were under police surveillance, he often felt watched from the building across the street.

Reflecting on memories from his past life, Ryu tried to imagine who might be observing him, but he couldn’t recall anything specific.

If anything, it could be related to Baron Elanza, but his faction had been captured and sent to the royal capital for judgment…

Upon returning home, Ryu reported the surveillance matter to Mother Cecile.

“Oh, you noticed well. Sebastian has also reported it to me.”

“You knew!?”

“Yes, of course, even a mother notices. I was the first to notice, after all. Ryu, make sure not to be alone in isolated places for now.”

With a proud expression, Mother Cecile cautioned her son’s actions.

“…Yes, understood.”

Indeed, having an adventure with his father, Ryu might not be an expert in dealing with surveillance, but the difference in experience levels was apparent.

For now, as Mother Cecile suggested, Ryu decided not to go alone to places like the forest.

Without knowing the opponent’s intentions, it was wise not to take risky actions.

Hanna, his sister, seemed to have received a similar warning, as she had been sticking close to their mother recently.

Feeling frustrated about silently waiting for the opponent’s moves, Ryu used earth magic to build a wall around the estate, roughly the height of an adult. He wanted to cut off the gaze of the surveillance.

Mother Cecile didn’t oppose this action.

Despite being a kind person, she didn’t intend to be observed in her private life for free.

A few days after this small act of annoyance towards the observer, an urgent letter arrived from Tauro, who attended school in the capital of Sugoella Marquis’s territory.

Mother Cecile read it aloud, revealing that an attempted assassination had occurred against Marquis Sugoella.

Tauro wasn’t sure of the details, but it seemed to be a significant event, as it led to an attack on Tauro’s school.

Tauro himself encountered the enemy and successfully repelled them, assuring there were no injuries.

“…He’s safe, thank goodness.”

Mother Cecile sighed in relief after finishing reading the letter.

Sebastian hurriedly entered the room.

“The ones monitoring seem to be on the move, heading this way.”

This timing suggested a possible connection to the attempted assassination of Marquis Sugoella.

Receiving Sebastian’s report, Mother Cecile quickly instructed the servants and maids to hide in the basement with her youngest daughter, Hanna.

“Ryu, as a son of the Landmark family, show some determination.”


Ryu responded and faced the wall.

He had been digging a small hole in it, so he peeked through to confirm.

The number was… seventeen.

Reduce the numbers with a preemptive ranged attack!

Drawing attention, Ryu cast his signature earth magic.

“Rock Spear!”


Two individuals who couldn’t react to the suddenly emerging spear of rock fell to the ground.

The others, realizing the magic, quickly reacted and defended themselves with defensive spells.

“Dangerous, their reactions are fast, unlike ordinary monsters!”

It became clear that the opponents were not ordinary.

Access 10 Chapters ahead of the Novelupdates release on our Patreon. <3

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Secret Side Business Reincarnation Chapter 39

Secret Side Business Reincarnation Chapter 39

A Surprise Attack, But What?

Ryu, day by day, worked on road maintenance and building walls while feeling restless.

It had been half a month since Grandfather Kamiza headed to Marquis Sugoella's place.

There was no communication, and his whereabouts were unknown.

Father, Jiro, and Sugo were away for about another month, as they went to the royal capital, which took three weeks one way.

Although the eldest son, Tauro, could return within a day, he hadn't made contact.

This was because they wanted him to focus on his studies.

This was also Mother Cecile's wish.

Grandmother Kay was likely worried, but she remained as calm as usual.

Since Grandfather Kamiza often ventured into the Demon Forest, she seemed accustomed to the lack of communication.

"...Lately, I feel like I'm being watched a lot."

While still revered by the local residents, Ryu sensed a different kind of attention.

However, despite feeling the gaze, he couldn't identify the observer.

Is this surveillance?

Ryu felt that it might be something like Captain Sugo's ability, the 'Hawk's Eye’, observing him from a distance.

Even in his past life, when Yakuza offices were under police surveillance, he often felt watched from the building across the street.

Reflecting on memories from his past life, Ryu tried to imagine who might be observing him, but he couldn't recall anything specific.

If anything, it could be related to Baron Elanza, but his faction had been captured and sent to the royal capital for judgment…

Upon returning home, Ryu reported the surveillance matter to Mother Cecile.

"Oh, you noticed well. Sebastian has also reported it to me."

"You knew!?"

"Yes, of course, even a mother notices. I was the first to notice, after all. Ryu, make sure not to be alone in isolated places for now."

With a proud expression, Mother Cecile cautioned her son's actions.

"…Yes, understood."

Indeed, having an adventure with his father, Ryu might not be an expert in dealing with surveillance, but the difference in experience levels was apparent.

For now, as Mother Cecile suggested, Ryu decided not to go alone to places like the forest.

Without knowing the opponent's intentions, it was wise not to take risky actions.

Hanna, his sister, seemed to have received a similar warning, as she had been sticking close to their mother recently.

Feeling frustrated about silently waiting for the opponent's moves, Ryu used earth magic to build a wall around the estate, roughly the height of an adult. He wanted to cut off the gaze of the surveillance.

Mother Cecile didn't oppose this action.

Despite being a kind person, she didn't intend to be observed in her private life for free.

A few days after this small act of annoyance towards the observer, an urgent letter arrived from Tauro, who attended school in the capital of Sugoella Marquis's territory.

Mother Cecile read it aloud, revealing that an attempted assassination had occurred against Marquis Sugoella.

Tauro wasn't sure of the details, but it seemed to be a significant event, as it led to an attack on Tauro's school.

Tauro himself encountered the enemy and successfully repelled them, assuring there were no injuries.

"...He's safe, thank goodness."

Mother Cecile sighed in relief after finishing reading the letter.

Sebastian hurriedly entered the room.

"The ones monitoring seem to be on the move, heading this way."

This timing suggested a possible connection to the attempted assassination of Marquis Sugoella.

Receiving Sebastian's report, Mother Cecile quickly instructed the servants and maids to hide in the basement with her youngest daughter, Hanna.

"Ryu, as a son of the Landmark family, show some determination."


Ryu responded and faced the wall.

He had been digging a small hole in it, so he peeked through to confirm.

The number was... seventeen.

Reduce the numbers with a preemptive ranged attack!

Drawing attention, Ryu cast his signature earth magic.

"Rock Spear!"


Two individuals who couldn't react to the suddenly emerging spear of rock fell to the ground.

The others, realizing the magic, quickly reacted and defended themselves with defensive spells.

"Dangerous, their reactions are fast, unlike ordinary monsters!"

It became clear that the opponents were not ordinary.

Access 10 Chapters ahead of the Novelupdates release on our Patreon. <3



not work with dark mode