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Secret Side Business Reincarnation Chapter 48

What Is Your Future Path?

Finally, the Landmark town’s walls were completed.



For a newly established baron’s household, the walls were quite impressive.

With this, there was no longer a need to fear monster attacks, making defense more manageable. The citizens were delighted with the completion of the walls, expressing gratitude and praise as Ryu walked through the town.


Leanne, who had contributed a little to this effort, proudly declared.


“Isn’t our Ryu amazing!”


She boasted.


In accordance with the completion of the walls, a group of artisans from Marquis Sugoella’s territory arrived.

After discussions with Marquis Sugoella, they actively recruited artisans and agricultural workers to address the labor shortage in the Landmark territory.


As a result, around a hundred people, primarily craftsmen from the first wave, arrived.

Ryu had efficiently constructed brick-style residences using earth magic while building the city walls.

These residences became popular not only among the newcomers but also among the townspeople.



In the process of urban planning, streets for artisans were created, a decision reached through discussions with Farza and the craftsmen.

They consolidated manufacturing facilities to streamline production, enhancing the efficiency of popular products like wheelbarrows and shovels.



Many of the newcomers had expected a more rural lifestyle, but with proper housing and immediate job opportunities, they felt reassured.

With the second wave expected, there was a need to build more houses in the village.


So, there was plenty to do.

Both the citizens and Ryu would remain busy for a while, as the prosperity of the Landmark territory was on the rise.

Approaching the end of the year, the harvest season for coffee beans arrived.

Compared to the previous year, the harvest was several times larger, bringing joy to the traders.

The processed “coffee” from the Landmark family’s coffee beans had become a precious indulgence among the nobility.


Ryu couldn’t help but imagine inappropriate jokes about the nobles enjoying his black powder.


However, Leanne, noticing his expression, promptly pointed it out.


“Ryu, you’re making a weird face. I don’t like that look.”


Leanne took a sip of the bitter drink and expressed her honest opinion.


“The aroma is nice, but what’s good about this bitter beverage?”



In response, Ryu sweetened it with honey syrup from his magic storage and offered it again.


“!? It’s delicious♪ Ryu, you should have added that sweetness from the beginning!”


Fufufu, Leanne was also now hooked on sweetened coffee.


Ryu decided to stop his inappropriate jokes, considering the readers’ preferences.

Farza’s office.


Sebastian the butler, Captain Sugo of the Territorial Guards, Tauro, who temporarily returned from school, Jiro, the second son, and Ryu and Leanne gathered.

Grandfather Kamiza, being retired, excused himself from financial discussions.


“The harvest of coffee beans and their processing and sales brought in several times more money than usual. Profits from the manufacturing of wheelbarrows and shovels are also substantial, even after deducting various expenses. So, regarding the spending…”


“Father, Jiro’s tuition for the school in the capital will be a significant expense, right?”


Tauro pointed out the important matter first.


“…About that, I’ve decided to attend the same school as my big brother.”


Jiro’s decision surprised Father Farza, but he warmly welcomed his son’s choice.


“I see, understood. Then, we need to save until Ryu and Leanne go to a school in the capital.”


“… I’m sorry, Father. I was supposed to get recommendations from His Majesty and the Prime Minister.”


Jiro felt apologetic, but Ryu reassured him


“It’s okay, Jiro-onii-chan. I’ll represent the Landmark Baron family and do my best at the school in the capital!”


“And Leanne will come with me, so the tuition will be twice as much.”


Of course, it was a joke to make Jiro laugh.


“True, if the three of us go to the capital, the tuition alone will be a challenge for the Landmark family. Hahaha!”


Jiro understood the jest and laughed along.


“Hey hey, Father shouldn’t be incapable of sending three to a capital school. Hahaha!”



Father Farza also caught on and joined in the conversation.


The conversation derailed, but the budget for the year was decided with a significant increase in investment for the development within the territory.

Access 10 Chapters ahead of the Novelupdates release on our Patreon. <3

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Secret Side Business Reincarnation Chapter 48

Secret Side Business Reincarnation Chapter 48

What Is Your Future Path?

Finally, the Landmark town’s walls were completed.



For a newly established baron's household, the walls were quite impressive.

With this, there was no longer a need to fear monster attacks, making defense more manageable. The citizens were delighted with the completion of the walls, expressing gratitude and praise as Ryu walked through the town.


Leanne, who had contributed a little to this effort, proudly declared.


"Isn't our Ryu amazing!"


She boasted.


In accordance with the completion of the walls, a group of artisans from Marquis Sugoella's territory arrived.

After discussions with Marquis Sugoella, they actively recruited artisans and agricultural workers to address the labor shortage in the Landmark territory.


As a result, around a hundred people, primarily craftsmen from the first wave, arrived.

Ryu had efficiently constructed brick-style residences using earth magic while building the city walls.

These residences became popular not only among the newcomers but also among the townspeople.



In the process of urban planning, streets for artisans were created, a decision reached through discussions with Farza and the craftsmen.

They consolidated manufacturing facilities to streamline production, enhancing the efficiency of popular products like wheelbarrows and shovels.



Many of the newcomers had expected a more rural lifestyle, but with proper housing and immediate job opportunities, they felt reassured.

With the second wave expected, there was a need to build more houses in the village.


So, there was plenty to do.

Both the citizens and Ryu would remain busy for a while, as the prosperity of the Landmark territory was on the rise.

Approaching the end of the year, the harvest season for coffee beans arrived.

Compared to the previous year, the harvest was several times larger, bringing joy to the traders.

The processed "coffee" from the Landmark family's coffee beans had become a precious indulgence among the nobility.


Ryu couldn't help but imagine inappropriate jokes about the nobles enjoying his black powder.


However, Leanne, noticing his expression, promptly pointed it out.


"Ryu, you're making a weird face. I don't like that look."


Leanne took a sip of the bitter drink and expressed her honest opinion.


"The aroma is nice, but what's good about this bitter beverage?"



In response, Ryu sweetened it with honey syrup from his magic storage and offered it again.


"!? It's delicious♪ Ryu, you should have added that sweetness from the beginning!"


Fufufu, Leanne was also now hooked on sweetened coffee.


Ryu decided to stop his inappropriate jokes, considering the readers' preferences.

Farza's office.


Sebastian the butler, Captain Sugo of the Territorial Guards, Tauro, who temporarily returned from school, Jiro, the second son, and Ryu and Leanne gathered.

Grandfather Kamiza, being retired, excused himself from financial discussions.


"The harvest of coffee beans and their processing and sales brought in several times more money than usual. Profits from the manufacturing of wheelbarrows and shovels are also substantial, even after deducting various expenses. So, regarding the spending..."


"Father, Jiro's tuition for the school in the capital will be a significant expense, right?"


Tauro pointed out the important matter first.


"...About that, I've decided to attend the same school as my big brother."


Jiro's decision surprised Father Farza, but he warmly welcomed his son's choice.


"I see, understood. Then, we need to save until Ryu and Leanne go to a school in the capital."


"... I’m sorry, Father. I was supposed to get recommendations from His Majesty and the Prime Minister."


Jiro felt apologetic, but Ryu reassured him


"It's okay, Jiro-onii-chan. I'll represent the Landmark Baron family and do my best at the school in the capital!"


"And Leanne will come with me, so the tuition will be twice as much."


Of course, it was a joke to make Jiro laugh.


"True, if the three of us go to the capital, the tuition alone will be a challenge for the Landmark family. Hahaha!"


Jiro understood the jest and laughed along.


"Hey hey, Father shouldn't be incapable of sending three to a capital school. Hahaha!"



Father Farza also caught on and joined in the conversation.


The conversation derailed, but the budget for the year was decided with a significant increase in investment for the development within the territory.

Access 10 Chapters ahead of the Novelupdates release on our Patreon. <3



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