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Shimotsuki-san likes the mob Chapter 307

She Could Be Herself Now that the Protagonist’s Poison Had Been Purged

When Ryoma Ryuzaki opened the door, his face was contorted in a way that was very different from his usual self.

“Tsk. Kirari…”

As soon as he realized that it was not the person he expected, he let out a sigh of disgust.

(Well, this is just great.)

Seeing his reaction, Kirari couldn’t help but smile wryly.

It was the first time she had ever seen Ryoma like this, with such a terrible expression.

It was the first time she had ever seen him in such a foul mood.

Just as Mary-san said, he’s in a really bad mood…)

However, Kirari didn’t find him “scary”.

Even in the face of this Ryoma, all she felt was a sense of resignation, thinking, “Well, it can’t be helped.”

That’s how much she genuinely cared about Ryoma.

She wasn’t just a girl in love anymore; she was facing him as a girl who had truly fallen in love with Ryoma Ryuzaki.

“Sorry if I’m not who you were expecting. By the way, who were you expecting?”

“…It’s none of your business.”

“Wow, you’re so cold. Did you decide to become the cool type, Ryu-kun? But being treated like this isn’t so bad either.”

Kirari responded in her usual manner, bright, cheerful, and somewhat airheaded.

She had never shown this side of herself in front of Kotaro before. But this wasn’t an act. Rather, she could only be this way in front of Ryoma Ryuzaki, without thinking too much about it.

“Hey, can I come in for a bit? It’s cold out here.”

Kirari asked, seemingly unfazed by his irritation, as she tried to enter Ryoma’s house, pushing past him in front of the door. …However, he didn’t budge.

“No, go home. I’m not in the mood to talk to you right now.”

“Aw, really~? I’m hungry though. Can’t you make dinner for me like before? I’m sure Yuzu-chan is cooking, right?”

“…She’s not here.”

Ah, she knew that.

Ryoma wasn’t in a condition to face her right now, she realized.

Kirari had known her since middle school, and she understood that much.

Nevertheless, she mentioned Yuzuki’s name deliberately.

(Oh, he’s definitely troubled by something.)

What she was watching was Ryoma’s expression.

The moment she mentioned Yuzu’s name, he looked incredibly pained.

“Huh, she’s not here? What about Azu-chan? She’s here, of course. She’s like Ryu-kun’s little sister, right?”

“…I told you, no one’s here!!”

Ryoma yelled without hiding his irritation.

This was an unusual reaction from him, who was always kind to girls.

(Perhaps this is also Ryu-kun’s true nature.)

But Kirari accepted even that.

She wouldn’t be disappointed.

She could accept Ryoma, no matter who he was.

(As far as I’m concerned, I’m a convenient girl.)

She was aware that her affection was twisted.

It was abnormal to continue loving such an uncool person.

But it was okay.

(This is “me” expressing my feelings.)

It wasn’t an artificial infatuation from a character who didn’t exist.

It was the love of a girl named Kirari Asakura.

So she didn’t hesitate.

“No one’s here? Then, Ryuu-kun, how about… us and Ko-kun—Kotaro Nakayama? No one knows, do they?”

Kirari boldly uttered Kotaro Nakayama’s name.

At that moment, Ryoma’s eyes widened in surprise.

“What the—!?”

He probably did not expect to hear that name from Kirari out of the blue.

“So I’ll tell you the story.”

But Kirari did not retreat.

She did not back down. Rather, she continued to repeat her words.

“Like that, I’ll tell you. You’re curious, aren’t you? You want to know, right? …And you’re angry, right? In that case, you should ask. Why did we keep our relationship with Ko-kun a secret? I’ll tell you properly.”

In the past, Kirari couldn’t even confess during the festival.

She was so weak and delicate back then… but now, she was completely different.

Even in front of Ryoma, who had become twisted, she remained unfazed.

However, Kirari hadn’t changed. Rather, this was the kind of girl she had always been.

This was the real Kirari Asakura that Kotaro Nakayama had admired…

Access 10 Chapters ahead of the Novelupdates release on our Patreon. <3

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Shimotsuki-san likes the mob Chapter 307

Shimotsuki-san likes the mob Chapter 307

She Could Be Herself Now that the Protagonist's Poison Had Been Purged

When Ryoma Ryuzaki opened the door, his face was contorted in a way that was very different from his usual self.

"Tsk. Kirari..."

As soon as he realized that it was not the person he expected, he let out a sigh of disgust.

(Well, this is just great.)

Seeing his reaction, Kirari couldn't help but smile wryly.

It was the first time she had ever seen Ryoma like this, with such a terrible expression.

It was the first time she had ever seen him in such a foul mood.

Just as Mary-san said, he's in a really bad mood...)

However, Kirari didn't find him "scary".

Even in the face of this Ryoma, all she felt was a sense of resignation, thinking, "Well, it can't be helped."

That's how much she genuinely cared about Ryoma.

She wasn't just a girl in love anymore; she was facing him as a girl who had truly fallen in love with Ryoma Ryuzaki.

"Sorry if I'm not who you were expecting. By the way, who were you expecting?"

"...It's none of your business."

"Wow, you're so cold. Did you decide to become the cool type, Ryu-kun? But being treated like this isn't so bad either."

Kirari responded in her usual manner, bright, cheerful, and somewhat airheaded.

She had never shown this side of herself in front of Kotaro before. But this wasn't an act. Rather, she could only be this way in front of Ryoma Ryuzaki, without thinking too much about it.

"Hey, can I come in for a bit? It's cold out here."

Kirari asked, seemingly unfazed by his irritation, as she tried to enter Ryoma's house, pushing past him in front of the door. ...However, he didn't budge.

"No, go home. I'm not in the mood to talk to you right now."

"Aw, really~? I'm hungry though. Can't you make dinner for me like before? I'm sure Yuzu-chan is cooking, right?"

"...She's not here."

Ah, she knew that.

Ryoma wasn't in a condition to face her right now, she realized.

Kirari had known her since middle school, and she understood that much.

Nevertheless, she mentioned Yuzuki's name deliberately.

(Oh, he's definitely troubled by something.)

What she was watching was Ryoma's expression.

The moment she mentioned Yuzu's name, he looked incredibly pained.

"Huh, she's not here? What about Azu-chan? She's here, of course. She's like Ryu-kun's little sister, right?"

"...I told you, no one's here!!"

Ryoma yelled without hiding his irritation.

This was an unusual reaction from him, who was always kind to girls.

(Perhaps this is also Ryu-kun's true nature.)

But Kirari accepted even that.

She wouldn't be disappointed.

She could accept Ryoma, no matter who he was.

(As far as I'm concerned, I'm a convenient girl.)

She was aware that her affection was twisted.

It was abnormal to continue loving such an uncool person.

But it was okay.

(This is "me" expressing my feelings.)

It wasn't an artificial infatuation from a character who didn't exist.

It was the love of a girl named Kirari Asakura.

So she didn't hesitate.

"No one's here? Then, Ryuu-kun, how about... us and Ko-kun—Kotaro Nakayama? No one knows, do they?"

Kirari boldly uttered Kotaro Nakayama's name.

At that moment, Ryoma's eyes widened in surprise.

"What the—!?"

He probably did not expect to hear that name from Kirari out of the blue.

"So I'll tell you the story."

But Kirari did not retreat.

She did not back down. Rather, she continued to repeat her words.

"Like that, I'll tell you. You're curious, aren't you? You want to know, right? ...And you're angry, right? In that case, you should ask. Why did we keep our relationship with Ko-kun a secret? I'll tell you properly."

In the past, Kirari couldn't even confess during the festival.

She was so weak and delicate back then... but now, she was completely different.

Even in front of Ryoma, who had become twisted, she remained unfazed.

However, Kirari hadn't changed. Rather, this was the kind of girl she had always been.

This was the real Kirari Asakura that Kotaro Nakayama had admired...

Access 10 Chapters ahead of the Novelupdates release on our Patreon. <3



not work with dark mode