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Takane no Hana Volume 2 Chapter 1

Second Place Isn’t Good Enough

“I’m off then.”

I got out of the car and bowed to Shizune and the driver. 

Hinako was walking about ten meters in front of me. I kept that distance as I headed towards the school.

“Konohana-san, good morning.”

“Oh, Nishinari-san. Good morning.”

I met up with Hinako at the footboard and we exchanged greetings.

In fact, I had already greeted Hinako in her room this morning, but this was the first time I had greeted her …… publicly.

Hinako plays the role of a perfect young lady, she is very friendly, yet she exudes an air of nobility and charm that could move anyone of the opposite s*x.

But I prefer the usual Hinako, perhaps because I know that’s not her true nature.

“…It’s a hassle every time.”

“…… What is it?”

When Hinako revealed her true feelings in a low voice, I whispered back, paying attention to my surroundings.

“You’re coming with me in the morning, and you’re going to go out of your way to leave and then meet up with me later.”

“……. I don’t have a choice. It’s not good if someone finds out that we’re living in the same place.”

It’s a bit cramped, but it’s better than it could have been.

After the tea party and the study session, it seems that it’s already a well-known fact in the school that Hinako and I are friends. So, compared to the first time, I don’t have to keep any more distance from Hinako than necessary. I can have a normal conversation with her in the classroom, and even if someone sees us spending time together after school, I can usually cover it up.

“But ……, I’d like to go to school with you sometime.”

“We’re all in the same car, aren’t we? We just split up at the end.”

“That’s not what I meant…..”

Hinako says, lowering her gaze.

“I want the two of us to walk outside …… together.”

So that’s what she meant.

While I think that’s true, I also think it’s not going to happen easily, unfortunately. …… I’ll have to talk to Shizune about it next time.

“Ah! Both of you!”

After changing my shoes at the footboard, I was heading to the classroom with Hinako, and on the way we ran into our classmate Asahi-san.

“Good morning.”

“Yes, good morning! I heard that the results of the midterm exams are being posted in front of the staff room, and I was wondering if you wanted to go take a look at them with me.”

Asahi-san says as she looks at me and Hinako.

Every time there is a regular exam at the Academy, the results are announced. However, only the top 30 are announced publicly, and I am probably not one of them.

Hinako and I looked at each other and nodded almost simultaneously.


“I’ll go with you.”

There was still plenty of time before class started.

I’m just bored in the classroom, and to be honest, I was interested in the announcement of the placement. There was no such event at my previous high school…….

The three of us headed towards the staff room.

On the way, I spotted a boy I knew.

“Oh, Taisho-kun.”

“Oh. You all came?”

Taisho noticed our presence and smiled lightly.

“You’re not on the list anyway, Taisho-kun.”

“Shut up. Even if I’m not on it, I want to see it.”

Taisho then looked at the placement on the board.

We followed his gaze and turned our eyes to the board.

The first rank we saw was a name we knew well.

“So Konohana-san is in first place again this time. That’s great!”

“Hmm, thank you very much.”

Hinako smiles elegantly as a young lady should. The students around her were drawn to her good looks.

Knowing her true character, I sometimes forget that Hinako is a talented girl who is both literate and skilled.

You really are only as good as your …… abilities, aren’t you?

Just the abilities.


Suddenly, Hinako stepped on my foot.

“You’re thinking of something rude…….”

How did she know?

I look away from Hinako as her cheeks puff out.

Compared to before, Hinako seems to have become more expressive with her emotions.

It’s not an act, it’s the real thing. I think this is a good sign. I don’t know what triggered the change, though.

Maybe Hinako’s change is not all bad.

As I was thinking about this, I moved my gaze to the side and saw a girl with blonde hair, standing out from the crowd.

The girl had her finger on her chin and was making some kind of complicated face.

I was curious about her appearance, so I called out to her.


“Oh, I see you’re here too, Nishinari-san.”

This is Tennoji Mirei.

This is the daughter of the Tennoji Group, a conglomerate that rivals the Konohana Group.

I took a glance at the bulletin board she had just been looking at and opened my mouth.

“Congratulations on second place.”

“I can’t be happy…… as long as that annoying name is in first place.”

I thought I had praised her honestly, but Tennoji-san looked disappointed.

Thinking about it, Tennoji-san had always been competitive with Hinako ever since we first met. She would not be satisfied when Hinako’s name was written above hers.

“But this time, the results were meaningful.”

Meaningful results?

When I tilted my head, Tennoji-san explained.

“Compared to last time, the gap between me and Konohana-san has closed. It doesn’t mean that Konohana’s score has dropped. In other words, this is undoubtedly my own growth ……! Hmmm, I finally see a chance to win….!”

Tennoji-san muttered, flames burning inside her eyes.

“What was your rank, by the way?”

She asked so naturally that I was a little slow to reply.

“I wasn’t listed. I’m probably average, maybe a little below.”


She asked with a hint of anger in her voice.

“What did you say?”

“Well, I said I’m average or a little below…..”

“Even though you were personally tutored by me, you’re still below the average?”

A blue line appeared on Tennoji-san’s forehead.

“Well, I had a good handle on the subjects Tennoji-san taught me…….”

“Shut up!”

I was told crisply.

“You’re still so unconscious! No matter how serious you are, you can’t grow if your goals are low.”


That word pierced my heart strongly.

I was planning to grow gradually, but that may have been a humble way of thinking.



She pointed it out and I straightened up my back, which had been curled up for some time.

“I’ve always thought you were the type to let your emotions show in your attitude.”

“Oh, really? ……”

I was completely unaware of this.

“But on the other hand, if you had more confidence, you would have a more dignified appearance.”

After saying that, Tennoji-san pretended to be thinking.

What will she say next? I waited with fear……..

“I have a proposal. How about spending some time with me after school?”

Tennoji-san’s words were a bit beyond my expectations.

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Takane no Hana Volume 2 Chapter 1

Takane no Hana Volume 2 Chapter 1

Second Place Isn't Good Enough

"I'm off then."

I got out of the car and bowed to Shizune and the driver. 

Hinako was walking about ten meters in front of me. I kept that distance as I headed towards the school.

"Konohana-san, good morning.”

"Oh, Nishinari-san. Good morning.”

I met up with Hinako at the footboard and we exchanged greetings.

In fact, I had already greeted Hinako in her room this morning, but this was the first time I had greeted her ...... publicly.

Hinako plays the role of a perfect young lady, she is very friendly, yet she exudes an air of nobility and charm that could move anyone of the opposite s*x.

But I prefer the usual Hinako, perhaps because I know that's not her true nature.

"…It's a hassle every time."

"...... What is it?"

When Hinako revealed her true feelings in a low voice, I whispered back, paying attention to my surroundings.

"You're coming with me in the morning, and you're going to go out of your way to leave and then meet up with me later.”

"....... I don't have a choice. It's not good if someone finds out that we're living in the same place.”

It's a bit cramped, but it's better than it could have been.

After the tea party and the study session, it seems that it's already a well-known fact in the school that Hinako and I are friends. So, compared to the first time, I don't have to keep any more distance from Hinako than necessary. I can have a normal conversation with her in the classroom, and even if someone sees us spending time together after school, I can usually cover it up.

"But ......, I'd like to go to school with you sometime."

"We're all in the same car, aren't we? We just split up at the end.”

"That's not what I meant.....”

Hinako says, lowering her gaze.

"I want the two of us to walk outside ...... together."

So that's what she meant.

While I think that's true, I also think it's not going to happen easily, unfortunately. ...... I'll have to talk to Shizune about it next time.

"Ah! Both of you!"

After changing my shoes at the footboard, I was heading to the classroom with Hinako, and on the way we ran into our classmate Asahi-san.

"Good morning.”

"Yes, good morning! I heard that the results of the midterm exams are being posted in front of the staff room, and I was wondering if you wanted to go take a look at them with me.”

Asahi-san says as she looks at me and Hinako.

Every time there is a regular exam at the Academy, the results are announced. However, only the top 30 are announced publicly, and I am probably not one of them.

Hinako and I looked at each other and nodded almost simultaneously.


"I'll go with you.”

There was still plenty of time before class started.

I'm just bored in the classroom, and to be honest, I was interested in the announcement of the placement. There was no such event at my previous high school.......

The three of us headed towards the staff room.

On the way, I spotted a boy I knew.

"Oh, Taisho-kun."

"Oh. You all came?”

Taisho noticed our presence and smiled lightly.

"You're not on the list anyway, Taisho-kun.”

"Shut up. Even if I'm not on it, I want to see it.”

Taisho then looked at the placement on the board.

We followed his gaze and turned our eyes to the board.

The first rank we saw was a name we knew well.

"So Konohana-san is in first place again this time. That's great!"

"Hmm, thank you very much."

Hinako smiles elegantly as a young lady should. The students around her were drawn to her good looks.

Knowing her true character, I sometimes forget that Hinako is a talented girl who is both literate and skilled.

You really are only as good as your ...... abilities, aren't you?

Just the abilities.


Suddenly, Hinako stepped on my foot.

"You're thinking of something rude......."

How did she know?

I look away from Hinako as her cheeks puff out.

Compared to before, Hinako seems to have become more expressive with her emotions.

It's not an act, it's the real thing. I think this is a good sign. I don't know what triggered the change, though.

Maybe Hinako's change is not all bad.

As I was thinking about this, I moved my gaze to the side and saw a girl with blonde hair, standing out from the crowd.

The girl had her finger on her chin and was making some kind of complicated face.

I was curious about her appearance, so I called out to her.


"Oh, I see you're here too, Nishinari-san."

This is Tennoji Mirei.

This is the daughter of the Tennoji Group, a conglomerate that rivals the Konohana Group.

I took a glance at the bulletin board she had just been looking at and opened my mouth.

"Congratulations on second place.”

"I can't be happy...... as long as that annoying name is in first place."

I thought I had praised her honestly, but Tennoji-san looked disappointed.

Thinking about it, Tennoji-san had always been competitive with Hinako ever since we first met. She would not be satisfied when Hinako's name was written above hers.

"But this time, the results were meaningful."

Meaningful results?

When I tilted my head, Tennoji-san explained.

"Compared to last time, the gap between me and Konohana-san has closed. It doesn't mean that Konohana's score has dropped. In other words, this is undoubtedly my own growth ......! Hmmm, I finally see a chance to win....!"

Tennoji-san muttered, flames burning inside her eyes.

"What was your rank, by the way?”

She asked so naturally that I was a little slow to reply.

"I wasn't listed. I'm probably average, maybe a little below."


She asked with a hint of anger in her voice.

"What did you say?"

"Well, I said I'm average or a little below.....”

"Even though you were personally tutored by me, you're still below the average?"

A blue line appeared on Tennoji-san's forehead.

"Well, I had a good handle on the subjects Tennoji-san taught me.......”

"Shut up!"

I was told crisply.

"You're still so unconscious! No matter how serious you are, you can't grow if your goals are low.”


That word pierced my heart strongly.

I was planning to grow gradually, but that may have been a humble way of thinking.



She pointed it out and I straightened up my back, which had been curled up for some time.

"I've always thought you were the type to let your emotions show in your attitude.”

"Oh, really? ......"

I was completely unaware of this.

"But on the other hand, if you had more confidence, you would have a more dignified appearance.”

After saying that, Tennoji-san pretended to be thinking.

What will she say next? I waited with fear........

"I have a proposal. How about spending some time with me after school?”

Tennoji-san's words were a bit beyond my expectations.



not work with dark mode