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Takane no Hana Volume 2 Chapter 10

The Inviting Young Lady

I got permission from Hinako to visit the Tennoji family, and soon got permission from Shizune-san as well.

After school, I got in the car with Tennoji-san and headed to the mansion where she usually lives.

“This is Tennoji-san’s home ……

Like Hinako, Tennoji-san also seems to spend most of her time in a separate residence, so I was taken to the separate residence instead of the main one. But as I had thought when I was with Hinako, the mansion was so big that I couldn’t believe it was a secondary residence.

However, the exterior was very different compared to the Konohana house.

In a word, it was flashy. On the other side of the large gate, there was a magnificent garden, and the colorful flowers planted there were beautiful even from a distance. People on the street would surely stop in their tracks at the sight of it. The gates and walls surrounding the house were also elaborately decorated, making me feel as if I were looking at a piece of art.

“Compared to the Konohana family, it’s much more fancy and gorgeous…….”

A murmur escaped my lips.

“Do you know where Konohana-san lives?”

“Oh, well, I’ve been to …… her house a few times to visit for my parents’ reasons.”

“I see. So that’s how it is.”

I almost accidentally slipped up.

In fact, I live there every day, not just to visit. But I mustn’t let her know that.

The gates opened and we headed towards the mansion, surrounded by several servants.

There was not a speck of dust on the wide path. It was well-kept.

“Gorgeous and majestic. That is the policy of the Tennoji family. Even if it’s a separate residence, that philosophy remains unchanged……. This garden is also calculated to be beautiful even when viewed from outside the gate, you know?”

“……. Indeed, I thought it was beautiful.”

When I said this, Tennoji smiled happily.

We went inside the house. As I had expected, the interior was quite gorgeous. There was a luxurious red carpet, and gold and silver decorations were everywhere. However, none of it was overly self-assertive, and the light shining on it and the placement of it were well-calculated, and it existed only as a background.

It was as if I was looking at a movie set.

“Oh, Mirei! You’re back!”

At that moment, I heard a man’s voice from upstairs.

“Oh, Father. I’m back.”

Tennoji-san said, and I quickly straightened my posture.

A man was coming down the white spiral staircase. He had an all-back hairstyle and a distinctive, dandy-like beard. His physique was large, giving him a commanding impression.

When I saw him approaching me, I suddenly felt nervous.

“So, Tennoji-san’s …… father?”

“Yes. When I told him that I was inviting Nishinari-san to my house today, he said he would love to meet you.”

I was not prepared for this. I hurried to regain my composure.

I bowed deeply to Tennoji’s father, who came right in front of me.

“Nice to meet you, I’m Itsuki Nishinari. I’m always indebted to Tennoji-san at the academy.”

“Hmm. My name is Masatsugu Tennoji. Please make yourself at home today.”

I felt the friendliness in his tone, and my tension relaxed a little.

“Father. We have come here today not to deepen our friendship, but to have a study session.”

“Oh, of course! Then study to your heart’s content!”

Masatsugu-san said with a bright smile on his face.

The next moment, however, his eyes narrowed and his ears perked up.

“Now, Nishinari-san. What is your relationship with my daughter?”

“Well, we’re students at the same school…….”

“Is that really all there is to it? Isn’t there something fishy about the relationship? It’s more of a male-female relationship.”


Tennoji-san’s voice was sharp.

“Not at all …… We do not have such an impure relationship.”

“Well, if Mireisays so, then I guess you’re right.”

Masatsugu-san shook his head as Tennoji-san said with blushing cheeks.

Masatsugu-san might be a more humorous person than I thought. –No, I can’t let my guard down. Even Kagen-san seemed to be kind and caring towards his daughter at first. Masatsugu-san might also have a cold-hearted side to him.

“Mirei, are you sure that you want to study table manners?”

“Yes, I do. If possible, I would like to have a meal in the English style.”

When Masatsugu-san heard these words, he put his finger on his chin.

“All right, ……, it’s a good opportunity. I’ll sit with you.”

Masatsugu-san glanced at us and said.

“…… Eh?”

To be honest, just having a study session at the Tennoji house is a hard enough task.

Am I now going to be dining with the one of the country’s leading corporate presidents……?

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Takane no Hana Volume 2 Chapter 10

Takane no Hana Volume 2 Chapter 10

The Inviting Young Lady

I got permission from Hinako to visit the Tennoji family, and soon got permission from Shizune-san as well.

After school, I got in the car with Tennoji-san and headed to the mansion where she usually lives.

"This is Tennoji-san's home ......

Like Hinako, Tennoji-san also seems to spend most of her time in a separate residence, so I was taken to the separate residence instead of the main one. But as I had thought when I was with Hinako, the mansion was so big that I couldn't believe it was a secondary residence.

However, the exterior was very different compared to the Konohana house.

In a word, it was flashy. On the other side of the large gate, there was a magnificent garden, and the colorful flowers planted there were beautiful even from a distance. People on the street would surely stop in their tracks at the sight of it. The gates and walls surrounding the house were also elaborately decorated, making me feel as if I were looking at a piece of art.

"Compared to the Konohana family, it's much more fancy and gorgeous......."

A murmur escaped my lips.

"Do you know where Konohana-san lives?"

"Oh, well, I've been to ...... her house a few times to visit for my parents' reasons."

"I see. So that's how it is."

I almost accidentally slipped up.

In fact, I live there every day, not just to visit. But I mustn't let her know that.

The gates opened and we headed towards the mansion, surrounded by several servants.

There was not a speck of dust on the wide path. It was well-kept.

"Gorgeous and majestic. That is the policy of the Tennoji family. Even if it's a separate residence, that philosophy remains unchanged....... This garden is also calculated to be beautiful even when viewed from outside the gate, you know?"

"....... Indeed, I thought it was beautiful."

When I said this, Tennoji smiled happily.

We went inside the house. As I had expected, the interior was quite gorgeous. There was a luxurious red carpet, and gold and silver decorations were everywhere. However, none of it was overly self-assertive, and the light shining on it and the placement of it were well-calculated, and it existed only as a background.

It was as if I was looking at a movie set.

"Oh, Mirei! You're back!"

At that moment, I heard a man's voice from upstairs.

"Oh, Father. I'm back."

Tennoji-san said, and I quickly straightened my posture.

A man was coming down the white spiral staircase. He had an all-back hairstyle and a distinctive, dandy-like beard. His physique was large, giving him a commanding impression.

When I saw him approaching me, I suddenly felt nervous.

"So, Tennoji-san's ...... father?"

"Yes. When I told him that I was inviting Nishinari-san to my house today, he said he would love to meet you."

I was not prepared for this. I hurried to regain my composure.

I bowed deeply to Tennoji's father, who came right in front of me.

"Nice to meet you, I'm Itsuki Nishinari. I'm always indebted to Tennoji-san at the academy."

"Hmm. My name is Masatsugu Tennoji. Please make yourself at home today."

I felt the friendliness in his tone, and my tension relaxed a little.

"Father. We have come here today not to deepen our friendship, but to have a study session."

"Oh, of course! Then study to your heart's content!"

Masatsugu-san said with a bright smile on his face.

The next moment, however, his eyes narrowed and his ears perked up.

"Now, Nishinari-san. What is your relationship with my daughter?"

"Well, we're students at the same school......."

"Is that really all there is to it? Isn't there something fishy about the relationship? It's more of a male-female relationship."


Tennoji-san's voice was sharp.

"Not at all ...... We do not have such an impure relationship."

"Well, if Mireisays so, then I guess you're right."

Masatsugu-san shook his head as Tennoji-san said with blushing cheeks.

Masatsugu-san might be a more humorous person than I thought. --No, I can't let my guard down. Even Kagen-san seemed to be kind and caring towards his daughter at first. Masatsugu-san might also have a cold-hearted side to him.

"Mirei, are you sure that you want to study table manners?"

"Yes, I do. If possible, I would like to have a meal in the English style."

When Masatsugu-san heard these words, he put his finger on his chin.

"All right, ......, it's a good opportunity. I'll sit with you."

Masatsugu-san glanced at us and said.

"...... Eh?"

To be honest, just having a study session at the Tennoji house is a hard enough task.

Am I now going to be dining with the one of the country's leading corporate presidents......?



not work with dark mode