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Takane no Hana Volume 2 Chapter 5

Start studying

The next day.

I told Tennoji-san during break that I had gotten permission for the thing, and we were going to start a study session after school today.

“Come on, I’ll teach you a few things!”

“Oh, please be gentle with me…….”

As the students were leaving school, Tennoji-san and I met at a cafe adjacent to the cafeteria.

I wondered, after all this time, if I would be able to hold my own. To the extent that I had such concerns, Tennoji-san was very motivated.

“Fufufufu ……, overthrow Konohana Hinako ……! This time, I’m going to make that fake smile of hers twitch…….!”

Tennoji-san says with a devilish smile on her face.

Tennoji-san, who had arrived earlier, had apparently ordered a drink for me as well, and as soon as I took my seat, my tea was delivered.

“First, let’s set a goal. My goal is to beat Konohana Hinako in the next test.”

Tennoji-san said, tipping her cup gracefully.

“When is the next test?”

“It’s in a month.”

Originally, it seems that the scores of Tennoji-san and Hinako are very close.

If she studies hard for a month, there is a good chance that she will win.

“I’m going to need Nishinari-san to score in the top fifty in that test.”


I was surprised by the sudden declaration.

“Fifty is ……? I’m a little below average right now, and that’s a little …… out of the blue.”

“Don’t worry. I’m going to teach you how to do it.”

I made a complicated face at Tennoji-san, who was brimming with confidence.

It seems that the more I talk about my weak points, the more I become a slug. I’ll just have to trust her and try my best.

“In addition, Nishinari-san said that he wanted to learn manners. …… What made you think that?”

I thoughtfully answered Tennoji’s question.

“When I participated in the Konohana family’s social gathering, I felt that …… I’m still not good at spending time naturally in such a place. At the very least, I’d like to learn how to behave without embarrassing myself.”

“That’s a good mindset.”

Tennoji-san nodded with satisfaction.

“Then let’s teach Nishinari-san some social etiquette. We should teach you table manners, how to talk, and maybe even how to dance.”

“Da, dance?”

“Can you dance?”

If you ask me… 

If I had to say, I would say that I practiced during the sports festival.

“… If it’s Soran Bushi.”


“I’m sorry. I can’t dance at all.”

I can’t dance the Soran Bushi at a social event. No, on the contrary, it might be popular, but I might lose my reputation in exchange for a laugh.

“So let’s teach you the basics of dancing.”

Tennoji-san muttered.

“I think we’ve got a pretty good idea of what we’re going to do. Now, let’s get started with the class. We’ll study until 6 p.m., and then we’ll have manners class.”

“Yes, thank you very much.”

6 p.m.

Today’s study session went off without a hitch. I solved the last assignment from the textbook, and now Tennoji-san is helping me with the answers.

“… I see.”

After confirming my answer, Tennoji-san muttered.

“You seem to be studying well on a regular basis, and at this rate you should be able to get better grades than before.”

“Thank you.”

Shizune’s lessons were helpful, but Tennoji-san, being a student herself, was able to teach me how to get a higher score. In the future, I may need to acquire a wide range of knowledge and skills, but right now, what I need is a grade that won’t inconvenience me when I’m around Hinako.

“What do you think, Tennoji-san? Do you think this study session will be useful?”

“Yes, it was more useful than I expected. I think I like teaching people.”

Tennoji-san said surprisingly to herself.

Being alone with her, both she and I were able to concentrate on the study session today. But the reason I was able to concentrate on my studies was probably because she was teaching me so seriously.

“Why do you have such a rivalry with Konohana-san?”

Suddenly, I said something that caught her attention.

“I don’t really have a good reason.”

After lowering her gaze a little, Tennoji-san looked me in the eye again and answered.

“Just for the record, there is no such relationship between me and Konohana-san…. If I had to say ……, it would be because I am the daughter of the Tennoji family, and I cannot afford to fall behind the other students.”

“Is that like a …… family motto?”

“No, it is a rule that I have set for myself.”

Why did she impose such a strict rule on herself?

When I questioned her, Tennoji-san continued.

“The school is a microcosm of society. If you are losing to someone here, you will surely lose in the future. …… I believe that the Tennoji Group is the best corporate group in Japan. And since it is, my defeat would go against my beliefs.”

I thought it was a proud statement.

If someone had said this to me at my previous high school, they would have probably been ridiculed. But this school was a special environment. Tennoji-san’s statement was very realistic…. More than anything, it sounded like a serious intention because it was spoken by Tennoji-san, who always acts sincerely.”

But on the other hand.

I was born and raised as a commoner, and I couldn’t help but ask myself this question.

“…… Have you ever found that way of life painful?”

“No, not at all.”

Tennoji-san answered immediately.

“It is my mission to contribute to the Tennoji family as a daughter of the Tennoji family. …… That is the happiness I desire.”

It was very typical of Tennoji-san to assert herself so brazenly.

I regretted that I had asked an unnecessary question.

“Well, next is manners, isn’t it?”

Putting away the textbook, Tennoji-san prepared for the manners class.

“Tennoji-san. I’d like to ask you one favor. Can you focus on teaching me table manners first?”

“That’s fine, but do you have a reason?”

“Yes. Well……, there is a personal reason.”

I was not confident that I could explain it well, so I muddled my words, feeling sorry for myself. Tennoji-san may have sensed this, but she didn’t pry.

“Then, Nishinari-san. Would you like to have dinner with me for the time being?”

“Dinner, huh?”

“Yes. I will teach you table manners in a practical way. Fortunately, you can eat food from many different countries here at the academy, so I’m sure you’ll have a fulfilling lesson.”

I see. So we can have dinner here at the school and study table manners at the same time.

It’s an efficient proposal that I’d love to accept, but I’ll have to consult with Shizune just to be sure.

“I’ll ask at home.”

With that, I left my seat and took out my phone at the back of the school building.

“Itsuki-sama, what’s wrong?”

Shizune-san called me by “Sama”.

She was probably posing as a servant under me in case someone was listening to the call.

“At Tennoji-san’s suggestion, may I have dinner at the academy for a while from today? She’s going to teach me some table manners.”

“Yes, of course. There is no particular problem, but ……”

Shizune-san stopped mid-sentence.

“Excuse me. The young lady would like to speak with you, so please wait a moment.”


Does she have something to say?

“Itsuki …? “

“Yeah. What’s wrong?”

“…… Are you going to be late today?”

Hinako asks in a slightly disappointed voice.

“I think I’ll be home late today, or at least for a while.”

Hinako was silent for a few seconds as she answered.

“Come back …… early, okay?”

Hinako then returned the phone to Shizune.

“That’s why, so I hope you’ll come back as soon as possible.”

“…… I understand.”

I think about what time to ask Shizune to pick me up as we discuss it.

I mustn’t forget my main concern. I’m Hinako’s caretaker. I’m in a position where I’m being taught by Tennoji-san, but I’ll try to stay close to Hinako as much as I can so that I don’t fall behind.

“I’m sorry to keep you waiting.”

When I returned to the café, Tennoji-san had started preparing for the upcoming lesson.

She must have asked the café staff to do it. A variety of tableware was laid out.

“This is also very authentic……”

“I’m just responding to your motivation.”

Tennoji-san said, as if it was natural.

“After all this, is it okay? I’m the only one who benefits from this.”

“I thought we were done talking about it. Don’t worry, I’m having a good time in my own way.”

Then, in a quiet voice, she continued.

“I just wanted to help you out a little bit because you’re a lot like the …… person I used to be.”

I tilted my head at the words.

“What does …… that mean?”

“Well, let’s begin the lesson.”

As if to distract me, Tennoji-san began the lesson.

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Takane no Hana Volume 2 Chapter 5

Takane no Hana Volume 2 Chapter 5

Start studying

The next day.

I told Tennoji-san during break that I had gotten permission for the thing, and we were going to start a study session after school today.

"Come on, I'll teach you a few things!"

"Oh, please be gentle with me......."

As the students were leaving school, Tennoji-san and I met at a cafe adjacent to the cafeteria.

I wondered, after all this time, if I would be able to hold my own. To the extent that I had such concerns, Tennoji-san was very motivated.

"Fufufufu ......, overthrow Konohana Hinako ......! This time, I'm going to make that fake smile of hers twitch.......!"

Tennoji-san says with a devilish smile on her face.

Tennoji-san, who had arrived earlier, had apparently ordered a drink for me as well, and as soon as I took my seat, my tea was delivered.

"First, let's set a goal. My goal is to beat Konohana Hinako in the next test."

Tennoji-san said, tipping her cup gracefully.

"When is the next test?"

"It's in a month."

Originally, it seems that the scores of Tennoji-san and Hinako are very close.

If she studies hard for a month, there is a good chance that she will win.

"I'm going to need Nishinari-san to score in the top fifty in that test."


I was surprised by the sudden declaration.

"Fifty is ......? I'm a little below average right now, and that's a little ...... out of the blue."

"Don't worry. I'm going to teach you how to do it."

I made a complicated face at Tennoji-san, who was brimming with confidence.

It seems that the more I talk about my weak points, the more I become a slug. I'll just have to trust her and try my best.

"In addition, Nishinari-san said that he wanted to learn manners. ...... What made you think that?"

I thoughtfully answered Tennoji's question.

"When I participated in the Konohana family's social gathering, I felt that ...... I'm still not good at spending time naturally in such a place. At the very least, I'd like to learn how to behave without embarrassing myself."

"That's a good mindset."

Tennoji-san nodded with satisfaction.

"Then let's teach Nishinari-san some social etiquette. We should teach you table manners, how to talk, and maybe even how to dance."

"Da, dance?"

"Can you dance?"

If you ask me... 

If I had to say, I would say that I practiced during the sports festival.

"... If it's Soran Bushi."


"I'm sorry. I can't dance at all."

I can't dance the Soran Bushi at a social event. No, on the contrary, it might be popular, but I might lose my reputation in exchange for a laugh.

"So let's teach you the basics of dancing."

Tennoji-san muttered.

"I think we've got a pretty good idea of what we're going to do. Now, let's get started with the class. We'll study until 6 p.m., and then we'll have manners class."

"Yes, thank you very much."

6 p.m.

Today's study session went off without a hitch. I solved the last assignment from the textbook, and now Tennoji-san is helping me with the answers.

"... I see."

After confirming my answer, Tennoji-san muttered.

"You seem to be studying well on a regular basis, and at this rate you should be able to get better grades than before."

"Thank you."

Shizune's lessons were helpful, but Tennoji-san, being a student herself, was able to teach me how to get a higher score. In the future, I may need to acquire a wide range of knowledge and skills, but right now, what I need is a grade that won't inconvenience me when I'm around Hinako.

"What do you think, Tennoji-san? Do you think this study session will be useful?"

"Yes, it was more useful than I expected. I think I like teaching people."

Tennoji-san said surprisingly to herself.

Being alone with her, both she and I were able to concentrate on the study session today. But the reason I was able to concentrate on my studies was probably because she was teaching me so seriously.

"Why do you have such a rivalry with Konohana-san?"

Suddenly, I said something that caught her attention.

"I don't really have a good reason."

After lowering her gaze a little, Tennoji-san looked me in the eye again and answered.

"Just for the record, there is no such relationship between me and Konohana-san.... If I had to say ......, it would be because I am the daughter of the Tennoji family, and I cannot afford to fall behind the other students."

"Is that like a ...... family motto?"

"No, it is a rule that I have set for myself."

Why did she impose such a strict rule on herself?

When I questioned her, Tennoji-san continued.

"The school is a microcosm of society. If you are losing to someone here, you will surely lose in the future. ...... I believe that the Tennoji Group is the best corporate group in Japan. And since it is, my defeat would go against my beliefs."

I thought it was a proud statement.

If someone had said this to me at my previous high school, they would have probably been ridiculed. But this school was a special environment. Tennoji-san's statement was very realistic.... More than anything, it sounded like a serious intention because it was spoken by Tennoji-san, who always acts sincerely."

But on the other hand.

I was born and raised as a commoner, and I couldn't help but ask myself this question.

"...... Have you ever found that way of life painful?"

"No, not at all."

Tennoji-san answered immediately.

"It is my mission to contribute to the Tennoji family as a daughter of the Tennoji family. ...... That is the happiness I desire."

It was very typical of Tennoji-san to assert herself so brazenly.

I regretted that I had asked an unnecessary question.

"Well, next is manners, isn't it?"

Putting away the textbook, Tennoji-san prepared for the manners class.

"Tennoji-san. I'd like to ask you one favor. Can you focus on teaching me table manners first?"

"That's fine, but do you have a reason?"

"Yes. Well......, there is a personal reason."

I was not confident that I could explain it well, so I muddled my words, feeling sorry for myself. Tennoji-san may have sensed this, but she didn't pry.

"Then, Nishinari-san. Would you like to have dinner with me for the time being?"

"Dinner, huh?"

"Yes. I will teach you table manners in a practical way. Fortunately, you can eat food from many different countries here at the academy, so I'm sure you'll have a fulfilling lesson."

I see. So we can have dinner here at the school and study table manners at the same time.

It's an efficient proposal that I'd love to accept, but I'll have to consult with Shizune just to be sure.

"I'll ask at home."

With that, I left my seat and took out my phone at the back of the school building.

"Itsuki-sama, what's wrong?"

Shizune-san called me by "Sama".

She was probably posing as a servant under me in case someone was listening to the call.

"At Tennoji-san's suggestion, may I have dinner at the academy for a while from today? She's going to teach me some table manners."

"Yes, of course. There is no particular problem, but ......"

Shizune-san stopped mid-sentence.

"Excuse me. The young lady would like to speak with you, so please wait a moment."


Does she have something to say?

"Itsuki ...? "

"Yeah. What's wrong?"

"...... Are you going to be late today?"

Hinako asks in a slightly disappointed voice.

"I think I'll be home late today, or at least for a while."

Hinako was silent for a few seconds as she answered.

"Come back ...... early, okay?"

Hinako then returned the phone to Shizune.

"That's why, so I hope you'll come back as soon as possible."

"...... I understand."

I think about what time to ask Shizune to pick me up as we discuss it.

I mustn't forget my main concern. I'm Hinako's caretaker. I'm in a position where I'm being taught by Tennoji-san, but I'll try to stay close to Hinako as much as I can so that I don't fall behind.

"I'm sorry to keep you waiting."

When I returned to the café, Tennoji-san had started preparing for the upcoming lesson.

She must have asked the café staff to do it. A variety of tableware was laid out.

"This is also very authentic......"

"I'm just responding to your motivation."

Tennoji-san said, as if it was natural.

"After all this, is it okay? I'm the only one who benefits from this."

"I thought we were done talking about it. Don't worry, I'm having a good time in my own way."

Then, in a quiet voice, she continued.

"I just wanted to help you out a little bit because you're a lot like the ...... person I used to be."

I tilted my head at the words.

"What does ...... that mean?"

"Well, let's begin the lesson."

As if to distract me, Tennoji-san began the lesson.



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