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The Russian girl sitting next to me is a kisser Chapter 52

Apology kiss

TL/ED: Bogdi

The battle proceeds cautiously.

The two sides were steadily grinding away at each other’s life points and there was no end in sight.

“It looks like the game is already decided, President.”

“Yes. But this one has two wizard monsters summoned. In contrast, Kamishiro-kun has a low-level monster and two face-down cards.”

Naturally, the president seems to be on the lookout for fast magic or traps. Of course, there were traps. There were, but they were …… meaningless cards. In other words, I was just bluffing.

“What do you want to do now? Do you want to attack?”

“Well, I’ll attack. If this goes through, Kamishiro-kun’s life will be zero. I win.”

The president declares the attack.

Now I’m defeated.

“I lost. The president has won. Now, you can order me to do anything you want.”

“First of all, thank you for playing with me. …… Now, I have one thing to ask. First, please use the tickets to go to the movies with Lida. After that, I want you to go to a science fiction movie with me.”

The president took out more tickets.

It was not a science fiction movie, but a …… “zombie movie”. Lida seems to be more interested in that kind of zombie stuff, so it might be perfect.

“Are you sure?”

“Please accept it. I’ll take the second one instead.”

I can’t say no if she says so.

…… And the order doesn’t matter.

I want to go with Hiyasada-senpai.

“Let’s go on Saturday. The president is first.”

“You don’t have to worry about it.”

“You’re the one who gave me my birthday present in the first place. Well, …… let’s go on a date.”

“………… Yeah.”

The president, whose expression was supposed to be unchanging, turned her face to the side and backed away. …… You’re not embarrassed, are you?

“I’ll be at Maisaka station at ten in the morning.”

“Wow, I understand. Well, you know, Kamishiro-kun, …… it’s a promise.”

“Yes, I will be there.”

We made a promise, and then continued chatting and talking about other things. Soon, it was time to go home.

“President, I’m going to pick up Lida and then I’m going home.”

“Understood. See you tomorrow.”

I waved goodbye and headed for my classroom.

When I went to the classroom for the first time in a few hours, I saw only Lida.

“Hey, I’m back.”

“Oojirou, welcome back.”

It’s not like she’s particularly distressed. It’s a good thing …… that she is as usual.

“Let’s go home after we’ve done our homework.”

“Hey, what were you talking to the president of the student council about?”

“…… Guh. Well, you know, just chatting.”

“You skipped classes? That’s a little weird.”

Oh no, I’m being questioned. This Russian girl is so intimidating. But I had a special item that I needed. This is my trump card!

“Wait, Lida. The student council president gave me this.”

I showed him the tickets to the “zombie movie”.

“Hmm? Didn’t the president ask you to go to the movie with her ……!?”

“No, this is for me and Lida. We’re going together.”

“…… Oh, really? I’m glad …….”

Puffing out her chest, Lida was even relieved. I knew it would be misunderstood in many ways, but it worked out well for Lida’s part. Nice, President!

“So, let’s go see it this Sunday.”

“Not Saturday?”

“I’m sorry, I’ve got to do something on Saturday. So, Sunday.”

“I see. I’m sorry for doubting you, Daijiro. As an apology~…♡”

Finally in a good mood, Lida kissed me three times on the lips. Maybe it’s because I’ve been away from her for so long.

Whatever it was, it was a relief.


TLN: I swear… if this continues like this… I’m dropping

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The Russian girl sitting next to me is a kisser Chapter 52

The Russian girl sitting next to me is a kisser Chapter 52

Apology kiss

TL/ED: Bogdi

The battle proceeds cautiously.

The two sides were steadily grinding away at each other's life points and there was no end in sight.

"It looks like the game is already decided, President."

"Yes. But this one has two wizard monsters summoned. In contrast, Kamishiro-kun has a low-level monster and two face-down cards."

Naturally, the president seems to be on the lookout for fast magic or traps. Of course, there were traps. There were, but they were ...... meaningless cards. In other words, I was just bluffing.

"What do you want to do now? Do you want to attack?"

"Well, I'll attack. If this goes through, Kamishiro-kun's life will be zero. I win."

The president declares the attack.

Now I'm defeated.

"I lost. The president has won. Now, you can order me to do anything you want.”

“First of all, thank you for playing with me. ...... Now, I have one thing to ask. First, please use the tickets to go to the movies with Lida. After that, I want you to go to a science fiction movie with me.”

The president took out more tickets.

It was not a science fiction movie, but a ...... "zombie movie". Lida seems to be more interested in that kind of zombie stuff, so it might be perfect.

"Are you sure?”

"Please accept it. I'll take the second one instead.”

I can't say no if she says so.

...... And the order doesn't matter.

I want to go with Hiyasada-senpai.

"Let's go on Saturday. The president is first.”

"You don't have to worry about it.”

"You're the one who gave me my birthday present in the first place. Well, ...... let's go on a date.”

"............ Yeah."

The president, whose expression was supposed to be unchanging, turned her face to the side and backed away. ...... You're not embarrassed, are you?

"I'll be at Maisaka station at ten in the morning.”

"Wow, I understand. Well, you know, Kamishiro-kun, ...... it's a promise.”

"Yes, I will be there.”

We made a promise, and then continued chatting and talking about other things. Soon, it was time to go home.

"President, I'm going to pick up Lida and then I'm going home.”

"Understood. See you tomorrow.”

I waved goodbye and headed for my classroom.

When I went to the classroom for the first time in a few hours, I saw only Lida.

"Hey, I'm back.”

“Oojirou, welcome back.”

It's not like she's particularly distressed. It's a good thing ...... that she is as usual.

"Let's go home after we've done our homework.”

"Hey, what were you talking to the president of the student council about?”

“...... Guh. Well, you know, just chatting.”

"You skipped classes? That's a little weird.”

Oh no, I'm being questioned. This Russian girl is so intimidating. But I had a special item that I needed. This is my trump card!

"Wait, Lida. The student council president gave me this.”

I showed him the tickets to the "zombie movie".

"Hmm? Didn't the president ask you to go to the movie with her ......!?"

“No, this is for me and Lida. We're going together.”

“...... Oh, really? I'm glad ......."

Puffing out her chest, Lida was even relieved. I knew it would be misunderstood in many ways, but it worked out well for Lida's part. Nice, President!

"So, let's go see it this Sunday.”

"Not Saturday?”

"I'm sorry, I've got to do something on Saturday. So, Sunday.”

"I see. I'm sorry for doubting you, Daijiro. As an apology~...♡"

Finally in a good mood, Lida kissed me three times on the lips. Maybe it's because I've been away from her for so long.

Whatever it was, it was a relief.


TLN: I swear... if this continues like this... I’m dropping



not work with dark mode