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The Sponsored Heroines Are Coming for Me Chapter 44


TL/ED: Lolz

Ian lowered his gaze to the girl in front of him.

Round, shining green eyes.

A gaping mouth and a twisted tongue.

Fingers fluttering non-stop while holding onto the edge of her clothes.

If it weren’t an urgent need to relieve herself, it seemed like she had something to say.

The shrunken eyebrows were like a puppy begging for forgiveness.

Perhaps, Ian speculated, she wanted to apologize for her own mistakes.

Unfortunately, at this moment, what was important to Ian was not hearing her feelings but confirming the facts.

So he said.


 And she lowered her head deeply.

A pitiful heroine like a rain-soaked puppy.

‘If it were before the possession, I would have felt guilty.’

Since the possession, he had already decided not to act like a player. There was no desire to take care of her like a player, nor did he hope she would cling to him. In the first place, since there was the culprit among them, it was not appropriate.

In short, to Ian, Lina Rosewell was just one of the passing people in life, connected only by a desire to unravel the intertwined events.

That’s why Ian’s voice was indifferent.

“Do you remember? The question I asked during the last combat training exercise.”


“The day you cast fire magic at me. The question I asked.”

Lina’s face turned pale.

Because memories of that day suddenly came to mind.

“Well, that’s…”

It was undoubtedly when her consciousness was blurred due to the spores that she shot fire at Ian’s back.

But Lina had no intention of using that as an excuse.

Anyway, she had a desire in her heart to do something to Ian. The mushroom spores merely utilized and amplified that desire.

‘What have I done…’

Delving into it, it was the inferiority complex that exploded because Ian was kind and weak. Apologetically, Lina’s hands trembled.

“I attacked you with magic, it was my fault. I’m sorry, I’m sorry…”

However, Ian firmly shook his head.

Can’t even accept an apology?

Looking up at him, Ian said to Lina.

“Lina. What I want to hear now isn’t something like an apology. It’s the answer to the question I asked back then.”


Ian continued with a stern look in his eyes.

“On the rooftop, when someone pushed me. Was it you?”

“What’s that… Ah.”

Lina’s eyes, which were hazy as she tried to recall, widened in an instant.

The meaning of Ian’s words.

Because she somehow knew what the forgotten words meant.

“Well, wait a moment. Ian, then you didn’t throw yourself off, but…?”

Ian nodded silently.

His gaze was resolute.

Seeing that, one memory flashed through Lina’s mind.

‘Come to think of it, even in the anonymous chat room…’

In the anonymous chat room where they wore masks to participate, there were clearly masks designed to definitively drive Ian away.

At that time, Lina was someone who disliked Ian, but even for her, it seemed like an overly elaborate plan. They coordinated among themselves and aimed to completely remove Ian through the disciplinary committee.

At that time, Lina definitely felt that something was strange.

If Ian had done something wrong, wouldn’t it be enough to let him face the consequences? Why go to the extent of coordinating and trying to completely remove him through the disciplinary committee?

‘So, I opposed it, saying it was unreasonable…’

The uneasiness she felt at that time seemed to be explained by Ian’s words.

‘But… asking me about it.’

Ian was doubting whether Lina herself was the culprit.

Lina shook her hands anxiously.

“No, no! Absolutely, absolutely nothing like that happened! I don’t have the personality to do that…”

As Lina was about to say, she recalled the incident where she thrust fire magic into Ian’s back. Not only that, but she also remembered how she distanced herself from him after the confession.

Certainly, it seemed Ian had reason to doubt her.

“No, it really wasn’t me!”


In the midst of the intense wavering.

Ian said.

“Do you have any evidence?”

“Uh, well…”

Lina hastily rummaged through her memories.

Innocence. Evidence to prove innocence.

The day Ian supposedly committed a s*icide atempt.

There must have been something on that day…

‘Ah, right!’

“That day, my younger brother was sick, so I went back to my hometown! I-If needed, I could get the portal clearance records! I’d get them issued for you!”

Portal clearance records were impossible to forge.

Wouldn’t that have been enough to convince Ian?

Lina looked at Ian with an expression full of hope.

“Yeah. Then go ahead and apply. You probably wouldn’t be able to go out for a while.”


Seeing Ian’s calm expression, Lina let out a sigh of relief. It didn’t seem like he was overly suspicious.

“Oh, and…”

Ian, who seemed to want to ask something, closed his mouth.

His expression showed some hesitation.

‘What does he want to say?’

Rather, it was Lina who was more anxious.

“W-what is it?”


Ian let out a light sigh.

Sweeping his hair with his hand, he looked a bit bitter and then, with a serious expression, calmly asked.

“Are you a v*rgin?”

Lina, taken aback, tilted her head, wondering if she misheard.


“Are you a v*rgin?”

V*rgin. Lina’s face, pondering over the word, suddenly blushed. In embarrassment, her lips tingled, and somehow instinctively, she crossed her legs.


What should she say?

Her head was so hot that her words stumbled.

“I-is that really necessary to ask?”

Pulling down her skirt, Lina asked.


Ian nodded.

Lina’s face turned even redder.

A truly embarrassing question.

If she had heard it from someone else, Lina would have ignored it or reacted with anger.

But instinctively, she felt it.

In Ian’s mind, her status was incredibly small and insignificant.

On the other hand, Lina had many things she wanted to say to Ian, many things she needed to say.

She needed Ian to keep her from entering that dark world of consciousness.


‘It has to be helpful in some way.’

Lina bowed her head deeply.

– Rustle, rustle.

Fidgeting with the hem of her skirt, Lina nervously bit her lip.

After a while, she mustered the strength to speak.

“Um… do you want to check?”

To cut to the chase, unfortunately, they couldn’t confirm that.

The sound of professors and staff belatedly understanding the situation searching the dormitory could be heard.

Ian handed a black handkerchief to Lina.

“Since there are marks on your neck, cover it.”

With a somehow moved expression on Lina Rosewell’s face, the scenario came to an end.

The portal clearance records confirmed that as she had claimed, she had visited her family, located in the Grand Forest.

Given that her aggression was ultimately due to the spores, the possibility of Lina being the culprit significantly decreased.

Of course, to confirm the last possibility definitively, well…

It looked like they would have to wait until Lina Roswell’s probation ended.

Two days after the scenario concluded.

In a high-end tea house in the upscale shopping district east of Lichten Academy, Ian sat across from Silvia.

“I heard you quite like this place, according to Sebastian.”

Opening the conversation, Silvia chattered about various things.

The disciplinary committee for the ‘Median House Incident’ had taken place.

All the Bloodstone Cult members were dead, and the only surviving suspect, Lina Rosewell, had not caused any direct harm to the students.

“Even that girl, Mercy, passionately praised Miss Lina. She said she felt good. Quite ironic, isn’t it?”

The only victim refused any punishment.

Moreover, all the academy students insisted that if Lina were to be punished, they wanted punishment for themselves for not taking care of her.

In the end, Lina’s punishment was a five-day confinement in the dormitory and a month of volunteer work – more like a symbolic punishment.

Lina’s kindness played a role, but someone must have moved behind the scenes. The context made it quite clear who that someone was.

“Why did you help her?”

“Because someone like Lina Rosewell is worth keeping.”

Silvia gracefully set down her teacup as she spoke.

“It was quite challenging. Dealing with the professors, lobbying. But there wasn’t anyone with intertwined interests, so it was manageable. Miss Lina Roswell had no enemies. Lina Rosewell is in short supply.”

Emphasizing the word “supply”, Silvia looked at Ian with a piercing gaze.

“For some reason, it feels like you’re telling me to listen to that?”

“Yes, exactly.”

With a serious expression, Silvia continued.

“Ian, you already know you’ve been referred to the disciplinary committee?”

“How do you know that?”

“Don’t underestimate the Laurent’s intelligence network.”

“Professors planted it, I guess.”

“Don’t make a big deal out of it!”

Silvia urgently looked around and leaned forward, whispering.

“Usually, it’s called research sponsorship. Ahem.”


“Of course, they didn’t tell me directly. But there was a nuance. They don’t want you to get too close… Something like that. I’m curious about how you found out about it, though.”

Ian shrugged.

Silvia, who sighed, asked him,

“In the case of the Median House incident, you seem to be quite significant. However, the reason for the disciplinary committee seems to be something entirely different… Can you tell me why the disciplinary committee is being convened? It seems to be related to something from some time ago. The disciplinary committee isn’t easy to escape; the average outcome is expulsion.”

Silvia’s question showed clear concern, even if she didn’t explicitly express it.

It was indeed something to worry about.

The severity of the discipline handed down by the disciplinary committee was extremely intense.

Ian pondered for a moment.

Should he explain his current situation to Silvia and ask for help?

Silvia was an outstanding individual.

Still, the reputation of heroines was high.

While he didn’t doubt Silvia, if Ian heard such a story from someone, he might think it was an attempt to undermine the heroines.

Thus, Ian shook his head.

“Heh, I expected that. Instead, let me give you one piece of advice.”

Even though he had already planned for the disciplinary committee, dealing with Laurent’s successor was another matter.

It wouldn’t hurt to seek advice from Silvia.

“And what’s that?”

“Nothing too big will fail.”

In response to Ian’s questioning gaze, Silvia cheerfully smiled.

“Whatever it takes, Ian, make your presence known.”


“Yes. It means you should become famous. Of course, in a positive way.”

“My image is already the worst, though.”

Ian was well aware that his reputation, courtesy of Pongpong, wasn’t favorable.

“Of course, your current image is trash.”


When faced with such blunt words, it hurt.

Sighing, Silvia twirled her finger in the air.

“Do you know this? Notoriety eventually turns into popularity.”

After tearing a piece of napkin, she drew a large arrow pointing downwards. Then, she swiftly rotated the napkin.

“You know there’s a grade-wide common ability assessment coming up, right?”

Oh, come to think of it, there was.

Moreover, considering the growth in abilities during this scenario, it seemed like a good opportunity for Ian.

“Make a splash there. From what I see, this ability assessment will be a great chance for you, Ian.”

Silvia beamed with a bright smile, as if encouraging Ian to believe in himself.

Access 10 Chapters ahead of the Novelupdates release on our Patreon. <3

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The Sponsored Heroines Are Coming for Me Chapter 44

The Sponsored Heroines Are Coming for Me Chapter 44


TL/ED: Lolz

Ian lowered his gaze to the girl in front of him.

Round, shining green eyes.

A gaping mouth and a twisted tongue.

Fingers fluttering non-stop while holding onto the edge of her clothes.

If it weren't an urgent need to relieve herself, it seemed like she had something to say.

The shrunken eyebrows were like a puppy begging for forgiveness.

Perhaps, Ian speculated, she wanted to apologize for her own mistakes.

Unfortunately, at this moment, what was important to Ian was not hearing her feelings but confirming the facts.

So he said.


 And she lowered her head deeply.

A pitiful heroine like a rain-soaked puppy.

‘If it were before the possession, I would have felt guilty.’

Since the possession, he had already decided not to act like a player. There was no desire to take care of her like a player, nor did he hope she would cling to him. In the first place, since there was the culprit among them, it was not appropriate.

In short, to Ian, Lina Rosewell was just one of the passing people in life, connected only by a desire to unravel the intertwined events.

That's why Ian's voice was indifferent.

"Do you remember? The question I asked during the last combat training exercise."


"The day you cast fire magic at me. The question I asked."

Lina's face turned pale.

Because memories of that day suddenly came to mind.

“Well, that’s…”

It was undoubtedly when her consciousness was blurred due to the spores that she shot fire at Ian's back.

But Lina had no intention of using that as an excuse.

Anyway, she had a desire in her heart to do something to Ian. The mushroom spores merely utilized and amplified that desire.

'What have I done...'

Delving into it, it was the inferiority complex that exploded because Ian was kind and weak. Apologetically, Lina's hands trembled.

"I attacked you with magic, it was my fault. I'm sorry, I’m sorry..."

However, Ian firmly shook his head.

Can't even accept an apology?

Looking up at him, Ian said to Lina.

"Lina. What I want to hear now isn't something like an apology. It's the answer to the question I asked back then."


Ian continued with a stern look in his eyes.

"On the rooftop, when someone pushed me. Was it you?"

"What's that... Ah."

Lina's eyes, which were hazy as she tried to recall, widened in an instant.

The meaning of Ian's words.

Because she somehow knew what the forgotten words meant.

"Well, wait a moment. Ian, then you didn't throw yourself off, but...?"

Ian nodded silently.

His gaze was resolute.

Seeing that, one memory flashed through Lina's mind.

'Come to think of it, even in the anonymous chat room...'

In the anonymous chat room where they wore masks to participate, there were clearly masks designed to definitively drive Ian away.

At that time, Lina was someone who disliked Ian, but even for her, it seemed like an overly elaborate plan. They coordinated among themselves and aimed to completely remove Ian through the disciplinary committee.

At that time, Lina definitely felt that something was strange.

If Ian had done something wrong, wouldn't it be enough to let him face the consequences? Why go to the extent of coordinating and trying to completely remove him through the disciplinary committee?

'So, I opposed it, saying it was unreasonable...'

The uneasiness she felt at that time seemed to be explained by Ian's words.

'But... asking me about it.'

Ian was doubting whether Lina herself was the culprit.

Lina shook her hands anxiously.

"No, no! Absolutely, absolutely nothing like that happened! I don't have the personality to do that..."

As Lina was about to say, she recalled the incident where she thrust fire magic into Ian's back. Not only that, but she also remembered how she distanced herself from him after the confession.

Certainly, it seemed Ian had reason to doubt her.

"No, it really wasn't me!"


In the midst of the intense wavering.

Ian said.

"Do you have any evidence?"

"Uh, well..."

Lina hastily rummaged through her memories.

Innocence. Evidence to prove innocence.

The day Ian supposedly committed a s*icide atempt.

There must have been something on that day...

'Ah, right!'

"That day, my younger brother was sick, so I went back to my hometown! I-If needed, I could get the portal clearance records! I'd get them issued for you!"

Portal clearance records were impossible to forge.

Wouldn't that have been enough to convince Ian?

Lina looked at Ian with an expression full of hope.

"Yeah. Then go ahead and apply. You probably wouldn't be able to go out for a while."


Seeing Ian's calm expression, Lina let out a sigh of relief. It didn't seem like he was overly suspicious.

"Oh, and..."

Ian, who seemed to want to ask something, closed his mouth.

His expression showed some hesitation.

'What does he want to say?'

Rather, it was Lina who was more anxious.

"W-what is it?"


Ian let out a light sigh.

Sweeping his hair with his hand, he looked a bit bitter and then, with a serious expression, calmly asked.

"Are you a v*rgin?"

Lina, taken aback, tilted her head, wondering if she misheard.


"Are you a v*rgin?"

V*rgin. Lina's face, pondering over the word, suddenly blushed. In embarrassment, her lips tingled, and somehow instinctively, she crossed her legs.


What should she say?

Her head was so hot that her words stumbled.

"I-is that really necessary to ask?"

Pulling down her skirt, Lina asked.


Ian nodded.

Lina's face turned even redder.

A truly embarrassing question.

If she had heard it from someone else, Lina would have ignored it or reacted with anger.

But instinctively, she felt it.

In Ian's mind, her status was incredibly small and insignificant.

On the other hand, Lina had many things she wanted to say to Ian, many things she needed to say.

She needed Ian to keep her from entering that dark world of consciousness.


'It has to be helpful in some way.'

Lina bowed her head deeply.

- Rustle, rustle.

Fidgeting with the hem of her skirt, Lina nervously bit her lip.

After a while, she mustered the strength to speak.

“Um… do you want to check?”

To cut to the chase, unfortunately, they couldn't confirm that.

The sound of professors and staff belatedly understanding the situation searching the dormitory could be heard.

Ian handed a black handkerchief to Lina.

"Since there are marks on your neck, cover it."

With a somehow moved expression on Lina Rosewell's face, the scenario came to an end.

The portal clearance records confirmed that as she had claimed, she had visited her family, located in the Grand Forest.

Given that her aggression was ultimately due to the spores, the possibility of Lina being the culprit significantly decreased.

Of course, to confirm the last possibility definitively, well...

It looked like they would have to wait until Lina Roswell's probation ended.

Two days after the scenario concluded.

In a high-end tea house in the upscale shopping district east of Lichten Academy, Ian sat across from Silvia.

"I heard you quite like this place, according to Sebastian."

Opening the conversation, Silvia chattered about various things.

The disciplinary committee for the 'Median House Incident' had taken place.

All the Bloodstone Cult members were dead, and the only surviving suspect, Lina Rosewell, had not caused any direct harm to the students.

"Even that girl, Mercy, passionately praised Miss Lina. She said she felt good. Quite ironic, isn't it?"

The only victim refused any punishment.

Moreover, all the academy students insisted that if Lina were to be punished, they wanted punishment for themselves for not taking care of her.

In the end, Lina's punishment was a five-day confinement in the dormitory and a month of volunteer work – more like a symbolic punishment.

Lina's kindness played a role, but someone must have moved behind the scenes. The context made it quite clear who that someone was.

"Why did you help her?"

"Because someone like Lina Rosewell is worth keeping."

Silvia gracefully set down her teacup as she spoke.

"It was quite challenging. Dealing with the professors, lobbying. But there wasn't anyone with intertwined interests, so it was manageable. Miss Lina Roswell had no enemies. Lina Rosewell is in short supply."

Emphasizing the word "supply”, Silvia looked at Ian with a piercing gaze.

“For some reason, it feels like you’re telling me to listen to that?”

"Yes, exactly."

With a serious expression, Silvia continued.

"Ian, you already know you've been referred to the disciplinary committee?"

"How do you know that?"

"Don't underestimate the Laurent's intelligence network."

"Professors planted it, I guess."

"Don't make a big deal out of it!"

Silvia urgently looked around and leaned forward, whispering.

"Usually, it's called research sponsorship. Ahem."


"Of course, they didn't tell me directly. But there was a nuance. They don't want you to get too close... Something like that. I'm curious about how you found out about it, though."

Ian shrugged.

Silvia, who sighed, asked him,

"In the case of the Median House incident, you seem to be quite significant. However, the reason for the disciplinary committee seems to be something entirely different... Can you tell me why the disciplinary committee is being convened? It seems to be related to something from some time ago. The disciplinary committee isn't easy to escape; the average outcome is expulsion."

Silvia's question showed clear concern, even if she didn't explicitly express it.

It was indeed something to worry about.

The severity of the discipline handed down by the disciplinary committee was extremely intense.

Ian pondered for a moment.

Should he explain his current situation to Silvia and ask for help?

Silvia was an outstanding individual.

Still, the reputation of heroines was high.

While he didn't doubt Silvia, if Ian heard such a story from someone, he might think it was an attempt to undermine the heroines.

Thus, Ian shook his head.

"Heh, I expected that. Instead, let me give you one piece of advice."

Even though he had already planned for the disciplinary committee, dealing with Laurent's successor was another matter.

It wouldn't hurt to seek advice from Silvia.

"And what's that?"

“Nothing too big will fail.”

In response to Ian's questioning gaze, Silvia cheerfully smiled.

“Whatever it takes, Ian, make your presence known.”


"Yes. It means you should become famous. Of course, in a positive way."

"My image is already the worst, though."

Ian was well aware that his reputation, courtesy of Pongpong, wasn't favorable.

"Of course, your current image is trash."


When faced with such blunt words, it hurt.

Sighing, Silvia twirled her finger in the air.

"Do you know this? Notoriety eventually turns into popularity."

After tearing a piece of napkin, she drew a large arrow pointing downwards. Then, she swiftly rotated the napkin.

"You know there's a grade-wide common ability assessment coming up, right?"

Oh, come to think of it, there was.

Moreover, considering the growth in abilities during this scenario, it seemed like a good opportunity for Ian.

"Make a splash there. From what I see, this ability assessment will be a great chance for you, Ian."

Silvia beamed with a bright smile, as if encouraging Ian to believe in himself.

Access 10 Chapters ahead of the Novelupdates release on our Patreon. <3



not work with dark mode