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The story of a Tsundere Scandinavian Female classmate going into dere mode as soon as she’s announced as my fiancee Chapter 28

Next is a kiss, right?

In the same bathtub, Aino was with Toru, wearing only a bath towel.

Finally, Toru put his hand on Aino’s bath towel.

The towel was originally too short to cover Aino’s legs and b*****s.

But even so, once the towel is gone, all of Aino’s white skin will be exposed to Toru.

“Re, Renjo-kun, …… hiya!”

Toru removed the towel covering Aino’s chest, exposing her large b*****s as they spilled out.

Aino’s face flushed red. Aino seemed to reflexively try to cover her b*****s with her hands, but faster than that, Toru touched Aino’s b*****s directly from the front.

“Ah, that’s embarrassing ……, Renjo-kun.”

Aino’s beautiful voice no longer sounded like it was from some distant world.

Her little red lips and white legs are just the way Toru likes them.

Aino and the surroundings admit it.

Then, there’s nothing to hold back.

Aino’s b*****s are being groped by Toru, and she is making sweet noises like, “Ah, mmm.”

Aino also said it was okay if Toru did that to her. She even said it was okay if she got pregnant.

So this is what Aino wants …….

Toru touches Aino’s large b*****s, which are too big for his hands, and tries to reach her ass as well.

Aino’s bath towel was removed entirely.

Both Toru and Aino were completely naked.

Aino was trapped in the corner of the bathtub, her white skin stained with vermillion.

If this continues, a mistake is sure to happen.

Still, Toru could not stop himself.

At that moment, Aino jolted back.

Toru stopped the hand that was reaching for Aino’s lower body.

Aino’s blue eyes were moist and she was trembling like she was scared.

Seeing Aino’s eyes, Toru became calm at once.

Then he remembered what he had done, and was horrified.

He had completely lost his reason.

“I’m sorry, Luthi-san. I scared you, didn’t I?”

“What ……? No, not at all, not at all! It was me who told Renjo-kun that he could do whatever he wanted.”

“But, Luthi-san, you were scared.”

“You’re wrong! I don’t care what Renjo-kun does to me. I don’t care what you do to me……”

“I’m sure you’ve been pushing yourself too hard because you want to be my fiancée.”

When Toru said that, Aino stiffened.

He must have been right.

The engagement between Toru and Aino would certainly be strengthened if they were forced into a committed relationship.

From Aino’s point of view, it would be a matter of life and death for her to have her engagement cancelled, because of her family’s situation.

That’s why she took this bold action. She said she was ready to do anything to Toru, and that she was ready to get pregnant.

That may not be all a lie, but whether or not she’s ready for it is another matter.

Toru and Aino are not boyfriend and girlfriend, nor did Toru confess his feelings to Aino.

Aino, without a stitch of clothing, looks up at Toru with eyes like blue sapphires.

“You’re kind, you know. It’s true that I was scared of you ……. Because it is my …… first time. But I’m not lying when I say that I don’t care what Toru-kun does to me, and that I don’t care if I get pregnant.”

“Thank you.”

“So, you can make me yours right here, Renjo-kun, okay?”

Aino said, and looked at Toru as if to provoke him.

The naked blonde-haired, blue-eyed beauty was so attractive that he almost lost his composure again.

However, Toru shook his head.

“I’ll only do something like that if I really think I can take care of you, and if you really think you can take care of me. You don’t have to do this, I’m on your side, Luthi-san.”

Aino was flabbergasted by Toru’s words, and then smiled happily.

“Thank you ……, you’re still kind to me, aren’t you, Renjo? So …….”

Aino hugged Toru from the front. Toru was dismayed.

(I had just regained my calmness……!)

Aino’s large b*****s, soft stomach, and white legs were all in close contact with Toru.

And then Aino whispered in his ear.

“I’ll let you off with this for today. In return, I have a favor to ask of you.”

“What’s the matter?”

“I want you to call me by my first name. We’re fiancées, you know. I don’t want us to be strangers forever, okay?”

“Yeah, but ………”

“Listen to me, or I’ll never let you go.”

If they stayed in close contact like this for a long time, Toru’s efforts would be in vain.

Toru surrendered.

“All right, Aino-san.”

“You could have just called me that. But thank you, …… Toru-kun.”

Aino said and kissed Toru’s cheek with a chuckle. The soft pleasant feeling was very comfortable.

When Toru was startled, Aino smiled shyly and mischievously.

“The next time, Toru-kun, I’ll do my best to kiss you on the lips.”

Aino said this, and happily surrendered herself to Toru.

Eventually, Toru might not be able to live without Aino. He was afraid that Aino would become so important to him.

He knew very well the fear and despair of losing her.

But right now, …… there are more important things to worry about than that.

The Aino in front of him was so lovely to Toru.

“I’ll do my best to protect you, Aino-san.”

Then Toru hugged Aino back and gently stroked her beautiful golden hair.

Aino looked very happy and hugged Toru more and more tightly.

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The story of a Tsundere Scandinavian Female classmate going into dere mode as soon as she’s announced as my fiancee Chapter 28

The story of a Tsundere Scandinavian Female classmate going into dere mode as soon as she’s announced as my fiancee Chapter 28

Next is a kiss, right?

In the same bathtub, Aino was with Toru, wearing only a bath towel.

Finally, Toru put his hand on Aino's bath towel.

The towel was originally too short to cover Aino's legs and b*****s.

But even so, once the towel is gone, all of Aino's white skin will be exposed to Toru.

"Re, Renjo-kun, ...... hiya!"

Toru removed the towel covering Aino's chest, exposing her large b*****s as they spilled out.

Aino's face flushed red. Aino seemed to reflexively try to cover her b*****s with her hands, but faster than that, Toru touched Aino's b*****s directly from the front.

"Ah, that's embarrassing ......, Renjo-kun."

Aino's beautiful voice no longer sounded like it was from some distant world.

Her little red lips and white legs are just the way Toru likes them.

Aino and the surroundings admit it.

Then, there's nothing to hold back.

Aino's b*****s are being groped by Toru, and she is making sweet noises like, "Ah, mmm."

Aino also said it was okay if Toru did that to her. She even said it was okay if she got pregnant.

So this is what Aino wants .......

Toru touches Aino's large b*****s, which are too big for his hands, and tries to reach her ass as well.

Aino's bath towel was removed entirely.

Both Toru and Aino were completely naked.

Aino was trapped in the corner of the bathtub, her white skin stained with vermillion.

If this continues, a mistake is sure to happen.

Still, Toru could not stop himself.

At that moment, Aino jolted back.

Toru stopped the hand that was reaching for Aino's lower body.

Aino's blue eyes were moist and she was trembling like she was scared.

Seeing Aino's eyes, Toru became calm at once.

Then he remembered what he had done, and was horrified.

He had completely lost his reason.

"I'm sorry, Luthi-san. I scared you, didn't I?"

"What ......? No, not at all, not at all! It was me who told Renjo-kun that he could do whatever he wanted."

"But, Luthi-san, you were scared.”

"You're wrong! I don't care what Renjo-kun does to me. I don't care what you do to me......"

"I'm sure you've been pushing yourself too hard because you want to be my fiancée."

When Toru said that, Aino stiffened.

He must have been right.

The engagement between Toru and Aino would certainly be strengthened if they were forced into a committed relationship.

From Aino's point of view, it would be a matter of life and death for her to have her engagement cancelled, because of her family's situation.

That's why she took this bold action. She said she was ready to do anything to Toru, and that she was ready to get pregnant.

That may not be all a lie, but whether or not she's ready for it is another matter.

Toru and Aino are not boyfriend and girlfriend, nor did Toru confess his feelings to Aino.

Aino, without a stitch of clothing, looks up at Toru with eyes like blue sapphires.

"You're kind, you know. It's true that I was scared of you ....... Because it is my ...... first time. But I'm not lying when I say that I don't care what Toru-kun does to me, and that I don't care if I get pregnant.”

"Thank you."

"So, you can make me yours right here, Renjo-kun, okay?"

Aino said, and looked at Toru as if to provoke him.

The naked blonde-haired, blue-eyed beauty was so attractive that he almost lost his composure again.

However, Toru shook his head.

"I'll only do something like that if I really think I can take care of you, and if you really think you can take care of me. You don't have to do this, I'm on your side, Luthi-san."

Aino was flabbergasted by Toru's words, and then smiled happily.

"Thank you ......, you're still kind to me, aren't you, Renjo? So ......."

Aino hugged Toru from the front. Toru was dismayed.

(I had just regained my calmness......!)

Aino's large b*****s, soft stomach, and white legs were all in close contact with Toru.

And then Aino whispered in his ear.

"I'll let you off with this for today. In return, I have a favor to ask of you.”

"What's the matter?”

"I want you to call me by my first name. We're fiancées, you know. I don't want us to be strangers forever, okay?”

"Yeah, but .........”

"Listen to me, or I'll never let you go.”

If they stayed in close contact like this for a long time, Toru's efforts would be in vain.

Toru surrendered.

"All right, Aino-san."

“You could have just called me that. But thank you, ...... Toru-kun."

Aino said and kissed Toru's cheek with a chuckle. The soft pleasant feeling was very comfortable.

When Toru was startled, Aino smiled shyly and mischievously.

"The next time, Toru-kun, I'll do my best to kiss you on the lips.”

Aino said this, and happily surrendered herself to Toru.

Eventually, Toru might not be able to live without Aino. He was afraid that Aino would become so important to him.

He knew very well the fear and despair of losing her.

But right now, ...... there are more important things to worry about than that.

The Aino in front of him was so lovely to Toru.

"I'll do my best to protect you, Aino-san."

Then Toru hugged Aino back and gently stroked her beautiful golden hair.

Aino looked very happy and hugged Toru more and more tightly.



not work with dark mode