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Delivery man in another world – The world’s strongest Trucker Chapter 12

Trucker gets the land

Mireina easily agreed.

In other words, “I’ll leave it to you, Kota-san!” situation. It’s okay, though. Good.

So, the next day. First, we went to the merchant guild to get the plot of land.

“Mireina, have you ever been to the Merchant’s Guild?”

“I’m sorry, I know …… where it is, but I’ve never been inside …….”

“I see. Then show me around. Also, I’d like to know what happens if I kill a monster without being commissioned or without being an adventurer.”

“Well, in that case, the guild won’t give you a reward. But you should report it……”

“Right, well, I’ll report it then.”

“Yes. Also, if you want to sell materials to the Merchant’s Guild, you have to register as a merchant……”

“Eh, really?”

That’s a new one. You have to be qualified just to sell materials to the guild?

“Hmm, I guess I have no choice. Besides, the shipping company is going to be a job, so it’s safer to get a merchant’s license. By the way, what do I need to register ……? Do I need to bring my ID or personal stamp? How much is the registration fee? Do you need a photo or something?”

“Well, let’s see……. You don’t need anything in particular. All you need to do is fill out a simple form and pay a registration fee of 3,000 coins.”

“I see. ……, I don’t recognize any of the letters in this world. Oh, no…….”

“Oh, I’ll write it for you.”

It’s so pathetic. If I’m going to start a company, I need to be able to write, right? Okay, let’s get some help from Mireina-sensei. Private lessons in a private room, please.

“Mireina, please teach me how to write sometime.”

“Okay, I will. Please leave it to me!”

The truck continues on and we arrive at the Merchant’s Guild.


The layout of the Merchant’s Guild was very different from the Adventurer’s Guild. The appearance was almost the same, though.

The inside was large, but it was mostly a reception counter. I’ve heard that if you’re selling goods or valuable items, you’ll be taken to a separate room, but that’s not important right now. The important thing is to register.

Mireina and I proceeded to an empty reception desk. Of course, we went to the beautiful receptionist. We ignored the male receptionist.

“Excuse me. We’d like to register as merchants.”

“Welcome to the Merchant’s Guild. Please fill out this form so we can register you as a merchant.”

“Mireina, please.”


When I passed the baton to Mireina, there was nothing special from the receptionist. Maybe there are a lot of merchants who can’t write?

“You’re from …… Zenimouke Kingdom, right? What is your age?”

“I’m ……26.”

“Okay. Why do you want to become a merchant? ……”

“Um, I’d like to make a business deal with the guild, and I think it …… would help me get started.”

“Okay, that’s it.”

“That’s it?”

Mireina submitted the documents to the receptionist.

I didn’t know it was that easy, just your hometown, age, and reason for applying. Even for part-time job interviews, you have to submit a resume, but I guess qualifications in other worlds are pretty simple.

“Here you go, then. This dog tag is your registration to the Merchant’s Guild, so please keep it on your person and don’t lose it. Do you know your way around the Merchant’s Guild?”

“Uh, yes.”

“Thank you. I’m looking forward to working with you.”

It’s a long conversation, and if I don’t know how, I can just ask Tama. I’ll just ask about the property.

“Well, I’ll get right to it, I need a plot of land. My budget is 8 million coins.”

“Yes, please wait a moment.”

Now, let’s get down to business.


The guild staff led us to a field about an hour’s carriage ride from the guild.

According to the explanation, the town built this place as a park, but there were not many people using it, so they reduced the size of the park and put the leftover land on the market, but it hasn’t sold yet.

It was a park, but there was no playground equipment. There was only a field. There is only an enclosed area at the entrance of the park.

The land I bought is half of this park. It’s carefully fenced in.

“Okay, we’ll use this as a base for the trucks. Starting tonight, we’ll park the truck here and sleep in it.”

“Yes. It’s amazing that you have your own land in such a splendid country, Kota-san!”
“No, no, no. This is Mireina’s land, too.”

“No, no, no. …… I’m not worthy of it…..”

The shy Mireina is cute too. I really want her to be my little sister. This feeling is not love, but love-like.

“It’s 9:00 a.m. Japan time. We’d better hurry to the Venom Dragon’s habitat.”

“Yeah, right. Let’s go.”


Damn, Tama’s gotten smart. I can’t believe she’s interrupting me and Mireina’s time.

Oh well. If we don’t hurry up, the dragons might be defeated, so let’s get going and kill it. I didn’t think that I, a guy who works for a shipping company, would have to kill a dragon. And in a truck.

I guess I’ll just drive a little faster. I’m scared of dragons, but I want to see them.


“Tama, set weapons to auto.”

“Copy that. [Machine gun] deployed. Sweeping the target.”

After about two hours of driving, we came to the forest where the Venom Dragon lived. There were a few monsters along the way, but they all became fodder for the machine gun. The machine gun is so strong, it can take out all the little ones.

“It’s amazing. This [machine gun] weapon is …….”

“Indeed. I mean, all the weapons are too vicious. Are there any monsters that can use large missiles?”

I got used to the monsters. The moment they come out, they will turn into a beehive, so unless there is something wrong with them, I won’t apply the brakes. Maybe it’s because they’re small fries, but I can’t seem to get any more points. It would be nice if the levels went up like they did at the beginning.

“That’s a Dynowolf, that’s a Green Goblin, that’s a …… Blood Bud.”

“No, sir. That’s a Brine Bud. The difference between a Blood Bud and a Brine Bud cannot be determined by appearance. So, bloodsuckers are called Blood Buds, while those that only attack you directly with their kiva are called Brine Buds.”

“I see. …… So, Tama, what’s that?”

Mireina was busy naming the monsters that we had turned into beehives. She’s a very diligent young lady, asking me what I don’t know.

After beehiving a few small monsters, I finally got a level.

“Your level has been raised. [Flamethrower] has been unlocked. The new item [Additional Equipment] has been unlocked.”

Oh, something’s been unlocked. I should leave the [Flamethrower] aside for now.

I stopped the truck and listened to Tama’s words.

“Do you want me to explain the [Additional Equipment]?”

“Yes, please.”

“Understood. [Additional equipment] is a function to customize the truck itself.  It’s not the same as [Vehicle Enhancement] or [Interior Equipment], but you can change the appearance and decoration of the truck, and you can spend points to install special parts.”

“Oh, that’s a real Dekotora!”

“Yes. Would you like to see the parts list?”

“Sounds interesting, let me see.”



 ○ Experience points ・ [21005]

 [Additional equipment] -Parts list-

 ○ Exterior parts

 ・ Front deck (Select type)

 ・ Side mirrors (Select type)

 ・ Visor (Select type)

 ・ Front bumper (Select type)

 ・ Illuminations (Select type)

 ○ Paint

 ・ Animals (Select type)

 ・ Plants (Select type)

 ・ Landscape style (Select type)

 ・ Kabuki (Select type)

 ・ Shinto and Buddhist (Select type)

 ・ Custom paint

 ○ Interior

 ・ Seat cover (Select type)

 ・ Dashboard (Select type)

 ・ Interior light (Select type)

 ・ Curtains (Select type)

 ・ Cushions (Select type)

 ・ Steering wheel cover (Select type)

The following items are not yet available.


“Oh, wow ……, that’s really elaborate.”


Mireina doesn’t really understand. In the first place, I don’t really understand it either. I’m from a different generation.

When you select a type, the types of the item are displayed. For example, for painted animals, you can select dragon, hawk, tiger, etc. If you select dragon, a sample will be displayed on the windshield. It’s cool, but it’s not suitable for driving around town.

“On hold for now…..”


I’ll get back to decorating the truck. To be honest, I’m not interested in the decoration of trucks. If I had to pick one, it would be the interior. It would be nice if the seats were fluffier and the interior lights were brighter. Well, I’ll play around with it after the dragon is defeated and we’re settled.

“Warning. There’s a Venom Dragon 580 meters in front of you. Fighting now. Two readings, one of which is human.”



This is reminiscent of my encounter with Mireina. I hope they are not naked again.

“Okay, deploy [Laser Cutter]. Auto mode, please.”

“Copy that. [Laser Cutter] deployed.”

Anyway, I need to see who’s fighting. The worst that can happen is we give up on the materials, right?

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Delivery man in another world – The world’s strongest Trucker Chapter 12

Delivery man in another world – The world’s strongest Trucker Chapter 12

Trucker gets the land

Mireina easily agreed.

In other words, "I'll leave it to you, Kota-san!" situation. It's okay, though. Good.

So, the next day. First, we went to the merchant guild to get the plot of land.

"Mireina, have you ever been to the Merchant's Guild?"

"I'm sorry, I know ...... where it is, but I've never been inside ......."

"I see. Then show me around. Also, I'd like to know what happens if I kill a monster without being commissioned or without being an adventurer."

“Well, in that case, the guild won't give you a reward. But you should report it......”

“Right, well, I'll report it then.”

“Yes. Also, if you want to sell materials to the Merchant's Guild, you have to register as a merchant......”

"Eh, really?"

That's a new one. You have to be qualified just to sell materials to the guild?

“Hmm, I guess I have no choice. Besides, the shipping company is going to be a job, so it's safer to get a merchant's license. By the way, what do I need to register ......? Do I need to bring my ID or personal stamp? How much is the registration fee? Do you need a photo or something?"

"Well, let's see....... You don't need anything in particular. All you need to do is fill out a simple form and pay a registration fee of 3,000 coins.”

"I see. ......, I don't recognize any of the letters in this world. Oh, no.......”

"Oh, I'll write it for you."

It's so pathetic. If I'm going to start a company, I need to be able to write, right? Okay, let's get some help from Mireina-sensei. Private lessons in a private room, please.

"Mireina, please teach me how to write sometime.”

"Okay, I will. Please leave it to me!”

The truck continues on and we arrive at the Merchant's Guild.


The layout of the Merchant's Guild was very different from the Adventurer's Guild. The appearance was almost the same, though.

The inside was large, but it was mostly a reception counter. I've heard that if you're selling goods or valuable items, you'll be taken to a separate room, but that's not important right now. The important thing is to register.

Mireina and I proceeded to an empty reception desk. Of course, we went to the beautiful receptionist. We ignored the male receptionist.

“Excuse me. We'd like to register as merchants.”

“Welcome to the Merchant's Guild. Please fill out this form so we can register you as a merchant.”

“Mireina, please.”


When I passed the baton to Mireina, there was nothing special from the receptionist. Maybe there are a lot of merchants who can't write?

“You're from ...... Zenimouke Kingdom, right? What is your age?”

"I'm ......26."

“Okay. Why do you want to become a merchant? ......”

“Um, I'd like to make a business deal with the guild, and I think it ...... would help me get started.”

“Okay, that's it.”

“That's it?"

Mireina submitted the documents to the receptionist.

I didn't know it was that easy, just your hometown, age, and reason for applying. Even for part-time job interviews, you have to submit a resume, but I guess qualifications in other worlds are pretty simple.

"Here you go, then. This dog tag is your registration to the Merchant's Guild, so please keep it on your person and don't lose it. Do you know your way around the Merchant's Guild?"

"Uh, yes."

“Thank you. I'm looking forward to working with you.”

It's a long conversation, and if I don't know how, I can just ask Tama. I'll just ask about the property.

"Well, I'll get right to it, I need a plot of land. My budget is 8 million coins.”

"Yes, please wait a moment."

Now, let's get down to business.


The guild staff led us to a field about an hour's carriage ride from the guild.

According to the explanation, the town built this place as a park, but there were not many people using it, so they reduced the size of the park and put the leftover land on the market, but it hasn't sold yet.

It was a park, but there was no playground equipment. There was only a field. There is only an enclosed area at the entrance of the park.

The land I bought is half of this park. It's carefully fenced in.

"Okay, we'll use this as a base for the trucks. Starting tonight, we'll park the truck here and sleep in it.”

"Yes. It's amazing that you have your own land in such a splendid country, Kota-san!”
“No, no, no. This is Mireina's land, too.”

“No, no, no. ...... I'm not worthy of it.....”

The shy Mireina is cute too. I really want her to be my little sister. This feeling is not love, but love-like.

“It's 9:00 a.m. Japan time. We'd better hurry to the Venom Dragon's habitat.”

"Yeah, right. Let's go.”


Damn, Tama's gotten smart. I can't believe she's interrupting me and Mireina's time.

Oh well. If we don't hurry up, the dragons might be defeated, so let's get going and kill it. I didn't think that I, a guy who works for a shipping company, would have to kill a dragon. And in a truck.

I guess I'll just drive a little faster. I'm scared of dragons, but I want to see them.


"Tama, set weapons to auto.”

“Copy that. [Machine gun] deployed. Sweeping the target."

After about two hours of driving, we came to the forest where the Venom Dragon lived. There were a few monsters along the way, but they all became fodder for the machine gun. The machine gun is so strong, it can take out all the little ones.

“It's amazing. This [machine gun] weapon is ......."

"Indeed. I mean, all the weapons are too vicious. Are there any monsters that can use large missiles?"

I got used to the monsters. The moment they come out, they will turn into a beehive, so unless there is something wrong with them, I won't apply the brakes. Maybe it's because they're small fries, but I can't seem to get any more points. It would be nice if the levels went up like they did at the beginning.

"That's a Dynowolf, that's a Green Goblin, that's a ...... Blood Bud."

"No, sir. That's a Brine Bud. The difference between a Blood Bud and a Brine Bud cannot be determined by appearance. So, bloodsuckers are called Blood Buds, while those that only attack you directly with their kiva are called Brine Buds.”

“I see. ...... So, Tama, what's that?”

Mireina was busy naming the monsters that we had turned into beehives. She's a very diligent young lady, asking me what I don't know.

After beehiving a few small monsters, I finally got a level.

“Your level has been raised. [Flamethrower] has been unlocked. The new item [Additional Equipment] has been unlocked.”

Oh, something's been unlocked. I should leave the [Flamethrower] aside for now.

I stopped the truck and listened to Tama's words.

“Do you want me to explain the [Additional Equipment]?”

“Yes, please.”

“Understood. [Additional equipment] is a function to customize the truck itself.  It's not the same as [Vehicle Enhancement] or [Interior Equipment], but you can change the appearance and decoration of the truck, and you can spend points to install special parts.”

"Oh, that's a real Dekotora!"

"Yes. Would you like to see the parts list?”

"Sounds interesting, let me see."



 ○ Experience points ・ [21005]

 [Additional equipment] -Parts list-

 ○ Exterior parts

 ・ Front deck (Select type)

 ・ Side mirrors (Select type)

 ・ Visor (Select type)

 ・ Front bumper (Select type)

 ・ Illuminations (Select type)

 ○ Paint

 ・ Animals (Select type)

 ・ Plants (Select type)

 ・ Landscape style (Select type)

 ・ Kabuki (Select type)

 ・ Shinto and Buddhist (Select type)

 ・ Custom paint

 ○ Interior

 ・ Seat cover (Select type)

 ・ Dashboard (Select type)

 ・ Interior light (Select type)

 ・ Curtains (Select type)

 ・ Cushions (Select type)

 ・ Steering wheel cover (Select type)

The following items are not yet available.


"Oh, wow ......, that's really elaborate.”


Mireina doesn't really understand. In the first place, I don't really understand it either. I'm from a different generation.

When you select a type, the types of the item are displayed. For example, for painted animals, you can select dragon, hawk, tiger, etc. If you select dragon, a sample will be displayed on the windshield. It's cool, but it's not suitable for driving around town.

“On hold for now.....”


I'll get back to decorating the truck. To be honest, I'm not interested in the decoration of trucks. If I had to pick one, it would be the interior. It would be nice if the seats were fluffier and the interior lights were brighter. Well, I'll play around with it after the dragon is defeated and we're settled.

"Warning. There's a Venom Dragon 580 meters in front of you. Fighting now. Two readings, one of which is human."



This is reminiscent of my encounter with Mireina. I hope they are not naked again.

"Okay, deploy [Laser Cutter]. Auto mode, please.”

“Copy that. [Laser Cutter] deployed.”

Anyway, I need to see who's fighting. The worst that can happen is we give up on the materials, right?



not work with dark mode