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Delivery man in another world – The world’s strongest Trucker Chapter 13

Trucker fights a dragon

“Oh, my God…. What is that, it’s a monster!?”

“I’ve never seen a dragon before, a creature that’s almost the strongest of all monsters…..Oh, what? That person.”

The Venom Dragon was a “true dragon” at least seven to eight meters long. It had a shimmering purple body that looked unhealthy, a stern face, vicious-looking claws and fangs, and a long, jagged tail. If you were hit by that thing, you would die instantly.

“Kota-san, that person is …’Azure Selene, Shiny Blue’.”

“Blue pants!? Why ais she here? ….Well, she’s an adventurer. She beat me to it.”

Shiny Blue, also known as Blue Pants, is holding her twin swords with clear blue blades upside down and facing the dragon. She skillfully avoids the dragon’s claws and fangs, and even avoids the occasional tail attack. And she’ s fighting without wearing any pants because she’s not seen by anyone. Why isn’t she wearing pants?

“Warning. Her equipment is incapable of inflicting decisive damage to the Venom Dragon. Her pulse and respiration rate are both elevated. If she continues at this rate, she will lose the battle in about 3 minutes and 45 seconds.”

“There is no one who can defeat a dragon monster on their own. The only ones who can do that are the ones called ‘braves’.”

“Well, I’m here to help anyway….”

“Kota-san, that!!”

When I looked in the direction Mireina pointed, I saw blue pants with her swords crossed, blocking the dragon’s tail, at the moment it was blown off.

I was terrified, but slowly and unnoticed, I drove the truck forward and stopped at the side of the dragon.


“Gufurulu …!!”

“Oh, no, no, no, no!?”

The dragon spat purple smoke at the spot where Blue Pants had fallen, and Blue Pants panicked and held her mouth, but as soon as she inhaled, she spat out blood.

“Component analysis ….complete. That smoke is a deadly poison that has matured in the dragon’s body. If inhaled by humans, it will kill them in about ten minutes. An effective antidote is to take the dragon’s blood directly into the body.”

“Okay, commentary is in order, so let’s start the [Laser Cutter].”

“Understood. Activating [Laser Cutter. Firing.”

Then the hood opened and suddenly a protrusion popped out that looked like the sharp end of a spear I had seen in a weapons store. Then, light started to gather on the tip of the spear, “Jijijiji…..”

“Oh, what? What is this….!?”

“Pyun!” A red ray of light ran across the ground and flew up into the sky, and then the head of the dragon fell to the ground, its neck severed in two.

“Defeated one “Venom Dragon”. Your level has been raised. [Shotgun] has been unlocked. [Japanese Sword] has been unlocked and [Brass Knuckles] has been unlocked. Level 20 reached. [Drive-In], [In-Car Equipment], and [Additional Equipment] lists have been updated. New item [Vehicle Refurbishment] has been unlocked. Transform your vehicle into a new form from the [Enhance Vehicle] section. Do you want an explanation?”

“There’s so much to discuss. I’ll get to it all later. Can the poison be removed with that dragon’s blood!?”

“That’s right. The girl’s heart rate dropped. …We’d better hurry.”

“Let’s hurry up, Mireina!”

“Yes, yes!!”

I grabbed an empty plastic tea bottle and went outside with Mireina.

I handed the bottle to Mireina and I picked up the girl. Mireina was pumping black blood from the neck section of the dragon into the plastic bottle. I’ve heard that blood is also a great ingredient.

“Hey, get a grip.”

“Agabu !! Ugebu!?”

Oh no, she’s coughing up blood. Her face is purple and her eyes are white. She’s not a pretty girl anymore. Is it really possible to save her by making her drink blood?

“Kota-san, take this!”

“Thank you!”

I took the plastic bottle that Mireina had filled and poured the blood into blue pants’ mouth.

“Gehi!? Gehi!?”

“Drink up or you’ll die.”

“Kota-san, she’s too weak to drink…”

“Oh, no.”

“Mouth-to-mouth is the only way.”


I thought, “That’s it!” but I couldn’t be happy in this situation. It’s not just guilt that I’m transferring my mouth to a girl with white eyes who is dying. If I don’t hurry, she’ll die. I poured the blood from the bottle into my mouth.

“Mireina, hold her down and let’s…….!?”

What the hell is this?

It smells like charcoal, the liquid is sticky and gooey, and the taste is indescribably disgusting.

“Come on, Kota-san, show some strength!”

“Ugh,…. gubuh!”

I was in tears, blood pooling in my mouth. Mireina held the body of blue pants, fixed her face and opened her mouth. Take it.


“Nmubu …”

Blue pants’ eyes snapped open.

I pushed the liquid into her mouth and twisted my tongue around it to stimulate it. Then I could feel the liquid gurgling down her throat.


“Kota-san, come on!”

“Zangyu, Ngungungungu …”

“Oh, look at you, you look….pale.”

“Hmm? Oh, thank god….”

Blue pants’ complexion improved dramatically. I didn’t know that drinking blood could make such a difference.

“Let’s get her to the truck.”

I carried blue pants to the living room of the truck.


There was work to be done before we could enter the living quarters. Blue pants was a bloody mess, and the shock of the poison had made her leak both big and small. It really stank.

“Mireina, let’s get this fellow’s armor off. I can’t stand the smell.”

“Um, is that okay?”

“Yes. And I want you to wash her body.”

According to Tama, it would take several hours for her to wake up, so let’s get her cleaned up and put her to bed. I’ll wash her clothes and clean her armor.

It took two of us to remove the armor and take her to the shower room. I’ll leave the rest to Mireina. I cleaned the armor with a wet towel and wondered what to do with the vomit and blood on my clothes. Then I heard Tama’s voice coming from the earpiece in my ear.

“I wish I had a washing machine….”

“Washing machine is on the list, would you like to use 3000 points to install it?”

“Oh, what a surprise. Oh, from the earpiece. Oh, and, please, any detergent?”

“Yes, Master. Washing machine installed. Detergent purchased.”

Then I heard a sound from the shower room. It seemed that the washing machine had been set up in the bathroom.

I grabbed Blue pants’ clothing and went to the bathroom. The washing machine was a rotary drum type. It’s the latest model.

“Good, shoo…. Huh, you have a beautiful body….”

Suddenly, I heard such a voice from the shower room.

Mireina is probably naked and washing the body of Blue pants. Yeah, I think I’ll stay here for a while. I’m worried about the washing machine, too. For good reason.

“Wow, slippery. And so light….Ah!?”


I heard a thump and a fall.

I’ve been waiting for this for a long time, but Mireina is in trouble. I’m sure she won’t get mad at me because she’s kind. Yeah, this is for Mireina.

“You’re okay…?”

“Huh, Kota-san…!?”

Mireina is safe. She has a towel wrapped tightly around her, guarding her important parts. But Blue pants is different.

She was in the bath, so naturally she was completely naked. Her hair was undone and her long blue hair was dripping with hot water, making her look very attractive. Her naked body is white and beautiful, but her b*****s are not quite grown.

But that’s not the truly surprising part.

It seems that she was seated in the tub, getting washed, when her balance was thrown off and she fell backwards into Mireina. When I saw her, she had her legs spread. In other words, I saw the important part.

“It’s …… It’s not growing!?”

(TLN: Wth d…did I just …)

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Delivery man in another world – The world’s strongest Trucker Chapter 13

Delivery man in another world – The world’s strongest Trucker Chapter 13

Trucker fights a dragon

"Oh, my God.... What is that, it's a monster!?"

"I've never seen a dragon before, a creature that's almost the strongest of all monsters.....Oh, what? That person."

The Venom Dragon was a "true dragon" at least seven to eight meters long. It had a shimmering purple body that looked unhealthy, a stern face, vicious-looking claws and fangs, and a long, jagged tail. If you were hit by that thing, you would die instantly.

"Kota-san, that person is ...'Azure Selene, Shiny Blue'."

"Blue pants!? Why ais she here? ....Well, she's an adventurer. She beat me to it."

Shiny Blue, also known as Blue Pants, is holding her twin swords with clear blue blades upside down and facing the dragon. She skillfully avoids the dragon's claws and fangs, and even avoids the occasional tail attack. And she' s fighting without wearing any pants because she's not seen by anyone. Why isn't she wearing pants?

"Warning. Her equipment is incapable of inflicting decisive damage to the Venom Dragon. Her pulse and respiration rate are both elevated. If she continues at this rate, she will lose the battle in about 3 minutes and 45 seconds."

"There is no one who can defeat a dragon monster on their own. The only ones who can do that are the ones called 'braves'."

"Well, I'm here to help anyway...."

"Kota-san, that!!"

When I looked in the direction Mireina pointed, I saw blue pants with her swords crossed, blocking the dragon's tail, at the moment it was blown off.

I was terrified, but slowly and unnoticed, I drove the truck forward and stopped at the side of the dragon.


"Gufurulu ...!!"

"Oh, no, no, no, no!?"

The dragon spat purple smoke at the spot where Blue Pants had fallen, and Blue Pants panicked and held her mouth, but as soon as she inhaled, she spat out blood.

"Component analysis ....complete. That smoke is a deadly poison that has matured in the dragon's body. If inhaled by humans, it will kill them in about ten minutes. An effective antidote is to take the dragon's blood directly into the body."

"Okay, commentary is in order, so let's start the [Laser Cutter]."

"Understood. Activating [Laser Cutter. Firing."

Then the hood opened and suddenly a protrusion popped out that looked like the sharp end of a spear I had seen in a weapons store. Then, light started to gather on the tip of the spear, "Jijijiji....."

"Oh, what? What is this....!?"

"Pyun!" A red ray of light ran across the ground and flew up into the sky, and then the head of the dragon fell to the ground, its neck severed in two.

"Defeated one "Venom Dragon". Your level has been raised. [Shotgun] has been unlocked. [Japanese Sword] has been unlocked and [Brass Knuckles] has been unlocked. Level 20 reached. [Drive-In], [In-Car Equipment], and [Additional Equipment] lists have been updated. New item [Vehicle Refurbishment] has been unlocked. Transform your vehicle into a new form from the [Enhance Vehicle] section. Do you want an explanation?"

"There's so much to discuss. I'll get to it all later. Can the poison be removed with that dragon's blood!?"

"That's right. The girl's heart rate dropped. ...We'd better hurry."

"Let's hurry up, Mireina!"

"Yes, yes!!"

I grabbed an empty plastic tea bottle and went outside with Mireina.

I handed the bottle to Mireina and I picked up the girl. Mireina was pumping black blood from the neck section of the dragon into the plastic bottle. I've heard that blood is also a great ingredient.

"Hey, get a grip."

"Agabu !! Ugebu!?"

Oh no, she's coughing up blood. Her face is purple and her eyes are white. She's not a pretty girl anymore. Is it really possible to save her by making her drink blood?

"Kota-san, take this!"

"Thank you!"

I took the plastic bottle that Mireina had filled and poured the blood into blue pants' mouth.

"Gehi!? Gehi!?"

"Drink up or you'll die."

"Kota-san, she's too weak to drink..."

"Oh, no."

"Mouth-to-mouth is the only way."


I thought, "That's it!" but I couldn't be happy in this situation. It's not just guilt that I'm transferring my mouth to a girl with white eyes who is dying. If I don't hurry, she'll die. I poured the blood from the bottle into my mouth.

"Mireina, hold her down and let's.......!?"

What the hell is this?

It smells like charcoal, the liquid is sticky and gooey, and the taste is indescribably disgusting.

"Come on, Kota-san, show some strength!"

"Ugh,.... gubuh!"

I was in tears, blood pooling in my mouth. Mireina held the body of blue pants, fixed her face and opened her mouth. Take it.


"Nmubu ..."

Blue pants' eyes snapped open.

I pushed the liquid into her mouth and twisted my tongue around it to stimulate it. Then I could feel the liquid gurgling down her throat.


"Kota-san, come on!"

"Zangyu, Ngungungungu ..."

"Oh, look at you, you look....pale."

"Hmm? Oh, thank god...."

Blue pants' complexion improved dramatically. I didn't know that drinking blood could make such a difference.

"Let's get her to the truck."

I carried blue pants to the living room of the truck.


There was work to be done before we could enter the living quarters. Blue pants was a bloody mess, and the shock of the poison had made her leak both big and small. It really stank.

"Mireina, let's get this fellow's armor off. I can't stand the smell."

"Um, is that okay?"

"Yes. And I want you to wash her body."

According to Tama, it would take several hours for her to wake up, so let's get her cleaned up and put her to bed. I'll wash her clothes and clean her armor.

It took two of us to remove the armor and take her to the shower room. I'll leave the rest to Mireina. I cleaned the armor with a wet towel and wondered what to do with the vomit and blood on my clothes. Then I heard Tama's voice coming from the earpiece in my ear.

"I wish I had a washing machine...."

"Washing machine is on the list, would you like to use 3000 points to install it?"

"Oh, what a surprise. Oh, from the earpiece. Oh, and, please, any detergent?"

"Yes, Master. Washing machine installed. Detergent purchased."

Then I heard a sound from the shower room. It seemed that the washing machine had been set up in the bathroom.

I grabbed Blue pants' clothing and went to the bathroom. The washing machine was a rotary drum type. It's the latest model.

"Good, shoo.... Huh, you have a beautiful body...."

Suddenly, I heard such a voice from the shower room.

Mireina is probably naked and washing the body of Blue pants. Yeah, I think I'll stay here for a while. I'm worried about the washing machine, too. For good reason.

"Wow, slippery. And so light....Ah!?"


I heard a thump and a fall.

I've been waiting for this for a long time, but Mireina is in trouble. I'm sure she won't get mad at me because she's kind. Yeah, this is for Mireina.

"You're okay...?"

"Huh, Kota-san...!?"

Mireina is safe. She has a towel wrapped tightly around her, guarding her important parts. But Blue pants is different.

She was in the bath, so naturally she was completely naked. Her hair was undone and her long blue hair was dripping with hot water, making her look very attractive. Her naked body is white and beautiful, but her b*****s are not quite grown.

But that's not the truly surprising part.

It seems that she was seated in the tub, getting washed, when her balance was thrown off and she fell backwards into Mireina. When I saw her, she had her legs spread. In other words, I saw the important part.

"It's ...... It's not growing!?"

(TLN: Wth d…did I just …)



not work with dark mode