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I Became the Master of the Magic Tower in Another World Chapter 4

Meteor: Ice Magic (4)

TL/ED: Lolz

The dormitory supervisor position has traditionally been entrusted to the most senior apprentice who has passed through the entire floor of initiation.

Most apprentices break through to the 10th floor within the first year, so as a 4th-year apprentice, I had been managing the dormitory for quite a while.

Main duties include checking the cleanliness of the premises, handling complaints, and conducting security checks to prepare for potential dangers such as demons or other threats.

Regular attendance at meetings where all the administrative departments of the Magic Tower gather is also required.

Despite the workload, having a relatively independent living space and a modest stipend made it a manageable life, especially since I valued the ability to sneak in some reading during work.


[Anyone who signed up for the lecture at Glesia School today?]

There’s no information about the professor, and the name is something like Meteor. Is this okay to listen to?

— The one they’re going to demonstrate later?

— If it’s Meteor, it’s at least a 4th-tier, apprentices might not understand even if they attend.

— Rumor has it that the professor is a pureblood.

ㄴ That’s why I applied.

ㄴ It sounds like a lie; not even a disciple, and a pureblood teaching apprentices?

ㄴ Seriously.



[Can we give food to the professor?]

The professor, who is unusually short, was standing in front of the 4th cafeteria, muttering something about curses. I saw her and he seemed a bit strange. She looked like she couldn’t afford to buy food, so should I give her some?

— Ugh, don’t feed that thing carelessly.

— The moment you make eye contact, you’ll be dragged into the Haeju School.

— If someone has a grudge against the royal family or wants to curse someone, it might not be a bad idea?

— If you wait a bit, the dorm supervisor will take care of it, so don’t touch it.

ㄴ Right, it’s not good to touch someone you don’t know.

ㄴ Can’t I give her candy? She’s so cute ㅠㅠ



[Trapped on the 44th floor, please help]

I’m trapped on the 44th floor. Please help. I’m trapped on the 44th floor. Please help. I’m trapped on the 44th floor. Please help…


A few days after parting ways with Vina.

Today, as I was checking on the peaceful daily life of the forum, the head of the living department approached me.

He was explaining the facilities of the Magic Tower to the apprentices and pointed to the monument in the center of the main square.

“Clark, among those who wrote their names on the monument, those affiliated with the Marylin Hall should be taken to the dormitory first.”


“There’s no need for everyone to move together; it’s not necessary. Also, you have to attend the lecture organized by the Glesia School this afternoon, right?”

“Thank you.”

The area in front of the monument created by the Tower Master was always crowded with people.

Not only those who wanted to climb the tower but also tourists and nearby merchants gathered to witness the spectacle of light spreading when a talented mage appeared.

At the top of the constellation plate, which spread like a giant tree, seven celestial bodies shone brightly.

When someone wrote a name and recited their wish, starlight would rise from the roots.

Having seen this sight for the fifth year in a row, the interest in stars was not there for me. So, I readily accepted the consideration from the head of the living department.

“Have you seen yours? Four schools suitable for your aptitude have come out.”

“Sounds great. My limit is the 30th floor. The light doesn’t go up anymore.”

“Well, who knows. You might be able to go higher than the limit set by the monument. The Seven Sages did that to engrave the stars.”

“How about Mariel? She must have been higher than us, right?”

“Excuse me? I am…”

The noble ladies chatted about their talents, all in a heightened state of excitement after confirming their own aptitudes. While walking and leading them, my story suddenly reached their ears.

“Wait! I have something to discuss with the supervisor!”

“Did something break in the dormitory again?”

“Mariel must be having a hard time. Assigned to the most outdated room by chance.”

“That’s right. Coincidentally… Pfft, anyway, we plan to leave the dormitory soon and stay in a better hotel.”

“How about Mariel… Oh my.”

Just when I thought I had set things up like baby chicks in a row, one person came out, causing a fuss.

Turning my head, I met eyes with the familiar face.

Mages who are excellent in magic climb the tower quickly. So, if two people on the 1st floor deliberately avoid eye contact, it means one of them is either bad at magic or keeps bothering the dorm supervisor.

The girl with a confident expression and a waist-length, voluminous blonde hair, at least, was clearly the latter.

Due to the nature of the dormitory where apprentices couldn’t enter with their servants, apprentices who were more nobles than mages often complained about discomfort, and she happened to fit that description.


“Yes, Lady Mariel.”

“The window frame in my room is warped, causing serious noise pollution. This is a problem that needs to be addressed quickly!”

It was natural for minor inconveniences to follow in an old building.

Leaving the outdated facilities as they were also carried the meaning of “if it bothers you, climb up quickly,” making it even more apparent.

As minor repairs couldn’t be handled by the maintenance team, such matters had to be addressed personally by visiting.

Resolving inconveniences was also one of the duties of the dormitory supervisor.

“Today, I have an appointment, so it’s a bit difficult. I’ll come by tomorrow.”

“An appointment? You have an appointment that takes precedence over attending to me, the legitimate daughter of Count Holcroft!?”

Mariel shot me a displeased look, fists clenched, and her eyes sharp with exaggerated sharpness, perhaps aware that her friends were watching from behind.

However, unlike in other dormitories, the authority-based intimidation towards me, a 5-year veteran dormitory supervisor, almost had no effect.

After carefully considering the schedule, I conveyed the plan to Mariel.

“Well, starting now, I need to go to the 4th cafeteria and buy lunch for one of the Seven Sages, Lady Agnes. In the afternoon, I have to attend the new lecture by Vina, the pureblood mage from the Glesia School, as an assistant.”

“Is it something urgent that you can’t delay until next week?”

She made a snorting sound before sinking like a stone. Despite being the daughter of a Count, she couldn’t match the authority of the Seven Sages or their direct descendants within the Magic Tower.

Now that I think about it, she doesn’t have a servant. Does she make that neatly braided hair herself every day? Just as I pondered that, Mariel asked again.

“Supervisor! Supervisor!”

“Yes, yes.”

Do you know what happens if you lie in front of the monument?”

“Are you talking about the reason for climbing the Magic Tower?”

Engraving their names with a secret wish alongside.

Mariel seemed curious about what would happen if either of the statements turned out to be false.

“Not much. Just the starlight not guiding the way and being unable to pass through the first floor.”

“Is that so?”

“Yes, that’s all.”


Seems like she didn’t inscribe her name on the monument earlier.

This happens every year when someone enters the Magic Tower for very personal reasons or wants to keep some unethical business hidden.

As long as you don’t lie, the monument guides you.

So, even if it’s embarrassing, telling the truth is the only way.

“Just close your eyes and do it.”

“It’s not that simple. Rather, I’ve already passed, but I was just curious.”

“The square is always crowded, so you can cover your face.”

“No matter what magic tool I use, it can’t hide my beauty.”

If she wants others not to recognize her, she should straighten out that strange hair at least.

I wanted to say that, but I decided to write it on the forum later.

Right now, it was more crucial to see if Vina could properly conduct the afternoon lecture.

Even though it seemed approved by the Glesia School due to the scheduled time, the Meteor is Ice Magic claim was still lingering.


The most popular and broadest major at the Magic Tower was undoubtedly “Elemental Magic”.

The major schools such as Kaleidos, Mittier, and Glesia had different levels of research lab equipment and facilities.

The lecture hall in the Epsilon Hall was large enough to accommodate substantial lectures.

However, until 10 minutes before the lecture, there were only about ten people there. One seat was occupied by Christina, a friend of Vina.

“There aren’t many people.”

“Is that so? I think it’s quite a lot for the first day.”

Many other lectures had already started two weeks ago, and there were probably many students with conflicting schedules.

Moreover, Vina was not well known since it was her first time standing in front of the podium.

Those present were either aspiring to become students of the Glesia School or just those who heard rumors.

“We need more people to know about Meteor….”

Even so, she couldn’t hide her disappointment.

Pulling out her Witch Note, she started writing something.


Meteor is Ice Magic

[I’m giving an interesting lecture in Epsilon Hall Room 108 right now.]

Evidence of why Meteor is ice magic.

You won’t regret listening.

— Want to see Meteor with a mask?

— Wasn’t that what you applied after the last soul reading?

— Bring the Tower Master lol.

— Even if I listen, I won’t understand~


The gallery’s response was lukewarm.

There were a few curious people, but most dismissed Vina’s post as just another attention-seeking move.

The sharp responses from users who had built up a one-sided sense of familiarity were unsettling.

Perhaps because of that, Vina, who was already on the verge of tears, couldn’t conceal her frustration.

“Vina, could you come here for a moment?”

“Hic… What is it?”

“Writing too much might have the opposite effect.”

“I don’t know. I know more about the forum than Supervisor.”


[User ID blocked by Administrator: MeteorIsIceMagic]


[Duration: 3 hours]


[Reason: Spamming not allowed.]


I know better than anyone.

At least, don’t spam on my forum.


— MeteorIsIceMagic: Admin, please unblock me right now.

— MeteorIsIceMagic: It’s an important moment.

— MeteorIsIceMagic: I won’t yield no matter how much you persecute me…



[User ID blocked by Administrator: MeteorIsIceMagic]


[Duration: 3 days]


[Reason: Bang!]



This level of punishment seemed to contribute to job creation for dentists in the Magic Tower.

After a moment of irrelevant thought, I approached the now teary-eyed Vina.

Rather than going for some cheesy viral tactic, there was a more effective method.

“Come on, calm down and look this way.”

“S-sniff… What is it?”

“The angle is nice. Flip your hair behind your ears, keep your hands as they are… Yes, that’s it.”

I took a picture of Vina using the Witch Note accessed the forum.

I uploaded her picture to the professor section of the ‘Why Meteor is Ice Magic’ lecture that had just been added to the timetable.

Although class evaluations and professor backgrounds were typically written after the first semester, well, who cared.

Amid the bland proof pictures or empty spaces, a charming solo shot slipped in would surely attract some attention.

“Now, let’s wait.”

“For what?”

If someone spread the word about who the professor was, the rumor would quickly spread.

During class time, there might be some students doing mischief in the forum, and a few might sneak out during the lectures.

As expected, with less than a minute left until the lecture started, footsteps echoed in the corridor.

Access 10 Chapters ahead of the Novelupdates release on our Patreon. <3

Join Our Discord Server to Be Notified of Releases

I Became the Master of the Magic Tower in Another World Chapter 4

I Became the Master of the Magic Tower in Another World Chapter 4

Meteor: Ice Magic (4)

TL/ED: Lolz

The dormitory supervisor position has traditionally been entrusted to the most senior apprentice who has passed through the entire floor of initiation.

Most apprentices break through to the 10th floor within the first year, so as a 4th-year apprentice, I had been managing the dormitory for quite a while.

Main duties include checking the cleanliness of the premises, handling complaints, and conducting security checks to prepare for potential dangers such as demons or other threats.

Regular attendance at meetings where all the administrative departments of the Magic Tower gather is also required.

Despite the workload, having a relatively independent living space and a modest stipend made it a manageable life, especially since I valued the ability to sneak in some reading during work.


[Anyone who signed up for the lecture at Glesia School today?]

There's no information about the professor, and the name is something like Meteor. Is this okay to listen to?

— The one they're going to demonstrate later?

— If it's Meteor, it's at least a 4th-tier, apprentices might not understand even if they attend.

— Rumor has it that the professor is a pureblood.

ㄴ That's why I applied.

ㄴ It sounds like a lie; not even a disciple, and a pureblood teaching apprentices?

ㄴ Seriously.



[Can we give food to the professor?]

The professor, who is unusually short, was standing in front of the 4th cafeteria, muttering something about curses. I saw her and he seemed a bit strange. She looked like she couldn't afford to buy food, so should I give her some?

— Ugh, don’t feed that thing carelessly.

— The moment you make eye contact, you'll be dragged into the Haeju School.

— If someone has a grudge against the royal family or wants to curse someone, it might not be a bad idea?

— If you wait a bit, the dorm supervisor will take care of it, so don't touch it.

ㄴ Right, it's not good to touch someone you don't know.

ㄴ Can't I give her candy? She's so cute ㅠㅠ



[Trapped on the 44th floor, please help]

I'm trapped on the 44th floor. Please help. I'm trapped on the 44th floor. Please help. I'm trapped on the 44th floor. Please help...


A few days after parting ways with Vina.

Today, as I was checking on the peaceful daily life of the forum, the head of the living department approached me.

He was explaining the facilities of the Magic Tower to the apprentices and pointed to the monument in the center of the main square.

"Clark, among those who wrote their names on the monument, those affiliated with the Marylin Hall should be taken to the dormitory first."


"There's no need for everyone to move together; it's not necessary. Also, you have to attend the lecture organized by the Glesia School this afternoon, right?"

"Thank you."

The area in front of the monument created by the Tower Master was always crowded with people.

Not only those who wanted to climb the tower but also tourists and nearby merchants gathered to witness the spectacle of light spreading when a talented mage appeared.

At the top of the constellation plate, which spread like a giant tree, seven celestial bodies shone brightly.

When someone wrote a name and recited their wish, starlight would rise from the roots.

Having seen this sight for the fifth year in a row, the interest in stars was not there for me. So, I readily accepted the consideration from the head of the living department.

"Have you seen yours? Four schools suitable for your aptitude have come out."

"Sounds great. My limit is the 30th floor. The light doesn't go up anymore."

"Well, who knows. You might be able to go higher than the limit set by the monument. The Seven Sages did that to engrave the stars."

"How about Mariel? She must have been higher than us, right?"

"Excuse me? I am..."

The noble ladies chatted about their talents, all in a heightened state of excitement after confirming their own aptitudes. While walking and leading them, my story suddenly reached their ears.

"Wait! I have something to discuss with the supervisor!"

"Did something break in the dormitory again?"

"Mariel must be having a hard time. Assigned to the most outdated room by chance."

"That's right. Coincidentally... Pfft, anyway, we plan to leave the dormitory soon and stay in a better hotel."

"How about Mariel... Oh my."

Just when I thought I had set things up like baby chicks in a row, one person came out, causing a fuss.

Turning my head, I met eyes with the familiar face.

Mages who are excellent in magic climb the tower quickly. So, if two people on the 1st floor deliberately avoid eye contact, it means one of them is either bad at magic or keeps bothering the dorm supervisor.

The girl with a confident expression and a waist-length, voluminous blonde hair, at least, was clearly the latter.

Due to the nature of the dormitory where apprentices couldn't enter with their servants, apprentices who were more nobles than mages often complained about discomfort, and she happened to fit that description.


"Yes, Lady Mariel."

"The window frame in my room is warped, causing serious noise pollution. This is a problem that needs to be addressed quickly!"

It was natural for minor inconveniences to follow in an old building.

Leaving the outdated facilities as they were also carried the meaning of "if it bothers you, climb up quickly," making it even more apparent.

As minor repairs couldn't be handled by the maintenance team, such matters had to be addressed personally by visiting.

Resolving inconveniences was also one of the duties of the dormitory supervisor.

"Today, I have an appointment, so it's a bit difficult. I'll come by tomorrow."

"An appointment? You have an appointment that takes precedence over attending to me, the legitimate daughter of Count Holcroft!?”

Mariel shot me a displeased look, fists clenched, and her eyes sharp with exaggerated sharpness, perhaps aware that her friends were watching from behind.

However, unlike in other dormitories, the authority-based intimidation towards me, a 5-year veteran dormitory supervisor, almost had no effect.

After carefully considering the schedule, I conveyed the plan to Mariel.

"Well, starting now, I need to go to the 4th cafeteria and buy lunch for one of the Seven Sages, Lady Agnes. In the afternoon, I have to attend the new lecture by Vina, the pureblood mage from the Glesia School, as an assistant."

"Is it something urgent that you can't delay until next week?"

She made a snorting sound before sinking like a stone. Despite being the daughter of a Count, she couldn't match the authority of the Seven Sages or their direct descendants within the Magic Tower.

Now that I think about it, she doesn't have a servant. Does she make that neatly braided hair herself every day? Just as I pondered that, Mariel asked again.

"Supervisor! Supervisor!"

"Yes, yes."

Do you know what happens if you lie in front of the monument?"

"Are you talking about the reason for climbing the Magic Tower?"

Engraving their names with a secret wish alongside.

Mariel seemed curious about what would happen if either of the statements turned out to be false.

"Not much. Just the starlight not guiding the way and being unable to pass through the first floor."

"Is that so?"

"Yes, that's all."


Seems like she didn't inscribe her name on the monument earlier.

This happens every year when someone enters the Magic Tower for very personal reasons or wants to keep some unethical business hidden.

As long as you don't lie, the monument guides you.

So, even if it's embarrassing, telling the truth is the only way.

"Just close your eyes and do it."

"It's not that simple. Rather, I've already passed, but I was just curious."

"The square is always crowded, so you can cover your face."

"No matter what magic tool I use, it can't hide my beauty."

If she wants others not to recognize her, she should straighten out that strange hair at least.

I wanted to say that, but I decided to write it on the forum later.

Right now, it was more crucial to see if Vina could properly conduct the afternoon lecture.

Even though it seemed approved by the Glesia School due to the scheduled time, the Meteor is Ice Magic claim was still lingering.


The most popular and broadest major at the Magic Tower was undoubtedly "Elemental Magic".

The major schools such as Kaleidos, Mittier, and Glesia had different levels of research lab equipment and facilities.

The lecture hall in the Epsilon Hall was large enough to accommodate substantial lectures.

However, until 10 minutes before the lecture, there were only about ten people there. One seat was occupied by Christina, a friend of Vina.

"There aren't many people."

"Is that so? I think it's quite a lot for the first day."

Many other lectures had already started two weeks ago, and there were probably many students with conflicting schedules.

Moreover, Vina was not well known since it was her first time standing in front of the podium.

Those present were either aspiring to become students of the Glesia School or just those who heard rumors.

"We need more people to know about Meteor...."

Even so, she couldn't hide her disappointment.

Pulling out her Witch Note, she started writing something.


Meteor is Ice Magic

[I'm giving an interesting lecture in Epsilon Hall Room 108 right now.]

Evidence of why Meteor is ice magic.

You won't regret listening.

— Want to see Meteor with a mask?

— Wasn't that what you applied after the last soul reading?

— Bring the Tower Master lol.

— Even if I listen, I won't understand~


The gallery's response was lukewarm.

There were a few curious people, but most dismissed Vina's post as just another attention-seeking move.

The sharp responses from users who had built up a one-sided sense of familiarity were unsettling.

Perhaps because of that, Vina, who was already on the verge of tears, couldn't conceal her frustration.

"Vina, could you come here for a moment?"

"Hic... What is it?"

"Writing too much might have the opposite effect."

"I don't know. I know more about the forum than Supervisor."


[User ID blocked by Administrator: MeteorIsIceMagic]


[Duration: 3 hours]


[Reason: Spamming not allowed.]


I know better than anyone.

At least, don't spam on my forum.


— MeteorIsIceMagic: Admin, please unblock me right now.

— MeteorIsIceMagic: It's an important moment.

— MeteorIsIceMagic: I won't yield no matter how much you persecute me...



[User ID blocked by Administrator: MeteorIsIceMagic]


[Duration: 3 days]


[Reason: Bang!]



This level of punishment seemed to contribute to job creation for dentists in the Magic Tower.

After a moment of irrelevant thought, I approached the now teary-eyed Vina.

Rather than going for some cheesy viral tactic, there was a more effective method.

"Come on, calm down and look this way."

"S-sniff... What is it?"

"The angle is nice. Flip your hair behind your ears, keep your hands as they are... Yes, that's it."

I took a picture of Vina using the Witch Note accessed the forum.

I uploaded her picture to the professor section of the 'Why Meteor is Ice Magic' lecture that had just been added to the timetable.

Although class evaluations and professor backgrounds were typically written after the first semester, well, who cared.

Amid the bland proof pictures or empty spaces, a charming solo shot slipped in would surely attract some attention.

"Now, let's wait."

"For what?"

If someone spread the word about who the professor was, the rumor would quickly spread.

During class time, there might be some students doing mischief in the forum, and a few might sneak out during the lectures.

As expected, with less than a minute left until the lecture started, footsteps echoed in the corridor.

Access 10 Chapters ahead of the Novelupdates release on our Patreon. <3



not work with dark mode