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I Became the Master of the Magic Tower in Another World Chapter 3

Meteor: Ice Magic (3)

TL/ED: Lolz

Seven Sages.

Magicians who had reached the highest position in the Magic Tower, excluding the Tower Master.

Being their direct descendant means possessing unparalleled skill and authority within the Magic Tower.

Naturally, there is no reason for them to climb the tower from the first floor or to possess the Witch Note reserved only for apprentices.

“It’s already been an hour. Even if we don’t know who the opponent is, it’s obvious they won’t come out!”

“They will definitely come out.”

“Even if we meet, what will you do? Are you planning to report to the Ethics Committee?”

“They need to realize.”

“Realize what?”

In addition to behavior that seems dark in the affairs of the world, what catches the eye is a beautiful appearance.

Truly fitting for a “pure-blooded magician” born and raised in this cradle of magic.

Beyond simply having distinctive features, an overwhelming aura is felt.

Each wavy strand of hair carries magic that is beyond anyone’s reach.

Even the value of a page of the book they hold or the decoration on the robe lightly draped over them cannot be underestimated.

Just being around them, those who are captivated by their pure and powerful magic are compelled to speak.

“Um, if it’s not too much trouble, would you like to have a meal together…?”

“It was you.”


“Kyaaaah! Vina killed someone!!”


A clean and straight thrust without a declaration or identification of the opponent.

Even I, who have had a fair share of adventurer life, find it impressive. Balanced body, expressionless, showing no signs of life.

Even if they had chosen the path of a martial artist, they would have excelled.

Of course, this is not a colosseum, and there is no judgment.

I approached Vina, the woman who was about to deliver a final blow to the fallen opponent.

While there was joy in discovering a genuine demon so dedicated to chaos, this was still the dormitory I managed.

Causing further disturbance would be troublesome.

“Wait a moment.”

“Are you the next one?”

I also didn’t forget to ‘block images’ in the forum in advance.

Because I wanted to avoid exposing my identity.

Although she, who had loaded magic into her fists, recognized the next opponent, I was quicker to raise both hands.

While directly facing the piercing coldness that stings the skin, I revealed my identity.

“No, no, no, I’m Clark Desmond, Supervisor of the Marylin Hall.”


“If you have truly calmed down, can we have a brief conversation?”



[Is the scene of the confrontation in front of the Marylin statue already over?]

It ended in an instant, so I didn’t see it properly. Who won? Did they both come out for real?

— One of them was supposed to be the son of the Earl Kuplan, right?

— No, that person had nothing to do with it. They just randomly spoke and got involved in it.

— The dormitory supervisor came out and mediated, so it seems like it’s over?

— Not fun.

— From my perspective, who witnessed it directly, it was hilarious.



[As expected, I knew they wouldn’t come out~.]

Our Tower Master is busy, so he doesn’t have time to come out~

— If they really came out, it would have been a disaster for the pure-blooded ones, hahaha.

— Still, it seems like they had already magically identified it since they put up the ‘image block’.

ㄴ A preemptive move in response to a preemptive strike, they’re protecting their identity.

ㄴ ‘That Tower Master’ seems kind of nice. Hahaha.


Checking the gradually evolving confrontation plot and closing the Witch Note, I turned to the owner who had explained the entire situation and handed back the information. I urged them:

“I don’t know under what circumstances you came to possess the location note, but fighting in the forum or revealing identities carelessly is not a good idea.”

“I-Is that so…?”


Vina Nethania de Niflheim, the youngest of the prestigious Glesia school with renowned ice magic, remained silent, tightly sealing her lips as she listened to my words and those of her friend.

She sat there, not touching the carefully prepared drink by the barista, but her hands trembling on her knees.

“The other party may have malicious intentions, and just like today, it’s a waste of time if they don’t show up.”

“That’s what I said, Vina. From now on, don’t do such things as the dormitory supervisor says.”


A sound came from her teeth that her doctor would lament at.

Feeling a little sympathetic to her dismantling, I offered one more piece of advice.

“If you want to fix it without seeing someone in person, contact the forum administrator.”

“The administrator?”

“Yes. Everyone usually calls them manager, but if you go to the ‘Report Board’ and explain, they will block or take action against the person you fought with.”

“Administrator, got it.”

Finally calming down, Vina nodded.

In addition to this, I explained how to create a fixed nickname, attach images to posts, and the typing techniques for the Witch Note.

Christina, her friend, listened with fascination to the information on this new aspect she had not encountered before. Since my gallery was open to everyone, I also handed her a Witch Note.

“Can I have one too?”

“Yes, there’s plenty of stock.”

One of the supervisor’s duties is to distribute this to the freshly entered apprentice students.

The remaining ones were piled up in the office.

Having finished all the matters at hand, I stood up from my seat.

The cafe within the dormitory charged an additional fee per hour besides the beverages.

Even though I wouldn’t charge the two present owners, the longer I stayed, the thinner my wallet would become.

Plus, the attention from people around was a bit bothersome.

“Anyway, it was an honor to meet both of you. Well then, I’ll be going now…”



“What do you think, Supervisor?”

I must have introduced myself, but my name was now Supervisor, right? What more?

Confused by the abrupt question, I was about to respond when Vina spoke.

“I was shocked. There are so many people in the world who believe that Meteor is not Ice magic.”


“So, I thought. I have to clarify the teachings of the Glesia school.”

“Oh, so… you want to open a lecture for the apprentice students?”

The Magic Tower is not just about climbing the tower but also an educational institution for learning magic.

Naturally, there are many courses offered by each school.

“The lecture period has ended, but depending on the discretion of the school, there might be places allowed.”

“We need a teaching assistant.”

“If you apply to the school, there will be applicants. Or, there’s the labyrinth where graduate students live on the first underground floor; you can bring someone from there if you want.”

“I’ve already found one.”

With clear lake-like eyes fixed on me, Vina blinked quickly, leaving me a bit startled.

Those who have mastered the pinnacle of magic often lack consideration for others and frequently immerse themselves in their own world.

Understanding such individuals’ absurd remarks was one of my few advantages.

However, being noticeable to someone as skilled and beautiful as her made the situation uncomfortable.

“I’m sorry, but could you tell me what aspect of mine you think is suitable for a teaching assistant…?”

“You listened well. When I explained in detail about my claim posted on the forum earlier.”

I wasn’t even listening to that.

 Nevertheless, she kept mumbling, and I just nodded along, vaguely acknowledging her chatter while chatting on the forum.

“As a Supervisor, I believe you will definitely help, as our goals align.”

“No, I…”

“Are you trying to say that Meteor isn’t Ice magic?”

I was only at the first stage and still on the starting floor. Moreover, I was busy with supervisor duties.

However, for Vina, who had just ventured outside the Glesia school today, I was already imprinted as her ally.

Even if I wanted to refuse, I had no power to reject her proposal as the direct descendant of the Seven Sages.

I hadn’t officially become an apprentice of the Haeju School, so I couldn’t shield Agnes either.

“I’ll contact you when the schedule is decided.”

With words that felt more like a notification, Vina, who had packed her belongings, stood up first.

On her way back, she didn’t forget to give a sharp glance at the ice dispenser in the corridor.

What a bothersome task.

Observing the two as they boarded the magic elevator and ascended.

A moment later, a message arrived through the Witch Note.

It was a comment on the newly posted comments on the report board.


— MeteorIsIceMagic: Administrator.

— MeteorIsIceMagic: There’s someone who needs to be blocked.

— MeteorIsIceMagic: ㅇㅇ(1.1) <- This person, yesterday dawn on the forum, unilaterally slandered me, spreading strange arguments and trying to manipulate public opinion.

— MeteorIsIceMagic: Witness

— MeteorIsIceMagic: Evidence (photo)


Vina, who had contacted me during her ascent in the magic elevator, seemed to be in a hurry.

Having perfectly mastered the usage of the Witch Note, she was now typing cleanly.

The evening breeze was said to be strong; it was clear that she would be actively participating in the forum in the future.

Though her mischievous nature was regrettable, it wasn’t severe enough to be considered seriously malicious, so I decided to view it as cute.

At least, there wouldn’t be any more instances of challenging anyone to a duel randomly.


— MeteorIsIceMagic: Please permanently ban them from using the forum right now.

— MeteorIsIceMagic: Please.

— MeteorIsIceMagic: Are you watching, Administrator?

— MeteorIsIceMagic: Administrator. Are you there?


“Well, let’s see.”

There’s no need to prolong this.

I immediately used administrator privileges and blocked as she wished.


[Banned ID by Administrator: MeteorIsIceMagic]

[Duration: 3 days]

[Reason: Nonsensical]


Whether it’s the Seven Sages or Tower Master, on my forum, I am the law.

Later that afternoon, the maintenance team arrived to replace a malfunctioning magic elevator.

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I Became the Master of the Magic Tower in Another World Chapter 3

I Became the Master of the Magic Tower in Another World Chapter 3

Meteor: Ice Magic (3)

TL/ED: Lolz

Seven Sages.

Magicians who had reached the highest position in the Magic Tower, excluding the Tower Master.

Being their direct descendant means possessing unparalleled skill and authority within the Magic Tower.

Naturally, there is no reason for them to climb the tower from the first floor or to possess the Witch Note reserved only for apprentices.

"It's already been an hour. Even if we don't know who the opponent is, it's obvious they won't come out!"

"They will definitely come out."

"Even if we meet, what will you do? Are you planning to report to the Ethics Committee?"

"They need to realize."

"Realize what?"

In addition to behavior that seems dark in the affairs of the world, what catches the eye is a beautiful appearance.

Truly fitting for a "pure-blooded magician" born and raised in this cradle of magic.

Beyond simply having distinctive features, an overwhelming aura is felt.

Each wavy strand of hair carries magic that is beyond anyone's reach.

Even the value of a page of the book they hold or the decoration on the robe lightly draped over them cannot be underestimated.

Just being around them, those who are captivated by their pure and powerful magic are compelled to speak.

"Um, if it's not too much trouble, would you like to have a meal together...?"

"It was you."


"Kyaaaah! Vina killed someone!!"


A clean and straight thrust without a declaration or identification of the opponent.

Even I, who have had a fair share of adventurer life, find it impressive. Balanced body, expressionless, showing no signs of life.

Even if they had chosen the path of a martial artist, they would have excelled.

Of course, this is not a colosseum, and there is no judgment.

I approached Vina, the woman who was about to deliver a final blow to the fallen opponent.

While there was joy in discovering a genuine demon so dedicated to chaos, this was still the dormitory I managed.

Causing further disturbance would be troublesome.

"Wait a moment."

"Are you the next one?"

I also didn’t forget to ‘block images’ in the forum in advance.

Because I wanted to avoid exposing my identity.

Although she, who had loaded magic into her fists, recognized the next opponent, I was quicker to raise both hands.

While directly facing the piercing coldness that stings the skin, I revealed my identity.

"No, no, no, I'm Clark Desmond, Supervisor of the Marylin Hall."


"If you have truly calmed down, can we have a brief conversation?"



[Is the scene of the confrontation in front of the Marylin statue already over?]

It ended in an instant, so I didn't see it properly. Who won? Did they both come out for real?

— One of them was supposed to be the son of the Earl Kuplan, right?

— No, that person had nothing to do with it. They just randomly spoke and got involved in it.

— The dormitory supervisor came out and mediated, so it seems like it's over?

— Not fun.

— From my perspective, who witnessed it directly, it was hilarious.



[As expected, I knew they wouldn't come out~.]

Our Tower Master is busy, so he doesn't have time to come out~

— If they really came out, it would have been a disaster for the pure-blooded ones, hahaha.

— Still, it seems like they had already magically identified it since they put up the 'image block'.

ㄴ A preemptive move in response to a preemptive strike, they're protecting their identity.

ㄴ 'That Tower Master' seems kind of nice. Hahaha.


Checking the gradually evolving confrontation plot and closing the Witch Note, I turned to the owner who had explained the entire situation and handed back the information. I urged them:

"I don't know under what circumstances you came to possess the location note, but fighting in the forum or revealing identities carelessly is not a good idea."

"I-Is that so…?"


Vina Nethania de Niflheim, the youngest of the prestigious Glesia school with renowned ice magic, remained silent, tightly sealing her lips as she listened to my words and those of her friend.

She sat there, not touching the carefully prepared drink by the barista, but her hands trembling on her knees.

"The other party may have malicious intentions, and just like today, it's a waste of time if they don't show up."

"That's what I said, Vina. From now on, don't do such things as the dormitory supervisor says."


A sound came from her teeth that her doctor would lament at.

Feeling a little sympathetic to her dismantling, I offered one more piece of advice.

"If you want to fix it without seeing someone in person, contact the forum administrator."

"The administrator?"

"Yes. Everyone usually calls them manager, but if you go to the 'Report Board' and explain, they will block or take action against the person you fought with."

"Administrator, got it."

Finally calming down, Vina nodded.

In addition to this, I explained how to create a fixed nickname, attach images to posts, and the typing techniques for the Witch Note.

Christina, her friend, listened with fascination to the information on this new aspect she had not encountered before. Since my gallery was open to everyone, I also handed her a Witch Note.

"Can I have one too?"

"Yes, there's plenty of stock."

One of the supervisor's duties is to distribute this to the freshly entered apprentice students.

The remaining ones were piled up in the office.

Having finished all the matters at hand, I stood up from my seat.

The cafe within the dormitory charged an additional fee per hour besides the beverages.

Even though I wouldn't charge the two present owners, the longer I stayed, the thinner my wallet would become.

Plus, the attention from people around was a bit bothersome.

"Anyway, it was an honor to meet both of you. Well then, I'll be going now..."



"What do you think, Supervisor?"

I must have introduced myself, but my name was now Supervisor, right? What more?

Confused by the abrupt question, I was about to respond when Vina spoke.

"I was shocked. There are so many people in the world who believe that Meteor is not Ice magic."


"So, I thought. I have to clarify the teachings of the Glesia school."

"Oh, so... you want to open a lecture for the apprentice students?"

The Magic Tower is not just about climbing the tower but also an educational institution for learning magic.

Naturally, there are many courses offered by each school.

"The lecture period has ended, but depending on the discretion of the school, there might be places allowed."

"We need a teaching assistant."

"If you apply to the school, there will be applicants. Or, there's the labyrinth where graduate students live on the first underground floor; you can bring someone from there if you want."

"I've already found one."

With clear lake-like eyes fixed on me, Vina blinked quickly, leaving me a bit startled.

Those who have mastered the pinnacle of magic often lack consideration for others and frequently immerse themselves in their own world.

Understanding such individuals' absurd remarks was one of my few advantages.

However, being noticeable to someone as skilled and beautiful as her made the situation uncomfortable.

"I'm sorry, but could you tell me what aspect of mine you think is suitable for a teaching assistant...?"

"You listened well. When I explained in detail about my claim posted on the forum earlier."

I wasn't even listening to that.

 Nevertheless, she kept mumbling, and I just nodded along, vaguely acknowledging her chatter while chatting on the forum.

"As a Supervisor, I believe you will definitely help, as our goals align."

"No, I..."

"Are you trying to say that Meteor isn't Ice magic?"

I was only at the first stage and still on the starting floor. Moreover, I was busy with supervisor duties.

However, for Vina, who had just ventured outside the Glesia school today, I was already imprinted as her ally.

Even if I wanted to refuse, I had no power to reject her proposal as the direct descendant of the Seven Sages.

I hadn't officially become an apprentice of the Haeju School, so I couldn't shield Agnes either.

"I'll contact you when the schedule is decided."

With words that felt more like a notification, Vina, who had packed her belongings, stood up first.

On her way back, she didn't forget to give a sharp glance at the ice dispenser in the corridor.

What a bothersome task.

Observing the two as they boarded the magic elevator and ascended.

A moment later, a message arrived through the Witch Note.

It was a comment on the newly posted comments on the report board.


— MeteorIsIceMagic: Administrator.

— MeteorIsIceMagic: There's someone who needs to be blocked.

— MeteorIsIceMagic: ㅇㅇ(1.1) <- This person, yesterday dawn on the forum, unilaterally slandered me, spreading strange arguments and trying to manipulate public opinion.

— MeteorIsIceMagic: Witness

— MeteorIsIceMagic: Evidence (photo)


Vina, who had contacted me during her ascent in the magic elevator, seemed to be in a hurry.

Having perfectly mastered the usage of the Witch Note, she was now typing cleanly.

The evening breeze was said to be strong; it was clear that she would be actively participating in the forum in the future.

Though her mischievous nature was regrettable, it wasn't severe enough to be considered seriously malicious, so I decided to view it as cute.

At least, there wouldn't be any more instances of challenging anyone to a duel randomly.


— MeteorIsIceMagic: Please permanently ban them from using the forum right now.

— MeteorIsIceMagic: Please.

— MeteorIsIceMagic: Are you watching, Administrator?

— MeteorIsIceMagic: Administrator. Are you there?


"Well, let's see."

There's no need to prolong this.

I immediately used administrator privileges and blocked as she wished.


[Banned ID by Administrator: MeteorIsIceMagic]

[Duration: 3 days]

[Reason: Nonsensical]


Whether it's the Seven Sages or Tower Master, on my forum, I am the law.

Later that afternoon, the maintenance team arrived to replace a malfunctioning magic elevator.



not work with dark mode