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Rose Princess of Hellrage Volume 3 Chapter 17

Night of Dancing Dolls (Weekly Pay: $120)

In this world, the technology of visual memory was underdeveloped.

Everis said, “It’s not that there’s no means, but it’s expensive.”

However, the technique of projecting what was currently there was relatively common.

“Well, it caught on perfectly. Even though it was just yesterday.”

“They said the culprit returns to the scene of the crime.”

It was a place a little further into the dense forest from the attacked fields.

A room in a makeshift cabin, where soil had been magically raised to form rocks.

Originally created as a base for monitoring work, it had then become a “security room.”

Crystal balls of farsight lined up on a spacious desk emitted a faint light in the dark room.

Since the discovery of the “field vandal”, René and the others immediately prepared for “fishing”.

First, they saturated the lingering “order” power and eliminated it.

Next, Everis set up a large number of “surveillance cameras” in the surroundings.

After that, the “Transipoles” were reinstalled, and once dawn broke, the skeleton clearing team was mobilized again.

The midday break remained unchanged.

As a precaution, they increased security in the surroundings, but the clearing team finished their work without any problems and withdrew at dusk.

And then, the anomaly occurred just after sunset.

Something shiny appeared in the fields engulfed by the approaching darkness, visible beyond the crystal balls.

A mass of light rising from the ground like steam, forming humanoid shapes.

The silhouettes were vague, but judging from their slender bodies and pointed ears, they seemed to be elves. There were several of them.

The humanoid figures in the shape of elves each held a bow made of light in their hands.

When arrows of light were released from them, they exploded.

“…Explosive arrow bows?”

“Mmm, something like that.”

Rather than arrows, they could be called magical projectiles.

The field, which was in a state ready for seeding at any time, and the “Transipoles” used to control the labor undead, were destroyed by the carpet bombing of light arrows.

And then, once the entire area turned chaotic, the elf figures disappeared.

Their human-shaped lights disappeared, breaking apart and dispersing in the wind.

“Ghosts of elves that appear only at night…”

“Not exactly ghosts. It’s something really strange. Moreover, after doing their thing, they disappeared like smoke. If they had escaped, it would be one thing, but they vanished completely, clean.”

It seemed to be a strange situation even for Everis, the well-informed.

Her already sizable chest looked even more unsuitable for a young man when she crossed her arms and fell into thought.

“I don’t know if it’s related, but just north of this place, there’s a huge ‘Elf Forest’. Did I mention it before?”

Everis placed an accessory on the desk, adorned with a green gem, and arranged three magic stones resembling blue sugar cubes in a triangular pattern around it.

The brooch represented the Elf Forest, and the magic stones symbolized the human nations.

“In the center is the Elf Forest, surrounded by three human nations to the northwest, northeast, and south. However, there is a unique relationship between these three countries and the elves. The land veins in the entire region are mostly managed by the elves.”


“I don’t know. The only thing clear is that the elves somehow control the ley lines. In the past, when this was a territory of the demon race, there was no such special situation… Even if something happened, it should be a story from about two hundred years ago. Actually, when I was in the Demon King’s army, I tried to investigate, but it wasn’t a frontline story, so it fell in priority behind budget and personnel, and the Elf Forest had tight security, so I couldn’t find out anything. Of course, the surrounding three countries protested, but in the end, they couldn’t do anything, and now it feels like they’re living thanks to the elves’ mercy.”

Elves are a kind of human race. They have an elegant appearance, long life, and live in the forest.

They usually define a large forest as their territory and form a tribal society. The forest where the elves live becomes a forbidden area that not only outsiders but even elves from other forests can’t easily enter.

There were several “Elf Forests” in this world.

However, except for some eccentric individuals, elves generally do not pay much attention to events outside the forest and do not try to get involved.

Although they engage in trade with humans and participate in battles against the demon race, their attitude was more reclusive than exclusive.

The entire human race faced a crisis of extinction 400 years ago, and even the elves mixed, lived, and fought with other human races at that time (although interspecies marriage was somewhat suppressed due to the difficulty of childbirth). The elders among the long-lived elves witnessed and knew about that era when children were born less frequently. They were not hostile to other human races.

In any case, the situation of the elves living just north of this place was strange. Even the humans who held the lifeline of the veins didn’t seem to understand what the elves were doing or why.

This time, the anomaly in René’s territory and the elves to the north.

There was no evidence to connect them, but it shouldn’t have been a leap of thought.

“It’s kind of eerie, isn’t it? We haven’t even unpacked our moving boxes, but we need to investigate this promptly.”

“Well, okay. Anyway, we had to get that forest sooner or later.”

René sighed.

Unexpected troubles were not preferable, but there was no choice but to crush those troubles underfoot and charge forward.

“How long could the Elf Forest withstand against the Imperial Blue Army?”

“It depends on the durability of the forest itself. As long as the forest exists, they could withstand.”

“By the way, on Earth, there was a country that spread poison to eliminate guerrillas hiding in dense forests to defeat them…”

“Oh, that’s wicked. But that’s a way to destroy. What does the Empire intend to do with the elves?”

Everis muttered as if it were someone else’s problem.

* * *

The invasion strategy of the Khenis Empire was straightforward.

They approached annexation under the pretext of combating the threat of the demon race.

Some countries surrendered and submitted willingly at this stage, but even then, war often ensued.

It was said by some that it was foolish to challenge the mighty Khenis Empire to a fight from the start. It was better to surrender…

However, those who knew that once under their rule, the entire structure of the nation would be thoroughly destroyed, and the form of governance would change significantly, feared it. For those who were supposed to continue living the same way for the rest of their lives, the mere thought was terrifying.

Moreover, those newly added to the Empire were treated as second-class citizens for a while. Nobles were kicked out into the commoners’ streets. The people were conscripted into the military, becoming a force to attack and conquer new countries. If they devoted themselves to the Empire, and it was not recognized, they reluctantly accepted a status just above “sl*ves”.

Knowing this, those targeted by the Khenis Empire chose to resist.

Furthermore, it wasn’t limited to the Kenis Empire’s invasion, but in wars, the defending side tended to have the advantage.

Having the geographical advantage, easy access to supplies, high morale, and most importantly, the ability to draw magic power from the land veins to operate defensive weapons.

The Khenis Empire was not invincible.

If a perfect defense system was established, if alliances were formed with neighboring countries, if their heroes led the way, if they had the support of Diletta and Noacurio, if we surpassed them in tactics, if the nation united, and if we struck when the neighboring countries were exhausted from attacking.

Wasn’t it possible to seize one victory and conclude a peace agreement where both sides were essentially equal?

…Needless to say, most countries that fought with this mindset, were crushed by the Khenis Empire.

On the other hand, the Khenis Empire provided benefits to its controlled territories.

Becoming part of a large nation came with significant advantages.

Infrastructure such as roads and water supply were developed, and commerce was revitalized.

While not free from corruption, the governance of the Khenis Empire, regulated by numerous laws, was considered much better than being at the mercy of the whims of the nobility, as voiced by those who once suffered under oppressive rule.

Furthermore, the Khenis Empire was a nation without the noble class; it was a bureaucracy. Anyone born a commoner, with talent, could pass exams and become a bureaucrat. This was a much easier path than gaining a title through achievements.

Moreover, the Khenis Empire placed emphasis on education.

Partly due to the strained relationship with Diletta and the temple forces, many “applied schools” were established separate from the schools the temple ran. These schools offered diverse education beyond the knowledge granted by the gods, and the Empire was keen on technological development. The newly added countries to the Empire also benefited from this. With increased education levels, life became richer, and for those with talent, a path to success opened up.

Especially children who showed exceptional talent were gathered from all over the country to the capital for elite education. They would eventually serve in the court or return to their hometowns as regional governors, leading a life akin to royalty or nobility for themselves and their families.

As a result, the incorporation of outstanding talent into the system solidified the Empire’s control even further.

As a certain poet put it, “The Khenis Empire invades with the face of an angel and a demon.”

Over the spilled blood and tears, they built an unshakable order. That’s the kind of country it was.

The Imperial Blue Army, responsible for the eastern side of the Khenis Empire, was currently planning a southern advance by circumventing the Ku-Lukal Mountains from the east.

Their current targets were the three human countries positioned at the eastern end of the Ku-Lukal Mountains. And, at the center, was the “Elf Forest.”

The forces of the three countries plus extras had formed a military alliance to resist the Khenis Empire’s invasion. In the initial battles, they were thoroughly defeated, scattered, and the Dorotas Union to the northwest and the Cadennis Principality to the northeast declared surrender. The Blue Army was now eyeing the Gaisenfall Great Forest where the elves resided and the Rugard Kingdom located to its south.

On the Red Army’s side, there were rumors that a path had suddenly appeared in the mountains and that the “Rose Princess of Hellrage” had established a residence to the south of Rugard. Although this information had already reached the Blue Army, abandoning a battle that had just begun, especially a victorious one, was deemed wasteful.

To create a foothold for the future, they wanted to at least secure the Gaisenfall Great Forest.

This was because the land veins of the three countries centered around the Gaisenfall Great Forest (although it was unclear how this could be achieved) were controlled by the elves of the forest.

Currently stationed southeast of Dorotas, the Blue Army was facing some difficulties as the ley lines were drying up like a closed dam gate, making it a bit challenging to reorganize their forces.

Bases without access to veins were of low value. Even if attacked, defense weapons couldn’t be operated, infrastructure relying on magical machinery artifacts would be paralyzed, and rituals and communication would be difficult.

To establish a solid foothold for the future, they needed to gain control of the veins of the Gaisenfall Great Forest.

The ultimatum presented to the various elf tribes living in the Gaisenfall Great Forest was the same as that given to the human countries. Join under the Empire’s rule.

But if that happened, the forest would belong to the Khenis Empire. The elves vehemently opposed this. The attachment the elves had for the forest was much stronger and weightier than humans’ feelings towards land or country.

The decision made by the Elder Council was to resist thoroughly.

The elves did not pray to the gods; they revered their ancestors and ancestral spirits. They believed the forest was a sacred place where the cycle of souls was governed. Allowing it to be ravaged by human hands was equivalent to deprivation of faith, an event that could never be overlooked.

However, they weren’t fighting with a tragic determination, knowing they were going to lose.

The elves of the Gaisenfall Great Forest, with their experience of practically bringing the surrounding three countries under their control in the past, had fought against the alliance demanding the release of the land veins. Once entrenched in the forest, they boasted of invincibility and easily secured victory by wearing down the attackers.

The memory of that time was still alive in the minds of the elves, bringing confidence and optimism.

Of course, it didn’t take long for that to be proven wrong.

Access 10 Chapters ahead of the Novelupdates release on our Patreon. <3

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Rose Princess of Hellrage Volume 3 Chapter 17

Rose Princess of Hellrage Volume 3 Chapter 17

Night of Dancing Dolls (Weekly Pay: $120)

In this world, the technology of visual memory was underdeveloped.

Everis said, "It's not that there's no means, but it's expensive."

However, the technique of projecting what was currently there was relatively common.

"Well, it caught on perfectly. Even though it was just yesterday."

"They said the culprit returns to the scene of the crime."

It was a place a little further into the dense forest from the attacked fields.

A room in a makeshift cabin, where soil had been magically raised to form rocks.

Originally created as a base for monitoring work, it had then become a "security room."

Crystal balls of farsight lined up on a spacious desk emitted a faint light in the dark room.

Since the discovery of the "field vandal”, René and the others immediately prepared for "fishing”.

First, they saturated the lingering "order" power and eliminated it.

Next, Everis set up a large number of "surveillance cameras" in the surroundings.

After that, the "Transipoles" were reinstalled, and once dawn broke, the skeleton clearing team was mobilized again.

The midday break remained unchanged.

As a precaution, they increased security in the surroundings, but the clearing team finished their work without any problems and withdrew at dusk.

And then, the anomaly occurred just after sunset.

Something shiny appeared in the fields engulfed by the approaching darkness, visible beyond the crystal balls.

A mass of light rising from the ground like steam, forming humanoid shapes.

The silhouettes were vague, but judging from their slender bodies and pointed ears, they seemed to be elves. There were several of them.

The humanoid figures in the shape of elves each held a bow made of light in their hands.

When arrows of light were released from them, they exploded.

"...Explosive arrow bows?"

"Mmm, something like that."

Rather than arrows, they could be called magical projectiles.

The field, which was in a state ready for seeding at any time, and the "Transipoles" used to control the labor undead, were destroyed by the carpet bombing of light arrows.

And then, once the entire area turned chaotic, the elf figures disappeared.

Their human-shaped lights disappeared, breaking apart and dispersing in the wind.

"Ghosts of elves that appear only at night..."

"Not exactly ghosts. It's something really strange. Moreover, after doing their thing, they disappeared like smoke. If they had escaped, it would be one thing, but they vanished completely, clean."

It seemed to be a strange situation even for Everis, the well-informed.

Her already sizable chest looked even more unsuitable for a young man when she crossed her arms and fell into thought.

"I don't know if it's related, but just north of this place, there's a huge 'Elf Forest’. Did I mention it before?"

Everis placed an accessory on the desk, adorned with a green gem, and arranged three magic stones resembling blue sugar cubes in a triangular pattern around it.

The brooch represented the Elf Forest, and the magic stones symbolized the human nations.

"In the center is the Elf Forest, surrounded by three human nations to the northwest, northeast, and south. However, there is a unique relationship between these three countries and the elves. The land veins in the entire region are mostly managed by the elves."


"I don't know. The only thing clear is that the elves somehow control the ley lines. In the past, when this was a territory of the demon race, there was no such special situation... Even if something happened, it should be a story from about two hundred years ago. Actually, when I was in the Demon King's army, I tried to investigate, but it wasn't a frontline story, so it fell in priority behind budget and personnel, and the Elf Forest had tight security, so I couldn't find out anything. Of course, the surrounding three countries protested, but in the end, they couldn't do anything, and now it feels like they're living thanks to the elves' mercy."

Elves are a kind of human race. They have an elegant appearance, long life, and live in the forest.

They usually define a large forest as their territory and form a tribal society. The forest where the elves live becomes a forbidden area that not only outsiders but even elves from other forests can't easily enter.

There were several "Elf Forests" in this world.

However, except for some eccentric individuals, elves generally do not pay much attention to events outside the forest and do not try to get involved.

Although they engage in trade with humans and participate in battles against the demon race, their attitude was more reclusive than exclusive.

The entire human race faced a crisis of extinction 400 years ago, and even the elves mixed, lived, and fought with other human races at that time (although interspecies marriage was somewhat suppressed due to the difficulty of childbirth). The elders among the long-lived elves witnessed and knew about that era when children were born less frequently. They were not hostile to other human races.

In any case, the situation of the elves living just north of this place was strange. Even the humans who held the lifeline of the veins didn't seem to understand what the elves were doing or why.

This time, the anomaly in René's territory and the elves to the north.

There was no evidence to connect them, but it shouldn't have been a leap of thought.

"It’s kind of eerie, isn't it? We haven't even unpacked our moving boxes, but we need to investigate this promptly."

"Well, okay. Anyway, we had to get that forest sooner or later."

René sighed.

Unexpected troubles were not preferable, but there was no choice but to crush those troubles underfoot and charge forward.

"How long could the Elf Forest withstand against the Imperial Blue Army?"

"It depends on the durability of the forest itself. As long as the forest exists, they could withstand."

"By the way, on Earth, there was a country that spread poison to eliminate guerrillas hiding in dense forests to defeat them..."

"Oh, that's wicked. But that's a way to destroy. What does the Empire intend to do with the elves?"

Everis muttered as if it were someone else's problem.

* * *

The invasion strategy of the Khenis Empire was straightforward.

They approached annexation under the pretext of combating the threat of the demon race.

Some countries surrendered and submitted willingly at this stage, but even then, war often ensued.

It was said by some that it was foolish to challenge the mighty Khenis Empire to a fight from the start. It was better to surrender...

However, those who knew that once under their rule, the entire structure of the nation would be thoroughly destroyed, and the form of governance would change significantly, feared it. For those who were supposed to continue living the same way for the rest of their lives, the mere thought was terrifying.

Moreover, those newly added to the Empire were treated as second-class citizens for a while. Nobles were kicked out into the commoners' streets. The people were conscripted into the military, becoming a force to attack and conquer new countries. If they devoted themselves to the Empire, and it was not recognized, they reluctantly accepted a status just above "sl*ves”.

Knowing this, those targeted by the Khenis Empire chose to resist.

Furthermore, it wasn't limited to the Kenis Empire's invasion, but in wars, the defending side tended to have the advantage.

Having the geographical advantage, easy access to supplies, high morale, and most importantly, the ability to draw magic power from the land veins to operate defensive weapons.

The Khenis Empire was not invincible.

If a perfect defense system was established, if alliances were formed with neighboring countries, if their heroes led the way, if they had the support of Diletta and Noacurio, if we surpassed them in tactics, if the nation united, and if we struck when the neighboring countries were exhausted from attacking.

Wasn't it possible to seize one victory and conclude a peace agreement where both sides were essentially equal?

...Needless to say, most countries that fought with this mindset, were crushed by the Khenis Empire.

On the other hand, the Khenis Empire provided benefits to its controlled territories.

Becoming part of a large nation came with significant advantages.

Infrastructure such as roads and water supply were developed, and commerce was revitalized.

While not free from corruption, the governance of the Khenis Empire, regulated by numerous laws, was considered much better than being at the mercy of the whims of the nobility, as voiced by those who once suffered under oppressive rule.

Furthermore, the Khenis Empire was a nation without the noble class; it was a bureaucracy. Anyone born a commoner, with talent, could pass exams and become a bureaucrat. This was a much easier path than gaining a title through achievements.

Moreover, the Khenis Empire placed emphasis on education.

Partly due to the strained relationship with Diletta and the temple forces, many "applied schools" were established separate from the schools the temple ran. These schools offered diverse education beyond the knowledge granted by the gods, and the Empire was keen on technological development. The newly added countries to the Empire also benefited from this. With increased education levels, life became richer, and for those with talent, a path to success opened up.

Especially children who showed exceptional talent were gathered from all over the country to the capital for elite education. They would eventually serve in the court or return to their hometowns as regional governors, leading a life akin to royalty or nobility for themselves and their families.

As a result, the incorporation of outstanding talent into the system solidified the Empire's control even further.

As a certain poet put it, "The Khenis Empire invades with the face of an angel and a demon."

Over the spilled blood and tears, they built an unshakable order. That's the kind of country it was.

The Imperial Blue Army, responsible for the eastern side of the Khenis Empire, was currently planning a southern advance by circumventing the Ku-Lukal Mountains from the east.

Their current targets were the three human countries positioned at the eastern end of the Ku-Lukal Mountains. And, at the center, was the "Elf Forest."

The forces of the three countries plus extras had formed a military alliance to resist the Khenis Empire's invasion. In the initial battles, they were thoroughly defeated, scattered, and the Dorotas Union to the northwest and the Cadennis Principality to the northeast declared surrender. The Blue Army was now eyeing the Gaisenfall Great Forest where the elves resided and the Rugard Kingdom located to its south.

On the Red Army's side, there were rumors that a path had suddenly appeared in the mountains and that the "Rose Princess of Hellrage" had established a residence to the south of Rugard. Although this information had already reached the Blue Army, abandoning a battle that had just begun, especially a victorious one, was deemed wasteful.

To create a foothold for the future, they wanted to at least secure the Gaisenfall Great Forest.

This was because the land veins of the three countries centered around the Gaisenfall Great Forest (although it was unclear how this could be achieved) were controlled by the elves of the forest.

Currently stationed southeast of Dorotas, the Blue Army was facing some difficulties as the ley lines were drying up like a closed dam gate, making it a bit challenging to reorganize their forces.

Bases without access to veins were of low value. Even if attacked, defense weapons couldn't be operated, infrastructure relying on magical machinery artifacts would be paralyzed, and rituals and communication would be difficult.

To establish a solid foothold for the future, they needed to gain control of the veins of the Gaisenfall Great Forest.

The ultimatum presented to the various elf tribes living in the Gaisenfall Great Forest was the same as that given to the human countries. Join under the Empire's rule.

But if that happened, the forest would belong to the Khenis Empire. The elves vehemently opposed this. The attachment the elves had for the forest was much stronger and weightier than humans' feelings towards land or country.

The decision made by the Elder Council was to resist thoroughly.

The elves did not pray to the gods; they revered their ancestors and ancestral spirits. They believed the forest was a sacred place where the cycle of souls was governed. Allowing it to be ravaged by human hands was equivalent to deprivation of faith, an event that could never be overlooked.

However, they weren't fighting with a tragic determination, knowing they were going to lose.

The elves of the Gaisenfall Great Forest, with their experience of practically bringing the surrounding three countries under their control in the past, had fought against the alliance demanding the release of the land veins. Once entrenched in the forest, they boasted of invincibility and easily secured victory by wearing down the attackers.

The memory of that time was still alive in the minds of the elves, bringing confidence and optimism.

Of course, it didn't take long for that to be proven wrong.

Access 10 Chapters ahead of the Novelupdates release on our Patreon. <3



not work with dark mode