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Rose Princess of Hellrage Volume 3 Chapter 18

Memento Mori

Humans build stone walls and strengthen defenses using the magical power of earth’s veins.

In much the same way, the elves fortify their forests.

The elves’ exclusive natural magic, mainly manipulating plants, is their trademark.

Applying this magic, they transform the trees of the forest.

Just as lush mountains hold water, the elf forest harbors the breath of life. The overflowing vitality even transforms the environment of the forest.

Elves are said to be a long-lived race, but in reality, their longevity depends on the environment of the forest. There is a double lifespan difference between elves who live secluded in a forest filled with the breath of life and those who are expelled from it or leave willingly.

Nevertheless, a forest teeming with vitality brings defensive advantages to the elves as a byproduct.

The sturdy trees in the elf forest are more resilient than iron and serve as fortresses themselves.

If enemies approach the forest, the first obstacle is breaking through the “Green Wall”.

Of course, unlike stone walls, they cannot block invading enemies, but fighting in the forest is where the elves excel. Once the enemy intrudes, they do not let them leave alive.

Even if one considers eliminating the troublesome forest, cutting it down is impossible, and burning it is equally futile. Elven battles heavily rely on bows and magic, avoiding the use of magic artifacts and traditional military tactics.

However, attempting to conquer the elves involves enduring a difficult quagmire of a battle.

The Imperial Blue Army deployed a strategy against the elven forest—’Quantity.’

Day and night, the thunderous sound of cannons echoed, shaking the earth.

Trees fell with sounds resembling screams.

If one tree cannot be toppled with a single cannonball, then shoot ten.

After sufficiently ravaging with physical projectiles, detonate magical projectiles to blow away even the most robust trees in the elven forest, leaving them in a pitiful state.

From the vast Gaisenfall Great Forest, almost a small country in itself, only a small part was affected by the artillery barrage. However, it was a sure advancement, and it caused unease among the elves who firmly believed that the forest was invincible.

A large number of cannonballs, magical artillery, and countless magic stones to power them. The Empire had the capability to provide all these, and the cost of war could be recovered as a viable investment. The magical power supplied by the earth veins was not only crucial for the defense of cities and infrastructure but also a vital fuel for advancing research and industry.

Generally, if one were to compete for attack range on the battlefield, cannons would excel the most, followed by longbows, and then magic.

The bows and magic relied upon by the elves were ineffective in countering the Blue Army’s long-range cannons hidden in the forest. While they tried throwing exploding nuts made from flexible wood and vines, they were no match for real cannons.

As a countermeasure, nets made of vines to intercept cannonballs were introduced. This significantly reduced the damage from artillery, but the Blue Army quickly adapted. They launched magic-infused bombs filled with blades to destroy the nets.

Moreover, this only delayed the Blue Army’s offensive, and it did not fundamentally resolve the situation since the elves had no clear plan for a counteroffensive.

The elves attempted to eliminate the cannons, but that, too, did not go well.

All three night raids ended in complete failure.

Dwarven sentries with night vision, scout magicians skilled in magical reconnaissance, the “Wind Readers”…

From the moment the elves left the forest, their movements were completely detected.

Next, the elves initiated mobile warfare on the plains, using wolves as mounts.

Elven archers, skilled in defense against magic, charged into the enemy lines without being hindered by incoming arrows or magical interference.

How many Blue Army soldiers died for every elven warrior that fell? Perhaps three.

And that was all. The numbers were too disparate. Additionally, in terms of speed, the Blue Army cavalry and air cavalry were not inferior to the elves, and they steadily diminished the elven forces with hit-and-run tactics, not allowing for clean sweeps.

The Blue Army, feeling confident in their winning position, would become fearful if casualties occurred…

Such optimistic views were also betrayed.

The elves were not well informed about the internal affairs of the Khenis Empire, but in reality, those on the front lines were the people of the conquered nations. They had to serve in the military (or bravely fight until death) to earn their status as imperial citizens. Especially for those who left their families back in their homeland, desertion was not tolerated. Once an individual gained imperial citizenship, it extended to their family.

On the contrary, the morale of the elves, surrounded from all sides, began to decline. The elite warriors capable of countering the Blue Army had also diminished.

Continuing the fight like this would only become increasingly difficult.

Recognizing this, the elves decided to take a desperate strategy.

* * *

It began with several arrows.

The Blue Army’s mech units and the soldiers defending against the forest bombardment saw arrows flying from the woods.

The arrows didn’t reach the Blue Army’s camp but stuck into the ground already ravaged by artillery.

Some foolish ones laughed, thinking that this was the best resistance they could offer. A few more astute ones were puzzled.

Even though the elves knew that this method wouldn’t work, why were they trying it?

The purpose of the strange arrows became apparent soon enough.

Trees sprouted suddenly from where the arrows were shot.

“What’s that!?”

The Blue Army’s camp became chaotic.

Elves were known for manipulating nature through magic, but they didn’t expect something as absurd as this.

Saplings and seeds embedded in the arrows took root in the ground and, in the blink of an eye, grew into towering trees.

Furthermore, arrows flew from the newly grown trees like a defensive wall. Closer.

Another tree sprouted between the impact point and the Blue Army’s camp. Closer.

As if slimes were extending their tendrils, the forest expanded rapidly towards the Blue Army’s camp.


In a relatively shallow part of the forest, a magic circle was laid.

“… Ancestors, watch over us. Spirits, grant us strength.”

In the center of the incense-scented circle, a female elf adorned with numerous gemstones and some goldsmithing on her body chanted spells.

She was the High Priestess Salesaya, the “Pristess Princess” who presided over religious ceremonies in the tribe of elves living in this forest, known as the “White Serpent Crawling on the Rock Wall.” Not only a religious leader, she was the most powerful magician in the forest.

“≪Forest Invasion≫”

Salesaya planted a staff made of beast bones at regular intervals into the ground.

Her magic nurtured the trees, rapidly expanding the forest.

While the necessary magical power could be drawn from the earth veins, this magic put considerable strain on the land, making it impossible to use it repeatedly in the same location. Moreover, if the enemy learned about this tactic, they would prepare for it in subsequent encounters.

This was their only chance. Inflict a significant blow to the Blue Army and negotiate a ceasefire, a slim but singular hope.

–Once they get into the forest, we have an overwhelming advantage. Even if that’s not the case, if they are close enough to where the bow and magic can reach…!

That thought lasted only a moment.

Screams reached Salesaya’s ears.


Salesaya, on the verge of losing concentration, desperately refocused. If her magic failed here, everything would be over.

However, Salesaya heard it. The screams of souls. The voices of the lament and resentment of the fallen warriors. From the direction where the battle was supposed to be happening, a sound that was more than just noise reached her like a gust of wind.

–Attack failure? No, this is more… closer…!

“I see, so, you’re the cause of this.”

A figure appeared without making a sound, stepping on the grass.

A peculiar man.

Wearing light armor protecting the chest and joints, adorned with the dragon emblem, the symbol of the Khenis Empire, and blue designs on the shoulders, he seemed to be a soldier of the Blue Army. Right.

However, he differed from other soldiers. Beneath the light armor, he wore a simple outfit similar to sportswear, and, instead of a sword and shield, he had massive iron gauntlets on both hands.

Even though Salesaya was concentrating on magic, it was strange that she didn’t notice his approach until he appeared.

Elves, being close to plants, could move within the forest without making their presence known. On the contrary, other races were like foreign objects to the forest, easily detectable.

Salesaya almost floated on her back, hesitating about whether to advance or retreat.

If she fled here, the battle would truly be over.

But could she stand her ground in this situation?

Had this man entered the forest alone, or was Salesaya already surrounded? She couldn’t sense anything despite searching for signs.

“Who are you!?”

“Why is an imperial soldier here? Where are the guards…”

Two priestesses standing by Salesaya raised their staffs, ready to strike.

The elite warriors were participating in attacks outside the forest, but there should have been guards positioned to protect Salesaya. If anyone tried to enter the forest to cut off the source of magic, they should have been instantly detected and pierced through by arrows from all directions.

However, the gauntlet-wielding soldier merely smiled.

“It’s simple. No one could defeat me. That’s all there is to it. …Not a bad fight. With this battle as nourishment, I will ascend to greater heights.”

The man turned his gauntlet over.

It was hideously red and covered in blood.

The two priestesses simultaneously swung their staffs, much like a reflected image in a water mirror.

“≪Strong Paralysis≫!”

“≪Eight Split Crucifixion Grass≫!”

Magic was unleashed towards the gauntlet-wielding soldier. By then, he had already leaped towards them.

The ≪Strong Paralysis≫ released by one of the priestesses was… deflected.

Salesaya’s sharpened senses felt the magical waves being scattered and disintegrating. The warrior had defended with the standard tactic when a warrior faced a magician — using talismans to create protective barrier.

However, the other magic couldn’t be blocked by talismans.

Countless thick vines emerged from the ground, about half forming a sturdy barrier, and the rest, with snake-like movements, leaped toward the gauntlet-wielding warrior.

About half of the ivy weeds were tightly tied together to form an impromptu barrier, while the other half swooped toward the gauntlet soldier in serpent-like motions.

Even though these were vines, they were plants from the elves’ forest. When infused with magical power, they became formidable weapons, capable of crushing boulders and tearing Cyclops apart.


At that moment, the warrior took a slim, deep breath.

The massive gauntlets carried a faint magical power.

Aiming at the approaching vines, he swung the gauntlet, brushing against them.

Smoothly, the vines were slightly deflected from their target.

Without slowing down his charge, the warrior skillfully maneuvered through the green weapons.

Approaching the hedge made of vines, he thrust the gauntlet into it.

As if a fish caught by a person slipped from their hands and jumped into a river, the man passed through the hedge of vines. Strangely, his gauntlets opened a gap in the impromptu barrier, and with skillful footwork, he slipped through a small hole.


It was an instant occurrence.

One strike with the gauntlet, another with the foot. Magicians were vulnerable if approached.

The two priestesses accompanying Salesaya were blown away without even having time to scream.

Access 10 Chapters ahead of the Novelupdates release on our Patreon. <3

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Rose Princess of Hellrage Volume 3 Chapter 18

Rose Princess of Hellrage Volume 3 Chapter 18

Memento Mori

Humans build stone walls and strengthen defenses using the magical power of earth’s veins.

In much the same way, the elves fortify their forests.

The elves' exclusive natural magic, mainly manipulating plants, is their trademark.

Applying this magic, they transform the trees of the forest.

Just as lush mountains hold water, the elf forest harbors the breath of life. The overflowing vitality even transforms the environment of the forest.

Elves are said to be a long-lived race, but in reality, their longevity depends on the environment of the forest. There is a double lifespan difference between elves who live secluded in a forest filled with the breath of life and those who are expelled from it or leave willingly.

Nevertheless, a forest teeming with vitality brings defensive advantages to the elves as a byproduct.

The sturdy trees in the elf forest are more resilient than iron and serve as fortresses themselves.

If enemies approach the forest, the first obstacle is breaking through the "Green Wall”.

Of course, unlike stone walls, they cannot block invading enemies, but fighting in the forest is where the elves excel. Once the enemy intrudes, they do not let them leave alive.

Even if one considers eliminating the troublesome forest, cutting it down is impossible, and burning it is equally futile. Elven battles heavily rely on bows and magic, avoiding the use of magic artifacts and traditional military tactics.

However, attempting to conquer the elves involves enduring a difficult quagmire of a battle.

The Imperial Blue Army deployed a strategy against the elven forest—'Quantity.'

Day and night, the thunderous sound of cannons echoed, shaking the earth.

Trees fell with sounds resembling screams.

If one tree cannot be toppled with a single cannonball, then shoot ten.

After sufficiently ravaging with physical projectiles, detonate magical projectiles to blow away even the most robust trees in the elven forest, leaving them in a pitiful state.

From the vast Gaisenfall Great Forest, almost a small country in itself, only a small part was affected by the artillery barrage. However, it was a sure advancement, and it caused unease among the elves who firmly believed that the forest was invincible.

A large number of cannonballs, magical artillery, and countless magic stones to power them. The Empire had the capability to provide all these, and the cost of war could be recovered as a viable investment. The magical power supplied by the earth veins was not only crucial for the defense of cities and infrastructure but also a vital fuel for advancing research and industry.

Generally, if one were to compete for attack range on the battlefield, cannons would excel the most, followed by longbows, and then magic.

The bows and magic relied upon by the elves were ineffective in countering the Blue Army's long-range cannons hidden in the forest. While they tried throwing exploding nuts made from flexible wood and vines, they were no match for real cannons.

As a countermeasure, nets made of vines to intercept cannonballs were introduced. This significantly reduced the damage from artillery, but the Blue Army quickly adapted. They launched magic-infused bombs filled with blades to destroy the nets.

Moreover, this only delayed the Blue Army's offensive, and it did not fundamentally resolve the situation since the elves had no clear plan for a counteroffensive.

The elves attempted to eliminate the cannons, but that, too, did not go well.

All three night raids ended in complete failure.

Dwarven sentries with night vision, scout magicians skilled in magical reconnaissance, the "Wind Readers"...

From the moment the elves left the forest, their movements were completely detected.

Next, the elves initiated mobile warfare on the plains, using wolves as mounts.

Elven archers, skilled in defense against magic, charged into the enemy lines without being hindered by incoming arrows or magical interference.

How many Blue Army soldiers died for every elven warrior that fell? Perhaps three.

And that was all. The numbers were too disparate. Additionally, in terms of speed, the Blue Army cavalry and air cavalry were not inferior to the elves, and they steadily diminished the elven forces with hit-and-run tactics, not allowing for clean sweeps.

The Blue Army, feeling confident in their winning position, would become fearful if casualties occurred...

Such optimistic views were also betrayed.

The elves were not well informed about the internal affairs of the Khenis Empire, but in reality, those on the front lines were the people of the conquered nations. They had to serve in the military (or bravely fight until death) to earn their status as imperial citizens. Especially for those who left their families back in their homeland, desertion was not tolerated. Once an individual gained imperial citizenship, it extended to their family.

On the contrary, the morale of the elves, surrounded from all sides, began to decline. The elite warriors capable of countering the Blue Army had also diminished.

Continuing the fight like this would only become increasingly difficult.

Recognizing this, the elves decided to take a desperate strategy.

* * *

It began with several arrows.

The Blue Army's mech units and the soldiers defending against the forest bombardment saw arrows flying from the woods.

The arrows didn't reach the Blue Army's camp but stuck into the ground already ravaged by artillery.

Some foolish ones laughed, thinking that this was the best resistance they could offer. A few more astute ones were puzzled.

Even though the elves knew that this method wouldn't work, why were they trying it?

The purpose of the strange arrows became apparent soon enough.

Trees sprouted suddenly from where the arrows were shot.

"What's that!?"

The Blue Army's camp became chaotic.

Elves were known for manipulating nature through magic, but they didn't expect something as absurd as this.

Saplings and seeds embedded in the arrows took root in the ground and, in the blink of an eye, grew into towering trees.

Furthermore, arrows flew from the newly grown trees like a defensive wall. Closer.

Another tree sprouted between the impact point and the Blue Army's camp. Closer.

As if slimes were extending their tendrils, the forest expanded rapidly towards the Blue Army's camp.


In a relatively shallow part of the forest, a magic circle was laid.

"... Ancestors, watch over us. Spirits, grant us strength."

In the center of the incense-scented circle, a female elf adorned with numerous gemstones and some goldsmithing on her body chanted spells.

She was the High Priestess Salesaya, the "Pristess Princess" who presided over religious ceremonies in the tribe of elves living in this forest, known as the "White Serpent Crawling on the Rock Wall." Not only a religious leader, she was the most powerful magician in the forest.

“≪Forest Invasion≫”

Salesaya planted a staff made of beast bones at regular intervals into the ground.

Her magic nurtured the trees, rapidly expanding the forest.

While the necessary magical power could be drawn from the earth veins, this magic put considerable strain on the land, making it impossible to use it repeatedly in the same location. Moreover, if the enemy learned about this tactic, they would prepare for it in subsequent encounters.

This was their only chance. Inflict a significant blow to the Blue Army and negotiate a ceasefire, a slim but singular hope.

--Once they get into the forest, we have an overwhelming advantage. Even if that's not the case, if they are close enough to where the bow and magic can reach...!

That thought lasted only a moment.

Screams reached Salesaya's ears.


Salesaya, on the verge of losing concentration, desperately refocused. If her magic failed here, everything would be over.

However, Salesaya heard it. The screams of souls. The voices of the lament and resentment of the fallen warriors. From the direction where the battle was supposed to be happening, a sound that was more than just noise reached her like a gust of wind.

--Attack failure? No, this is more... closer...!

"I see, so, you're the cause of this."

A figure appeared without making a sound, stepping on the grass.

A peculiar man.

Wearing light armor protecting the chest and joints, adorned with the dragon emblem, the symbol of the Khenis Empire, and blue designs on the shoulders, he seemed to be a soldier of the Blue Army. Right.

However, he differed from other soldiers. Beneath the light armor, he wore a simple outfit similar to sportswear, and, instead of a sword and shield, he had massive iron gauntlets on both hands.

Even though Salesaya was concentrating on magic, it was strange that she didn't notice his approach until he appeared.

Elves, being close to plants, could move within the forest without making their presence known. On the contrary, other races were like foreign objects to the forest, easily detectable.

Salesaya almost floated on her back, hesitating about whether to advance or retreat.

If she fled here, the battle would truly be over.

But could she stand her ground in this situation?

Had this man entered the forest alone, or was Salesaya already surrounded? She couldn't sense anything despite searching for signs.

"Who are you!?"

"Why is an imperial soldier here? Where are the guards..."

Two priestesses standing by Salesaya raised their staffs, ready to strike.

The elite warriors were participating in attacks outside the forest, but there should have been guards positioned to protect Salesaya. If anyone tried to enter the forest to cut off the source of magic, they should have been instantly detected and pierced through by arrows from all directions.

However, the gauntlet-wielding soldier merely smiled.

"It's simple. No one could defeat me. That's all there is to it. ...Not a bad fight. With this battle as nourishment, I will ascend to greater heights."

The man turned his gauntlet over.

It was hideously red and covered in blood.

The two priestesses simultaneously swung their staffs, much like a reflected image in a water mirror.

“≪Strong Paralysis≫!”

“≪Eight Split Crucifixion Grass≫!”

Magic was unleashed towards the gauntlet-wielding soldier. By then, he had already leaped towards them.

The ≪Strong Paralysis≫ released by one of the priestesses was... deflected.

Salesaya's sharpened senses felt the magical waves being scattered and disintegrating. The warrior had defended with the standard tactic when a warrior faced a magician — using talismans to create protective barrier.

However, the other magic couldn't be blocked by talismans.

Countless thick vines emerged from the ground, about half forming a sturdy barrier, and the rest, with snake-like movements, leaped toward the gauntlet-wielding warrior.

About half of the ivy weeds were tightly tied together to form an impromptu barrier, while the other half swooped toward the gauntlet soldier in serpent-like motions.

Even though these were vines, they were plants from the elves' forest. When infused with magical power, they became formidable weapons, capable of crushing boulders and tearing Cyclops apart.


At that moment, the warrior took a slim, deep breath.

The massive gauntlets carried a faint magical power.

Aiming at the approaching vines, he swung the gauntlet, brushing against them.

Smoothly, the vines were slightly deflected from their target.

Without slowing down his charge, the warrior skillfully maneuvered through the green weapons.

Approaching the hedge made of vines, he thrust the gauntlet into it.

As if a fish caught by a person slipped from their hands and jumped into a river, the man passed through the hedge of vines. Strangely, his gauntlets opened a gap in the impromptu barrier, and with skillful footwork, he slipped through a small hole.


It was an instant occurrence.

One strike with the gauntlet, another with the foot. Magicians were vulnerable if approached.

The two priestesses accompanying Salesaya were blown away without even having time to scream.

Access 10 Chapters ahead of the Novelupdates release on our Patreon. <3



not work with dark mode