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Rose Princess of Hellrage Volume 3 Chapter 8

Ogre! Ogres! Ogrest!

Finding that place was easy.

The smoke from cooking was rising like a signal fire.

The forest had been cleared, and primitive houses made of large leaves and wood were scattered about.

However, all of them were about twice the size of a human.

Even more enormous for René with her small stature.

Many faces were peering at René from the doorways and windows. The residents all had faces with saggy, thick skin, greenish-brown skin, and hair of the same color.

They were Ogres. Regardless of age or gender, they had highly muscular bodies, even the children had bodies the size of human adults.

Ogres were a kind of monster commonly known as a “giant” Race, and they were relatively small among the monsters in that category. In exchange, they had a high reproductive rate. They had always been at the forefront of the Demon Lord’s army, fighting in the wars between the human and demon races. Their fearsomeness was still talked about among the human race.

By the way, they were often thought of as “brutes who only rely on strength”, but that was a prejudice stemming from their low magical aptitude and their tendency to rush into battle recklessly. In reality, they had larger brains than most creatures, and their intelligence surpassed that of Goblins, who were synonymous with cunning.

These Ogres had formed a tribal society in this jungle area. There were undoubtedly many reasons why humans didn’t enter this jungle area carelessly, and they were certainly one of them.

René was in the center of the village square. The tribal warriors were on high alert when René, accompanied by her dazzlingly equipped undead, suddenly appeared. The atmosphere was tense, but it did not escalate into a battle. This was thanks to René’s intimidating presence and Forge, a massive dog, also known as ‘The Dazzling Molten Steel Beast’, which was sitting behind her, radiating a menacing aura.

If the Ogres made any suspicious moves, “Fetch” and “Bite” would be issued immediately.

This village was within the Forge’s territory.

‘The Dazzling Molten Steel Beast’ was like a natural disaster, an existence that even the Ogres couldn’t easily deal with. It was a surprise that René, accompanied by unfamiliar undead subordinates, had entered the village.

Facing René was an Ogre with a body as solid as a rock. He had scars of all sizes all over his body and adorned his entire body with the fangs of a massive beast. Among the giant Ogres, he was particularly large, standing at about three and a half meters tall.

He held a massive club studded with spikes and wore a crude metal chestplate, indicating some metallurgical technology.

This Ogre was the chieftain who led all the neighboring Ogre tribes.

His name was Nvadgi.

“In other words, we all pledge our loyalty to you and become your soldiers?”

“Yes, that’s right. You understand quickly.”

With a voice that rumbled like rolling boulders, Nvadgi said this, and René confirmed it.

René, who couldn’t speak the common demon language, had borrowed translation items from Everis. She had an earring for translating spoken words and a choker for translating her own words.

Generally, creatures with intelligence and social skills roughly equivalent to humans and with bodies similar to humans were collectively referred to as “demons”.

Ogres were one of them.

Well-trained demons could become proficient armies, understanding complex strategies and wielding various weapons. But in addition to that, they could also engage in economic activities to form a society during peacetime. Of course, the flip side was that it required significant resources. Creating an army consisting of undead soldiers and beast-like demons might create a formidable fighting force, but it would be like building a fragile facade as a nation. To gain real power, you needed people to govern and rule over. Moreover, an army heavily composed of undead had too many vulnerabilities and wouldn’t be able to withstand threats from strategic opponents.

If she could gather more followers, she could potentially create a formidable army capable of competing with other powerful nations. That was the path René had chosen.

In other words, they were potential future citizens.

However, at the mention of serving her, the Ogre warriors surrounding Nvadgi were naturally confused. They murmured and became agitated.

“But, Great Chieftain! Shall we really serve this little girl? This is an insult to our tribe!”

One fervent Ogre, brandishing his club and pounding it into the ground, shouted.

Following the strong was a natural instinct for creatures with strength. They could naturally sense the difference in power and follow the stronger one. However, that was a story limited to low-intelligence creatures that made instinctual judgments. Intelligent demons not only followed their instincts but also made decisions based on reason.

For example, most of these Ogres would likely be incredibly weaklings to René. However, as long as the community’s cohesion was maintained, even these weak Ogres would not suddenly pledge their submission to René.

When Nvadgi slightly turned his head and gave a stern look, the agitated Ogres shrank so much that they might have become half their height.

“If one is strong, we shall follow. That’s all. It doesn’t mean that he is weak. I haven’t confirmed that yet.”

“But… how could a little girl like you possibly surpass the Great Chieftain?”

“The presence of the ‘Ethereal Mirage of the Forest’ makes the difference.”

René inwardly chuckled at Nvadgi’s scrutinizing gaze. It seemed that Nvadgi wasn’t dismissing her request as mere jest, and Forge’s influence played a significant role.

“By following the strong, we become the bravest warriors. That’s the pride of the warriors of our tribe. I became the chieftain because I was the strongest. There was no one stronger than me in other tribes, so I became the Great Chieftain. If you are stronger than me, I will follow you.”

“That’s fine. So, how do we determine who is stronger? Let’s do it your way if it’s a fair method.”

“It’s decided. A warrior’s duel. Chieftain, it’s always decided that way. We offer the battle to the God of War, Vulcanet. The whole tribe prays throughout the night and fights at dawn.”

The god Vulcanet mentioned by Nvadgi was not a god worshiped by humans. In the realm of human faith, there were many “lesser gods” under the Greater God, and these gods sent “angels” to guide the people. Similarly, in the realm of the Evil God, there were many “dark gods” under the dark god, and these gods controlled “demons”.

Vulcanet was a demon god. René didn’t know the details, but he seemed like a god who would be revered by brute creatures like Ogres, as he likely demanded nothing but brutal battles, destruction, and slaughter as a result.

In other words, Nvadgi’s proposal was a dedication match held in front of the god.

Judging by the atmosphere, it was far from a ceremonial event and more of a “no casualties, no show” kind of all-out battle.

If René were to defeat Nvadgi there, undoubtedly, the tribal ogres would have nothing to complain about.

“Just… the weapon to use is already decided.”

Nvadgi said so and handed something massive from behind him to René.

What rolled in front of René was not a stone pillar, but a giant club carved from a large rock. It had bright, colorful paint applied to it.

Even with the giant body of an ogre, it was a masterpiece that could easily be called a heavy-class weapon.

“I won’t accept weak weapons like magic. If you dare to taint this duel, I won’t show mercy.”

“Mercy? If I fight at full strength, my forces will win, you know? Don’t forget that I’m adjusting to your way rather than forcing submission by sheer force.”

“That might be so. But give it a try. We’ll fight to the last man, woman, and child, and you’ll regret the battle you’ve picked with us.”

“Well… okay then.”

Unfazed by the provocation, Nvadgi remained steadfast.

René looked down at the club, clearly larger and heavier than herself.

“If you want to back out, now’s the time. Can you handle it?”

The massive stone club, even with its relatively slim handle, was still thick.

René lifted it up, grasping it with both hands.

Her appearance might seem ordinary, with the club resting on her shoulders, but her current form was that of a Dullahan. Dullahan form specialized in close combat and boasted incredible strength. René hoisted the stone club, swung it once above her head, and then drove its tip into the ground.

“It’s not that heavy.”

“Oh, ho!”

Nvadgi let out an impressed sigh.

“It’s you then. Prepare the alcohol and ritual items. Send the hunters into the forest. Capture offerings. Tomorrow night will be a festival, and at dawn, we shall offer our battle.”

With the chieftain’s command, the ogres in the village began to move busily.

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Rose Princess of Hellrage Volume 3 Chapter 8

Rose Princess of Hellrage Volume 3 Chapter 8

Ogre! Ogres! Ogrest!

Finding that place was easy.

The smoke from cooking was rising like a signal fire.

The forest had been cleared, and primitive houses made of large leaves and wood were scattered about.

However, all of them were about twice the size of a human.

Even more enormous for René with her small stature.

Many faces were peering at René from the doorways and windows. The residents all had faces with saggy, thick skin, greenish-brown skin, and hair of the same color.

They were Ogres. Regardless of age or gender, they had highly muscular bodies, even the children had bodies the size of human adults.

Ogres were a kind of monster commonly known as a "giant" Race, and they were relatively small among the monsters in that category. In exchange, they had a high reproductive rate. They had always been at the forefront of the Demon Lord's army, fighting in the wars between the human and demon races. Their fearsomeness was still talked about among the human race.

By the way, they were often thought of as "brutes who only rely on strength", but that was a prejudice stemming from their low magical aptitude and their tendency to rush into battle recklessly. In reality, they had larger brains than most creatures, and their intelligence surpassed that of Goblins, who were synonymous with cunning.

These Ogres had formed a tribal society in this jungle area. There were undoubtedly many reasons why humans didn't enter this jungle area carelessly, and they were certainly one of them.

René was in the center of the village square. The tribal warriors were on high alert when René, accompanied by her dazzlingly equipped undead, suddenly appeared. The atmosphere was tense, but it did not escalate into a battle. This was thanks to René's intimidating presence and Forge, a massive dog, also known as 'The Dazzling Molten Steel Beast', which was sitting behind her, radiating a menacing aura.

If the Ogres made any suspicious moves, "Fetch" and "Bite" would be issued immediately.

This village was within the Forge's territory.

'The Dazzling Molten Steel Beast' was like a natural disaster, an existence that even the Ogres couldn't easily deal with. It was a surprise that René, accompanied by unfamiliar undead subordinates, had entered the village.

Facing René was an Ogre with a body as solid as a rock. He had scars of all sizes all over his body and adorned his entire body with the fangs of a massive beast. Among the giant Ogres, he was particularly large, standing at about three and a half meters tall.

He held a massive club studded with spikes and wore a crude metal chestplate, indicating some metallurgical technology.

This Ogre was the chieftain who led all the neighboring Ogre tribes.

His name was Nvadgi.

"In other words, we all pledge our loyalty to you and become your soldiers?"

"Yes, that's right. You understand quickly."

With a voice that rumbled like rolling boulders, Nvadgi said this, and René confirmed it.

René, who couldn't speak the common demon language, had borrowed translation items from Everis. She had an earring for translating spoken words and a choker for translating her own words.

Generally, creatures with intelligence and social skills roughly equivalent to humans and with bodies similar to humans were collectively referred to as "demons".

Ogres were one of them.

Well-trained demons could become proficient armies, understanding complex strategies and wielding various weapons. But in addition to that, they could also engage in economic activities to form a society during peacetime. Of course, the flip side was that it required significant resources. Creating an army consisting of undead soldiers and beast-like demons might create a formidable fighting force, but it would be like building a fragile facade as a nation. To gain real power, you needed people to govern and rule over. Moreover, an army heavily composed of undead had too many vulnerabilities and wouldn't be able to withstand threats from strategic opponents.

If she could gather more followers, she could potentially create a formidable army capable of competing with other powerful nations. That was the path René had chosen.

In other words, they were potential future citizens.

However, at the mention of serving her, the Ogre warriors surrounding Nvadgi were naturally confused. They murmured and became agitated.

"But, Great Chieftain! Shall we really serve this little girl? This is an insult to our tribe!"

One fervent Ogre, brandishing his club and pounding it into the ground, shouted.

Following the strong was a natural instinct for creatures with strength. They could naturally sense the difference in power and follow the stronger one. However, that was a story limited to low-intelligence creatures that made instinctual judgments. Intelligent demons not only followed their instincts but also made decisions based on reason.

For example, most of these Ogres would likely be incredibly weaklings to René. However, as long as the community's cohesion was maintained, even these weak Ogres would not suddenly pledge their submission to René.

When Nvadgi slightly turned his head and gave a stern look, the agitated Ogres shrank so much that they might have become half their height.

"If one is strong, we shall follow. That's all. It doesn't mean that he is weak. I haven't confirmed that yet."

"But... how could a little girl like you possibly surpass the Great Chieftain?"

"The presence of the 'Ethereal Mirage of the Forest' makes the difference."

René inwardly chuckled at Nvadgi's scrutinizing gaze. It seemed that Nvadgi wasn't dismissing her request as mere jest, and Forge's influence played a significant role.

"By following the strong, we become the bravest warriors. That's the pride of the warriors of our tribe. I became the chieftain because I was the strongest. There was no one stronger than me in other tribes, so I became the Great Chieftain. If you are stronger than me, I will follow you."

"That's fine. So, how do we determine who is stronger? Let's do it your way if it's a fair method."

"It's decided. A warrior's duel. Chieftain, it's always decided that way. We offer the battle to the God of War, Vulcanet. The whole tribe prays throughout the night and fights at dawn."

The god Vulcanet mentioned by Nvadgi was not a god worshiped by humans. In the realm of human faith, there were many "lesser gods" under the Greater God, and these gods sent "angels" to guide the people. Similarly, in the realm of the Evil God, there were many "dark gods" under the dark god, and these gods controlled "demons".

Vulcanet was a demon god. René didn't know the details, but he seemed like a god who would be revered by brute creatures like Ogres, as he likely demanded nothing but brutal battles, destruction, and slaughter as a result.

In other words, Nvadgi's proposal was a dedication match held in front of the god.

Judging by the atmosphere, it was far from a ceremonial event and more of a "no casualties, no show" kind of all-out battle.

If René were to defeat Nvadgi there, undoubtedly, the tribal ogres would have nothing to complain about.

"Just... the weapon to use is already decided."

Nvadgi said so and handed something massive from behind him to René.

What rolled in front of René was not a stone pillar, but a giant club carved from a large rock. It had bright, colorful paint applied to it.

Even with the giant body of an ogre, it was a masterpiece that could easily be called a heavy-class weapon.

"I won't accept weak weapons like magic. If you dare to taint this duel, I won't show mercy."

"Mercy? If I fight at full strength, my forces will win, you know? Don't forget that I'm adjusting to your way rather than forcing submission by sheer force."

"That might be so. But give it a try. We'll fight to the last man, woman, and child, and you'll regret the battle you've picked with us."

"Well... okay then."

Unfazed by the provocation, Nvadgi remained steadfast.

René looked down at the club, clearly larger and heavier than herself.

"If you want to back out, now's the time. Can you handle it?"

The massive stone club, even with its relatively slim handle, was still thick.

René lifted it up, grasping it with both hands.

Her appearance might seem ordinary, with the club resting on her shoulders, but her current form was that of a Dullahan. Dullahan form specialized in close combat and boasted incredible strength. René hoisted the stone club, swung it once above her head, and then drove its tip into the ground.

"It's not that heavy."

"Oh, ho!"

Nvadgi let out an impressed sigh.

"It's you then. Prepare the alcohol and ritual items. Send the hunters into the forest. Capture offerings. Tomorrow night will be a festival, and at dawn, we shall offer our battle."

With the chieftain's command, the ogres in the village began to move busily.

Access 10 Chapters ahead of the Novelupdates release on our Patreon. <3



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