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Rose Princess of Hellrage Volume 3 Chapter 9

Wickedly Evil Bremen

In the Ku-Lukal Mountains, except for the highest elevations, there was already no snow this season.

Nevertheless, the highland winds were cold, reminiscent of the northern climate for the group.

Among the grass that clung to the ground, Everis was at the forefront of the advancing column.

Regardless of whether it was the northern lands, dense forests, or high mountains, she had a witchy style with a black wide-brimmed hat, black clothing (though with more exposed torso than casual underwear attire), and a call mark clutched in her right hand pressed against her ear.

“Eh? Ogre festival? Well, the customs can vary so I’m not really sure. It might be better to ask over there… What? Vulcanet? Ah, I see, over that way. Well, I can give you some information, but be aware that the customs may have undergone some minor changes, so it’s best to confirm with the other side.”

The caller was René, who is down the mountain.

She had been asked about the etiquette of the festival by René, who had decided to fight a duel with the chieftain in order to win over the tribe of ogres.

For now, Everis briefly explained what she knew about the etiquette of worshiping the God of War, and then ended the call.

“Witch, you use the call mark and press it to your ear, right? Princess does the same.”

“Kind of a habit, you know… They seem to be doing fine over there. We’ll have to do our best too.”

(TLN: Hold the phone, wait a minute, what…)

The call mark, now finished being used, looked brown as if it had been exposed to the sun and then soaked in water before being dried like paper.

Everis thought for a moment and then rolled it up and tossed it behind her.

The creature walking behind Everis caught it with its mouth and began chewing.

It was a goat-like monster with an unusually fine beard and antlers.

This creature, known as the Knight Goat, fought with charges using its horns and was a species likened to knights in mounted combat.

While not particularly strong, it was still formidable enough to kill adventurers of lower rank.

Above all, the fact that there were enough herbivorous creatures like the Knight Goat in the area meant that it was an environment that attracted and nurtured ferocious carnivorous creatures that fed on them, making it a double threat in that sense.

Such Knight Goats followed behind Everis in a single-file column, numbering roughly over a hundred.

To be precise, they were following behind Mialanze.

“We’ve got more company… It’s kinda scary to have this many creatures around, especially ones this big.”

Tracy said, looking around nervously in all directions.

But it wasn’t just Knight Goats.

Drawing circles overhead were the noisy singing birds, Lightning Birds that emitted sparks of electricity.

Running alongside the Knight Goats were the Vorpal Bunnies, murderous white rabbits with sharp claws and front teeth, and a group of Illusion Foxes, foxes that manipulated bewitching magic.

A Thief Squirrel had climbed onto Mialanze’s shoulder, rubbing its head against her affectionately.

A small white girl with split snowflake-like feathers, a Fallen Elemental, reveling in corruption and straying from reason, joyfully flew around Mialanze.

These were the creatures that lived in the Ku-Lukal Mountains Mountains.

Sensing the presence of intruders, the creatures had eagerly come out and, with a single glare from Mialanze, had submitted and started following her.

Just as they had done when René had come with the Winged Tiger, the creatures had been overwhelmed by Mialanze’s presence and accepted her as their master.

Even the delicate flowers on the side of the road, covered in slime with five tentacles and fleshy petals, and with teeth, seemed to be excited by Mialanze’s presence, their bodies trembling.

“Everis-sama, what should we do with these creatures? At the moment, there seem to be more useful creatures as livestock than as fighting forces.”

“Well… Since we’re not going to take them all with us when we move, it might be better to gradually dismantle the ones that seem edible. If the Princess’s scouting is going well, we’ll need a fair amount of provisions while we’re on the move. Ah…, of course, we’ll also need to provide for ourselves in the mountains.”

Everis and Mialanze looked back at the gathered creatures and pondered.

Since there was still more traveling to be done, it would be challenging to bring all the creatures they had found. Moreover, there was no infrastructure at their destination to accommodate them, so some selection was necessary.

“Well, even if we use them for meat, I’m sure they’ll gladly offer themselves if commanded by the Princess or Mialanze.”

“…They willingly sacrifice themselves knowing they’ll be eaten!? The world of monsters sure is terrifying!”

Tracy exclaimed, genuinely horrified at Everis’ words.

“That’s right. Following higher-ranked monsters is instinctual. It’s all part of the plan for the world’s overthrow by the Evil God and victory over the Great God. Well, only individuals with a strong enough command power have the privilege to do that…”

“I see… Sacrificing their lives for the battle of the Evil God, and their souls returning to the Evil God… It’s a path prepared to accumulate good karma, even for those born as monsters. Humans domesticate animals by the same logic, I suppose.”

Tracy nodded in agreement while trying to hide his headache.

According to the temple, “those with wicked deeds will be reborn as beasts rather than humans. Beasts find it difficult to accumulate good karma compared to humans, but serving in battles for faith is considered the greatest virtue. And by accumulating good karma, they may be reborn as humans again.” For instance, even a farmer tilling the land for sustenance and enriching the country to resist demons is considered a battle for faith. That’s why using animals as livestock to make them accumulate good karma is considered a good thing.

A similar logic applied to the monsters and the demon race.

It was even more enforced in their case.

“If you serve humans, even as a beast, you can accumulate virtue… Does such a sweet deal really exist? It seems like it’s just human ego.”

Mialanze remarked with skepticism.

“Well, no, it’s just that there are established theories about reincarnation and the realm of gods, but they lack solid evidence. We have some experiments conducted by the temple and fragments of divine revelations, but it’s like trying to see the sky through the eye of a needle. I think the temple is likely to say convenient things about the parts they don’t fully understand.”

Everis looked at the obedient meat (planned) herd following silently, then Evelis said thoughtfully.

“Oh, by any chance, do you dislike the idea of processing them?”

“No, of course not.”

Mialanze shook her head, thinking that that thought was unexpected.

“My actions are not driven by devotion to the evil god. Whether it’s right according to the teachings or wrong, it’s not something that concerns me. I do it solely for the Princess. Both humans and monsters, even my own self, I will offer them all,”

Mialanze put her hand, hidden behind a thick glove, on her chest and speaks with quiet, unwavering determination.

Tracy and Everis had already heard about the circumstances that led Mialanze to join René. They understood that Mialanze’s deep loyalty to René, bordering on devotion, stemmed from her hatred of the human society, particularly humans.

However, Tracy and Everis exchanged glances, feeling somewhat cornered.

“Yeah, well, we get where you’re coming from, … but isn’t that a bit too heavy?”

“Yeah… We don’t have the Princess here, so it’s a good time to have an important talk.”

The easy-going witch had an unusually serious look on her face.

“From now on, more people will cling to the princess. But if we continue like this, the Princess will collapse. Mialanze, no matter what anyone says, you are the Princess’s first companion. You’ll be the closest to her, so you should protect her.”

“That… Of course! I will protect the Princess with my life.”

“No, that’s not what I mean.”

Mialanze clasped her hands, showing her determination, but Everis waved her hand to cancel it.

“That’s right, I’m just a shield, in a manner of speaking. Both holding it up and swinging it around, it’s all for the princess.”


Mialanze seemed a bit lost.

“Destiny has pointed to the Princess. It’s as if every strange event is trying to push her into becoming the world’s destroyer, replacing the Demon King. But you know, I can’t help but think that it’s not the right fit for the princess.”

“Not the right fit?”

“Oh, I understand.”

Tracy couldn’t help but agree.

Even if it meant “becoming” something.

Even if it meant “being capable” of something.

He couldn’t shake the thought that it would be painful for René.

René was consumed by revenge… She was just an ordinary girl, her fate had been distorted.

“I see, that’s what you think, but as a witch, you’re leaving it up to Mialanze?”

“Well, witches are evil, you know? And if it means even if the Princess becomes unhappy, but she can be fired up and win in battle, it’s not so bad, right?”


Everis’ tone was playful, making it hard to gauge how serious she was. It almost seemed hypocritical. Mialanze still didn’t seem convinced, pondering beneath her thick protective suit with her tail flicking.

“…Alright, shall we get going soon?”


 Everis, who was walking while talking, stopped.

As they walked and talked, Everis came to a halt. Tracy’s Magic Item, the “Super Multi-Function Compass,” displayed luminous numbers in the air, indicating the distance they had traveled. This location was the next “work site”.

Everis dropped a magic stone onto the ground and prodded it with her staff.

A magic circle of light expanded into the ground, and upon seeing this, Tracy marked an “X” on the map he had with him.

The map, which accurately depicted the mountain range’s topography, was covered in numerous “X” marks in a straight line from the north foothills.

“…This is number 57.”

“Heh, a long way to go. Well, I guess fieldwork isn’t so bad once in a while.”

The journey of the wicked trekkers cutting through the mountain range continued.

Access 10 Chapters ahead of the Novelupdates release on our Patreon. <3

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Rose Princess of Hellrage Volume 3 Chapter 9

Rose Princess of Hellrage Volume 3 Chapter 9

Wickedly Evil Bremen

In the Ku-Lukal Mountains, except for the highest elevations, there was already no snow this season.

Nevertheless, the highland winds were cold, reminiscent of the northern climate for the group.

Among the grass that clung to the ground, Everis was at the forefront of the advancing column.

Regardless of whether it was the northern lands, dense forests, or high mountains, she had a witchy style with a black wide-brimmed hat, black clothing (though with more exposed torso than casual underwear attire), and a call mark clutched in her right hand pressed against her ear.

"Eh? Ogre festival? Well, the customs can vary so I'm not really sure. It might be better to ask over there... What? Vulcanet? Ah, I see, over that way. Well, I can give you some information, but be aware that the customs may have undergone some minor changes, so it's best to confirm with the other side."

The caller was René, who is down the mountain.

She had been asked about the etiquette of the festival by René, who had decided to fight a duel with the chieftain in order to win over the tribe of ogres.

For now, Everis briefly explained what she knew about the etiquette of worshiping the God of War, and then ended the call.

"Witch, you use the call mark and press it to your ear, right? Princess does the same."

"Kind of a habit, you know... They seem to be doing fine over there. We'll have to do our best too."

(TLN: Hold the phone, wait a minute, what...)

The call mark, now finished being used, looked brown as if it had been exposed to the sun and then soaked in water before being dried like paper.

Everis thought for a moment and then rolled it up and tossed it behind her.

The creature walking behind Everis caught it with its mouth and began chewing.

It was a goat-like monster with an unusually fine beard and antlers.

This creature, known as the Knight Goat, fought with charges using its horns and was a species likened to knights in mounted combat.

While not particularly strong, it was still formidable enough to kill adventurers of lower rank.

Above all, the fact that there were enough herbivorous creatures like the Knight Goat in the area meant that it was an environment that attracted and nurtured ferocious carnivorous creatures that fed on them, making it a double threat in that sense.

Such Knight Goats followed behind Everis in a single-file column, numbering roughly over a hundred.

To be precise, they were following behind Mialanze.

"We've got more company... It's kinda scary to have this many creatures around, especially ones this big."

Tracy said, looking around nervously in all directions.

But it wasn't just Knight Goats.

Drawing circles overhead were the noisy singing birds, Lightning Birds that emitted sparks of electricity.

Running alongside the Knight Goats were the Vorpal Bunnies, murderous white rabbits with sharp claws and front teeth, and a group of Illusion Foxes, foxes that manipulated bewitching magic.

A Thief Squirrel had climbed onto Mialanze's shoulder, rubbing its head against her affectionately.

A small white girl with split snowflake-like feathers, a Fallen Elemental, reveling in corruption and straying from reason, joyfully flew around Mialanze.

These were the creatures that lived in the Ku-Lukal Mountains Mountains.

Sensing the presence of intruders, the creatures had eagerly come out and, with a single glare from Mialanze, had submitted and started following her.

Just as they had done when René had come with the Winged Tiger, the creatures had been overwhelmed by Mialanze's presence and accepted her as their master.

Even the delicate flowers on the side of the road, covered in slime with five tentacles and fleshy petals, and with teeth, seemed to be excited by Mialanze's presence, their bodies trembling.

"Everis-sama, what should we do with these creatures? At the moment, there seem to be more useful creatures as livestock than as fighting forces."

"Well... Since we're not going to take them all with us when we move, it might be better to gradually dismantle the ones that seem edible. If the Princess's scouting is going well, we'll need a fair amount of provisions while we're on the move. Ah…, of course, we'll also need to provide for ourselves in the mountains."

Everis and Mialanze looked back at the gathered creatures and pondered.

Since there was still more traveling to be done, it would be challenging to bring all the creatures they had found. Moreover, there was no infrastructure at their destination to accommodate them, so some selection was necessary.

"Well, even if we use them for meat, I'm sure they'll gladly offer themselves if commanded by the Princess or Mialanze."

"...They willingly sacrifice themselves knowing they'll be eaten!? The world of monsters sure is terrifying!"

Tracy exclaimed, genuinely horrified at Everis' words.

"That's right. Following higher-ranked monsters is instinctual. It's all part of the plan for the world's overthrow by the Evil God and victory over the Great God. Well, only individuals with a strong enough command power have the privilege to do that..."

"I see... Sacrificing their lives for the battle of the Evil God, and their souls returning to the Evil God... It's a path prepared to accumulate good karma, even for those born as monsters. Humans domesticate animals by the same logic, I suppose."

Tracy nodded in agreement while trying to hide his headache.

According to the temple, "those with wicked deeds will be reborn as beasts rather than humans. Beasts find it difficult to accumulate good karma compared to humans, but serving in battles for faith is considered the greatest virtue. And by accumulating good karma, they may be reborn as humans again." For instance, even a farmer tilling the land for sustenance and enriching the country to resist demons is considered a battle for faith. That's why using animals as livestock to make them accumulate good karma is considered a good thing.

A similar logic applied to the monsters and the demon race.

It was even more enforced in their case.

"If you serve humans, even as a beast, you can accumulate virtue... Does such a sweet deal really exist? It seems like it's just human ego."

Mialanze remarked with skepticism.

"Well, no, it's just that there are established theories about reincarnation and the realm of gods, but they lack solid evidence. We have some experiments conducted by the temple and fragments of divine revelations, but it's like trying to see the sky through the eye of a needle. I think the temple is likely to say convenient things about the parts they don't fully understand."

Everis looked at the obedient meat (planned) herd following silently, then Evelis said thoughtfully.

"Oh, by any chance, do you dislike the idea of processing them?"

"No, of course not."

Mialanze shook her head, thinking that that thought was unexpected.

"My actions are not driven by devotion to the evil god. Whether it's right according to the teachings or wrong, it's not something that concerns me. I do it solely for the Princess. Both humans and monsters, even my own self, I will offer them all,"

Mialanze put her hand, hidden behind a thick glove, on her chest and speaks with quiet, unwavering determination.

Tracy and Everis had already heard about the circumstances that led Mialanze to join René. They understood that Mialanze's deep loyalty to René, bordering on devotion, stemmed from her hatred of the human society, particularly humans.

However, Tracy and Everis exchanged glances, feeling somewhat cornered.

"Yeah, well, we get where you're coming from, … but isn't that a bit too heavy?"

"Yeah... We don't have the Princess here, so it's a good time to have an important talk."

The easy-going witch had an unusually serious look on her face.

"From now on, more people will cling to the princess. But if we continue like this, the Princess will collapse. Mialanze, no matter what anyone says, you are the Princess's first companion. You'll be the closest to her, so you should protect her."

"That... Of course! I will protect the Princess with my life."

"No, that's not what I mean."

Mialanze clasped her hands, showing her determination, but Everis waved her hand to cancel it.

"That's right, I'm just a shield, in a manner of speaking. Both holding it up and swinging it around, it's all for the princess."


Mialanze seemed a bit lost.

"Destiny has pointed to the Princess. It's as if every strange event is trying to push her into becoming the world's destroyer, replacing the Demon King. But you know, I can't help but think that it's not the right fit for the princess."

"Not the right fit?"

"Oh, I understand."

Tracy couldn't help but agree.

Even if it meant "becoming" something.

Even if it meant "being capable" of something.

He couldn't shake the thought that it would be painful for René.

René was consumed by revenge... She was just an ordinary girl, her fate had been distorted.

"I see, that's what you think, but as a witch, you're leaving it up to Mialanze?"

"Well, witches are evil, you know? And if it means even if the Princess becomes unhappy, but she can be fired up and win in battle, it's not so bad, right?"


Everis' tone was playful, making it hard to gauge how serious she was. It almost seemed hypocritical. Mialanze still didn't seem convinced, pondering beneath her thick protective suit with her tail flicking.

"...Alright, shall we get going soon?"


 Everis, who was walking while talking, stopped.

As they walked and talked, Everis came to a halt. Tracy's Magic Item, the "Super Multi-Function Compass," displayed luminous numbers in the air, indicating the distance they had traveled. This location was the next "work site".

Everis dropped a magic stone onto the ground and prodded it with her staff.

A magic circle of light expanded into the ground, and upon seeing this, Tracy marked an "X" on the map he had with him.

The map, which accurately depicted the mountain range's topography, was covered in numerous "X" marks in a straight line from the north foothills.

"...This is number 57."

"Heh, a long way to go. Well, I guess fieldwork isn't so bad once in a while."

The journey of the wicked trekkers cutting through the mountain range continued.

Access 10 Chapters ahead of the Novelupdates release on our Patreon. <3



not work with dark mode