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Secret Side Business Reincarnation Chapter 27

A Desperate Situation, But What’s This?

Watching from atop the stone wall, Ryu couldn’t help but be amazed by the strength of his grandfather and father.

As they advanced, the horde of orcs split in half.

Just that sight alone was impressive, but his father quickly defeated the Orc General.

Despite the Orc General being injured from his grandfather and his own initial magical attacks, to defeat him in an instant… Ryu felt ashamed that he hadn’t realized just how strong his father was, even though he had been his sparring partner.

Ryu and the others jumped down from the stone wall to join the fight in support of the other adventurers.

Kamiza confronted the Orc King.

“You inferior humans are getting a bit too confident!”

The Orc King snarled and swung the greatsword he held.

Kamiza deftly parried it with his longsword.

After a few exchanges,

“This one’s not just an ordinary king.”

Kamiza was surprised.

In addition to his original strength, the Orc King seemed to be using magic to enhance his strenght and agility.

Kamiza was being pushed back.

“Don’t just stand there, attack them too!”

Kamiza ordered his subordinates as he parried the Orc King’s attacks with a quick retreat.

Kamiza pulled back and just about dodged the Orc King’s attacks.

But the orcs trying to rush in were stopped by Farza, who stepped in and swiftly decapitated an orc.

The orcs were awed by Farza’s swordsmanship.

“It seems even orcs have no say in this battle.”

Farza muttered with an air of anger.

“Thank you, my son. I’ll focus on this one.”

When Kamiza thanked Farza,

“Strength enhancement, agility enhancement.”

Farza muttered, casting magic on himself.

“The real battle is about to begin, Pig King. I’ll take care of you before you can evolve into an Orc Emperor.”

From Ryu’s perspective, the situation was still evenly matched.

The battle between his grandfather and the Orc King had yet to be decided, and the orcs still outnumbered the adventurers.

Ryu and Jiro continued to heal the injuries of the outnumbered adventurers, while Sima protected the two of them.

Ryu felt that if the battle continued like this, they would be at a disadvantage.

In terms of strength, stamina, and numbers, the orcs had the upper hand.

That’s why Ryu had been observing Kamiza and the Orc King’s battle.

There had to be an opening somewhere, and when that time came, even if it meant angering his grandfather and father, Ryu intended to intervene.

“It seems this one is starting to grow during the battle.”

The confrontation that had been evenly matched for a while had gradually turned in favor of the Orc King.

If he lost here, it might lead to him growing into an Orc Emperor.

That was something he couldn’t allow, even if it meant risking his life.

Farza seemed to sense this too, as he faced off against an orc, he kept an eye out for an opportunity to join the battle.

“Have you had enough fun so far?”

The Orc King, realizing his advantage, taunted.

“Well, well, I don’t want to get old. In the old days, this match would have been settled much sooner”

Grandfather Kamiza grumbled.

It still sounded like he had some leeway, but it was clear that the Orc King was gaining the upper hand.

Deflecting the attacks had become close calls.

After more than a hundred exchanges of sword blows…


A high-pitched sound of breaking metal was heard.

It was the sound of Kamiza’s longsword, which he had tried to parry the Orc King’s greatsword with, snapping in two.

“I’m finished!”

Kamiza exclaimed in despair.


Grandfather’s voice made Farza turn around.

“It’s over! Die!”

The Orc King shouted, raising his greatsword.

“Rock Spear!”

At that moment, Ryu’s voice rang out behind Kamiza and Farza.

And something passed by the side of Camiza’s face. When he realized it, the earth magic spell “Rock Spear” had been sucked into the Orc King’s mouth.


Ryu’s earth magic pierced through the Orc King’s mouth to the back of his head.

Kamiza didn’t miss that moment. He drew a dagger from his belt and thrust it into the Orc King’s neck.

As the Orc King reached out to grab it, Kamiza jumped back, and in exchange, Farza thrust his longsword into the Orc King’s heart.


With a final cry, the Orc King fell.

At his scream, the orcs’ hands stopped, and with a cry of “Pugi!” they began to flee.

The death of the Orc King meant victory for the Landmarks.

Access 10 Chapters ahead of the Novelupdates release on our Patreon. <3

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Secret Side Business Reincarnation Chapter 27

Secret Side Business Reincarnation Chapter 27

A Desperate Situation, But What's This?

Watching from atop the stone wall, Ryu couldn't help but be amazed by the strength of his grandfather and father.

As they advanced, the horde of orcs split in half.

Just that sight alone was impressive, but his father quickly defeated the Orc General.

Despite the Orc General being injured from his grandfather and his own initial magical attacks, to defeat him in an instant... Ryu felt ashamed that he hadn't realized just how strong his father was, even though he had been his sparring partner.

Ryu and the others jumped down from the stone wall to join the fight in support of the other adventurers.

Kamiza confronted the Orc King.

"You inferior humans are getting a bit too confident!"

The Orc King snarled and swung the greatsword he held.

Kamiza deftly parried it with his longsword.

After a few exchanges,

"This one's not just an ordinary king."

Kamiza was surprised.

In addition to his original strength, the Orc King seemed to be using magic to enhance his strenght and agility.

Kamiza was being pushed back.

"Don't just stand there, attack them too!"

Kamiza ordered his subordinates as he parried the Orc King's attacks with a quick retreat.

Kamiza pulled back and just about dodged the Orc King's attacks.

But the orcs trying to rush in were stopped by Farza, who stepped in and swiftly decapitated an orc.

The orcs were awed by Farza's swordsmanship.

"It seems even orcs have no say in this battle."

Farza muttered with an air of anger.

"Thank you, my son. I'll focus on this one."

When Kamiza thanked Farza,

"Strength enhancement, agility enhancement."

Farza muttered, casting magic on himself.

"The real battle is about to begin, Pig King. I'll take care of you before you can evolve into an Orc Emperor."

From Ryu's perspective, the situation was still evenly matched.

The battle between his grandfather and the Orc King had yet to be decided, and the orcs still outnumbered the adventurers.

Ryu and Jiro continued to heal the injuries of the outnumbered adventurers, while Sima protected the two of them.

Ryu felt that if the battle continued like this, they would be at a disadvantage.

In terms of strength, stamina, and numbers, the orcs had the upper hand.

That's why Ryu had been observing Kamiza and the Orc King's battle.

There had to be an opening somewhere, and when that time came, even if it meant angering his grandfather and father, Ryu intended to intervene.

"It seems this one is starting to grow during the battle."

The confrontation that had been evenly matched for a while had gradually turned in favor of the Orc King.

If he lost here, it might lead to him growing into an Orc Emperor.

That was something he couldn't allow, even if it meant risking his life.

Farza seemed to sense this too, as he faced off against an orc, he kept an eye out for an opportunity to join the battle.

"Have you had enough fun so far?"

The Orc King, realizing his advantage, taunted.

"Well, well, I don't want to get old. In the old days, this match would have been settled much sooner"

Grandfather Kamiza grumbled.

It still sounded like he had some leeway, but it was clear that the Orc King was gaining the upper hand.

Deflecting the attacks had become close calls.

After more than a hundred exchanges of sword blows...


A high-pitched sound of breaking metal was heard.

It was the sound of Kamiza's longsword, which he had tried to parry the Orc King's greatsword with, snapping in two.

"I'm finished!"

Kamiza exclaimed in despair.


Grandfather's voice made Farza turn around.

"It's over! Die!"

The Orc King shouted, raising his greatsword.

"Rock Spear!"

At that moment, Ryu's voice rang out behind Kamiza and Farza.

And something passed by the side of Camiza's face. When he realized it, the earth magic spell "Rock Spear" had been sucked into the Orc King's mouth.


Ryu's earth magic pierced through the Orc King's mouth to the back of his head.

Kamiza didn't miss that moment. He drew a dagger from his belt and thrust it into the Orc King's neck.

As the Orc King reached out to grab it, Kamiza jumped back, and in exchange, Farza thrust his longsword into the Orc King's heart.


With a final cry, the Orc King fell.

At his scream, the orcs' hands stopped, and with a cry of "Pugi!" they began to flee.

The death of the Orc King meant victory for the Landmarks.

Access 10 Chapters ahead of the Novelupdates release on our Patreon. <3



not work with dark mode