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Secret Side Business Reincarnation Chapter 26

Grandfather and Father are Amazing, Aren’t They?

Grandfather Kamiza sat cross-legged on top of a stone wall built with earth magic. While sipping on a magic recovery potion, he gazed in the direction of the forest, where a horde of orcs was expected to come.

“…It may be overwhelming in numbers, but could it be that someone is commanding them?

Grandfather Kamiza pondered aloud.

Sitting beside him, Ryu observed the situation quietly. The enemy orcs seemed to form a large army. Facing such overwhelming odds, retreating would mean defeat from the start. To win, they needed to advance without fear, aiming for the leader (commander) to find an opportunity.

In that case, a preemptive strike… Ryu was thinking along these lines when Grandfather Kamiza spoke up, seemingly sensing his thoughts.

“…Ryu, it seems you’re thinking the same way as I am.”

Grandfather Kamiza said.


“Shall we deliver a massive blow to them right as they arrive…? Oh, it seems we’re just in time.”

Kamiza turned his gaze to the opposite side of the forest.

There, Sugo and the Territorial Guards, riding in horse-drawn carriages, were accompanied by Father and Jiro on horses, followed by a group of adventurers on foot.

“In numbers, we’re at a clear disadvantage, but it all comes down to this place, it’s about quality.”

Kamiza pointed toward Ryu.

An adventurer who had been scouting the area returned from the forest, shouting.

“They’re coming!”

“There are about a thousand of them! The commander is an Orc King! We also confirmed an Orc General with the High Orc unit!”

Excitement and commotion filled the ranks of the territorial defense and adventurers.

“An Orc King and an Orc General!?”

This is an A-rank mission for sure. It would have been a B-rank quest if they were alone, but with these numbers and leaders, it’s a different story.

Kamiza apologized.

“I’ll take on the King, and Farza will handle the General. The rest is up to you all.”

The former A-rank adventurer, the red-haired demon Kamiza, spoke, and everyone nodded in agreement. There was no option to retreat, as the Landmark’s residents would be in jeopardy.

“Farza, please give the signal. Let’s deliver one massive blow together with Ryu.”

Farza nodded and used his “Scouting” skill to calculate the timing.

“At 12 o’clock, about 80 meters ahead, near the center of their formation.”

Although the forest blocked their view, Father’s “Scouting” skill was precise. Kamiza nodded.

“Ryu, let’s go!”

With the signal, Kamiza unleashed a large fireball using fire magic, while Ryu launched a range attack with spears made of earth magic emerging from the ground. The ground shook, and a deafening roar echoed through the forest as an explosion tore through a wide area.

Adventurers marveled at the power of an A-rank adventurer.

“Is this the rumored strength of an A-rank adventurer?”

“Who is that kid?!”

“The grandson of the red-haired demon!? No wonder…!”

And, although they were surprised, Farzar immediately called out.

“Sugo, confirm!”

Sugo, summoned by name, used his “Hawk’s Eye” to observe from a distance and confirmed the scene.

“They’ve wiped out the High Orc unit. The Orc King is still alive! The General is injured, and about 10% of the orcs have been eliminated.”

“Good! Other mages, start attacking the surrounding area!”

Farza signaled. With that cue, the magic users among the Territorial Guards and adventurers began their attacks from atop the stone wall with their maximum firepower.

Kamiza, while drinking a magic recovery potion, jumped down from the wall and led a charge alongside other warrior-type members of the Territorial Guards and adventurers.

Farza, giving precise instructions to the magic users and ranged attackers, joined the battle as well.

Ryu, along with Sima and Jiro, distributed magic recovery potions to the magic users.

The battle had only just begun.

With Grandfather Kamiza and Father Farza at the forefront, they charged into the horde of orcs, cutting a path through the enemy ranks and forging ahead.

The fighting style of Kamiza and Father Farza was truly demon-like. They cut through the orcs as if they were paper, advancing rapidly.

With the support of their allies, they quickly reached the General.

Father Farza stepped forward.

“Then, I shall take on the King.”

The Orc General attempted to strike Kamiza with his battle axe as he passed by.

“You’ll die if you let your guard down in front of me, okay?”

In an instant, Father Farza closed the gap and swiftly severed the Orc General’s right arm, the one holding the axe.


“Inexperience shows.”

Father Farza remarked. With those words, he brandished his sword, and the General’s head soared through the air, detached from its body.

Access 10 Chapters ahead of the Novelupdates release on our Patreon. <3

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Secret Side Business Reincarnation Chapter 26

Secret Side Business Reincarnation Chapter 26

Grandfather and Father are Amazing, Aren't They?

Grandfather Kamiza sat cross-legged on top of a stone wall built with earth magic. While sipping on a magic recovery potion, he gazed in the direction of the forest, where a horde of orcs was expected to come.

"...It may be overwhelming in numbers, but could it be that someone is commanding them?

Grandfather Kamiza pondered aloud.

Sitting beside him, Ryu observed the situation quietly. The enemy orcs seemed to form a large army. Facing such overwhelming odds, retreating would mean defeat from the start. To win, they needed to advance without fear, aiming for the leader (commander) to find an opportunity.

In that case, a preemptive strike... Ryu was thinking along these lines when Grandfather Kamiza spoke up, seemingly sensing his thoughts.

"...Ryu, it seems you're thinking the same way as I am."

Grandfather Kamiza said.


"Shall we deliver a massive blow to them right as they arrive...? Oh, it seems we're just in time."

Kamiza turned his gaze to the opposite side of the forest.

There, Sugo and the Territorial Guards, riding in horse-drawn carriages, were accompanied by Father and Jiro on horses, followed by a group of adventurers on foot.

"In numbers, we're at a clear disadvantage, but it all comes down to this place, it's about quality."

Kamiza pointed toward Ryu.

An adventurer who had been scouting the area returned from the forest, shouting.

"They're coming!"

"There are about a thousand of them! The commander is an Orc King! We also confirmed an Orc General with the High Orc unit!"

Excitement and commotion filled the ranks of the territorial defense and adventurers.

"An Orc King and an Orc General!?"

This is an A-rank mission for sure. It would have been a B-rank quest if they were alone, but with these numbers and leaders, it's a different story.

Kamiza apologized.

"I'll take on the King, and Farza will handle the General. The rest is up to you all."

The former A-rank adventurer, the red-haired demon Kamiza, spoke, and everyone nodded in agreement. There was no option to retreat, as the Landmark's residents would be in jeopardy.

"Farza, please give the signal. Let's deliver one massive blow together with Ryu."

Farza nodded and used his "Scouting" skill to calculate the timing.

"At 12 o'clock, about 80 meters ahead, near the center of their formation."

Although the forest blocked their view, Father's "Scouting" skill was precise. Kamiza nodded.

"Ryu, let's go!"

With the signal, Kamiza unleashed a large fireball using fire magic, while Ryu launched a range attack with spears made of earth magic emerging from the ground. The ground shook, and a deafening roar echoed through the forest as an explosion tore through a wide area.

Adventurers marveled at the power of an A-rank adventurer.

"Is this the rumored strength of an A-rank adventurer?"

"Who is that kid?!"

"The grandson of the red-haired demon!? No wonder...!"

And, although they were surprised, Farzar immediately called out.

"Sugo, confirm!"

Sugo, summoned by name, used his "Hawk's Eye" to observe from a distance and confirmed the scene.

"They've wiped out the High Orc unit. The Orc King is still alive! The General is injured, and about 10% of the orcs have been eliminated."

"Good! Other mages, start attacking the surrounding area!"

Farza signaled. With that cue, the magic users among the Territorial Guards and adventurers began their attacks from atop the stone wall with their maximum firepower.

Kamiza, while drinking a magic recovery potion, jumped down from the wall and led a charge alongside other warrior-type members of the Territorial Guards and adventurers.

Farza, giving precise instructions to the magic users and ranged attackers, joined the battle as well.

Ryu, along with Sima and Jiro, distributed magic recovery potions to the magic users.

The battle had only just begun.

With Grandfather Kamiza and Father Farza at the forefront, they charged into the horde of orcs, cutting a path through the enemy ranks and forging ahead.

The fighting style of Kamiza and Father Farza was truly demon-like. They cut through the orcs as if they were paper, advancing rapidly.

With the support of their allies, they quickly reached the General.

Father Farza stepped forward.

"Then, I shall take on the King."

The Orc General attempted to strike Kamiza with his battle axe as he passed by.

"You'll die if you let your guard down in front of me, okay?"

In an instant, Father Farza closed the gap and swiftly severed the Orc General's right arm, the one holding the axe.


"Inexperience shows."

Father Farza remarked. With those words, he brandished his sword, and the General's head soared through the air, detached from its body.

Access 10 Chapters ahead of the Novelupdates release on our Patreon. <3



not work with dark mode