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Secret Side Business Reincarnation Chapter 36

Background Investigation, Anything Wrong?

Marquis Sugoella was troubled with the selection of the land to be handed over to Baron Landmark.

As part of it, he proposed giving new land to Baron Elanza of the neighboring territory, but not only did Elanza vehemently refuse the offer, he also sent a letter filled with insults to Baron Landmark.

Marquis Sugoella was dumbfounded by the absurd content of the letter. There have been unfavorable rumors about Baron Elanza lately, and reading this letter suggested that those rumors might not be entirely false.

So, he sent a letter to Baron Landmark.

The content of the letter inquired whether Baron Landmark knew about the insulting letter from Baron Elanza and the truth behind the rumors surrounding Elanza, without revealing that Elanza was a candidate for the land to be handed over.

Marquis Sugoella didn’t want to risk receiving inaccurate reports if he disclosed that information. Besides, Baron Landmark’s family had a good reputation, and Marquis Sugoella trusted them, especially the first-generation leader, Kamiza, who had served admirably in the previous war.

Kamiza’s son, Farza, had also been loyal and declared his allegiance to Marquis Sugoella’s faction after the recent promotion ceremony. Moreover, he had recently strengthened ties with Count Bridge, another member of the same faction, and the trust remained unwavering.

The Landmark family received a letter from Marquis Sugoella.

Apparently, a letter came from the neighboring territory, Baron Elanza, slandering the Landmark family.

Though Farza felt a sigh of relief knowing that Marquis Sugoella didn’t take it seriously, ignoring this matter further could jeopardize the Landmark family’s reputation.

So, he summoned Ryu and showed him the letter.

“So, it turned out like this, hahaha…”

“As Ryu predicted, it’s escalating.”

“I haven’t told my father, but I’ve already conducted an investigation into Baron Elanza’s background.”

“Is that so!?”

“Investigating the background of a debtor is a basic principle for a moneylender!”

Ryu struck a triumphant pose.

“Is that so?”

“Yes, it is!”

Ryu struck another pose.

“Alright, then let’s compile the evidence without expressing personal opinions and send it to the Marquis for judgment. So, is Baron Elanza’s reputation really that bad?”

“Yes, first of all, he imposes heavy taxes on the residents, just as rumored. Also, he lends money to unable residents, drives them into debt with high interest rates, forces them into forced labor, and commits various atrocities, including laying hands on their wives and children. Moreover, he embezzles the taxes that should be paid to the Marquis, citing poor harvests. And there’s more…”

“Wait a minute, is he really doing such things as a lord!?”

For Farza, who believed that the lord’s duty was to prioritize the happiness of the residents, it was unthinkable.

“Yes, and the biggest problem is… he actively gathers confidential information about this southeastern region, including Marquis Sugoella’s territory, and sells it to neighboring countries. This information was recently reported by an adventurer team hired for the investigation.”

“What…! That’s not only betrayal to the Marquis but also treason against the country!?”

Farza was shocked by Ryu’s surprising report and stood up without thinking.

“I was also surprised by the investigation results. When I looked into his financial sources due to his extravagant lifestyle, this was the outcome.”

The shock of not having noticed the man’s wrongdoing even though he was from the neighboring territory hit Farza hard, and he slumped into his chair.

“It’s time to thoroughly corner him. Not only recovering the money lent but also settling the numerous insults against the Landmark family.”

“…I understand. Ryu, I leave the report to the Marquis to you.”

“Yes, everything is ready, so I’ll send it immediately.”

Ryu promptly compiled a large amount of documentary evidence and sent it to Marquis Sugoella.

As for the rumors, it was mentioned that judgment was difficult, so only the facts were summarized.

The rest was left to the Marquis-sama’s judgment, as stated in the letter.

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Secret Side Business Reincarnation Chapter 36

Secret Side Business Reincarnation Chapter 36

Background Investigation, Anything Wrong?

Marquis Sugoella was troubled with the selection of the land to be handed over to Baron Landmark.

As part of it, he proposed giving new land to Baron Elanza of the neighboring territory, but not only did Elanza vehemently refuse the offer, he also sent a letter filled with insults to Baron Landmark.

Marquis Sugoella was dumbfounded by the absurd content of the letter. There have been unfavorable rumors about Baron Elanza lately, and reading this letter suggested that those rumors might not be entirely false.

So, he sent a letter to Baron Landmark.

The content of the letter inquired whether Baron Landmark knew about the insulting letter from Baron Elanza and the truth behind the rumors surrounding Elanza, without revealing that Elanza was a candidate for the land to be handed over.

Marquis Sugoella didn't want to risk receiving inaccurate reports if he disclosed that information. Besides, Baron Landmark's family had a good reputation, and Marquis Sugoella trusted them, especially the first-generation leader, Kamiza, who had served admirably in the previous war.

Kamiza's son, Farza, had also been loyal and declared his allegiance to Marquis Sugoella's faction after the recent promotion ceremony. Moreover, he had recently strengthened ties with Count Bridge, another member of the same faction, and the trust remained unwavering.

The Landmark family received a letter from Marquis Sugoella.

Apparently, a letter came from the neighboring territory, Baron Elanza, slandering the Landmark family.

Though Farza felt a sigh of relief knowing that Marquis Sugoella didn't take it seriously, ignoring this matter further could jeopardize the Landmark family's reputation.

So, he summoned Ryu and showed him the letter.

"So, it turned out like this, hahaha..."

"As Ryu predicted, it's escalating."

"I haven't told my father, but I've already conducted an investigation into Baron Elanza's background."

"Is that so!?"

"Investigating the background of a debtor is a basic principle for a moneylender!"

Ryu struck a triumphant pose.

"Is that so?"

"Yes, it is!"

Ryu struck another pose.

"Alright, then let's compile the evidence without expressing personal opinions and send it to the Marquis for judgment. So, is Baron Elanza's reputation really that bad?"

"Yes, first of all, he imposes heavy taxes on the residents, just as rumored. Also, he lends money to unable residents, drives them into debt with high interest rates, forces them into forced labor, and commits various atrocities, including laying hands on their wives and children. Moreover, he embezzles the taxes that should be paid to the Marquis, citing poor harvests. And there's more..."

"Wait a minute, is he really doing such things as a lord!?"

For Farza, who believed that the lord's duty was to prioritize the happiness of the residents, it was unthinkable.

"Yes, and the biggest problem is... he actively gathers confidential information about this southeastern region, including Marquis Sugoella's territory, and sells it to neighboring countries. This information was recently reported by an adventurer team hired for the investigation."

"What...! That's not only betrayal to the Marquis but also treason against the country!?"

Farza was shocked by Ryu's surprising report and stood up without thinking.

"I was also surprised by the investigation results. When I looked into his financial sources due to his extravagant lifestyle, this was the outcome."

The shock of not having noticed the man's wrongdoing even though he was from the neighboring territory hit Farza hard, and he slumped into his chair.

"It's time to thoroughly corner him. Not only recovering the money lent but also settling the numerous insults against the Landmark family."

"...I understand. Ryu, I leave the report to the Marquis to you."

"Yes, everything is ready, so I'll send it immediately."

Ryu promptly compiled a large amount of documentary evidence and sent it to Marquis Sugoella.

As for the rumors, it was mentioned that judgment was difficult, so only the facts were summarized.

The rest was left to the Marquis-sama's judgment, as stated in the letter.

Access 10 Chapters ahead of the Novelupdates release on our Patreon. <3



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