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Secret Side Business Reincarnation Chapter 37

Commotion at the Gate, What’s Happening?

Several days later, Baron Elanza arrived in the Landmark territory with dozens of his own soldiers.

This act violated the non-aggression pact, as Baron Elanza brought his troops without permission.

The Landmark soldiers tried to stop the commotion at the newly built gates, but Elanza, using his title as a shield, attempted to force his way through.

“Lowly peasants, do not touch me! I am Baron Elanza!”

Kamiza, who happened to pass by the disturbance, intervened.

“I came over wondering what was going on, and here we have Baron Elanza causing a ruckus with the Landmark ‘Baron’ family. Is this an invitation to a fight?”

“I do not acknowledge it! It’s all because of you people! You’ve been filling Marquis Sugoella’s head with lies! It’s clear… you’re jealous of me, a commoner turned aristocrat!”

“You have nothing for us to be jealous of. Moreover, disrespecting the Baron title bestowed upon my son by His Majesty the King is intolerable. Even if I were to be killed, I would have no complaints.”

Kamiza put his hand on his sword.

“Soldiers, capture that man. He is one of the leaders of Landmark who insulted me. I will capture him and present him as a gift to Marquis Sugoella!”

Elanza’s soldiers hesitated. They followed orders, but capturing the former A-rank adventurer, the Red-haired Demon Kamiza, from another territory posed a significant challenge.

As the blame clearly lay with Baron Elanza, the soldiers, unable to act, exchanged glances.

Upon hearing the commotion, Farza, Ryu, Tauro, and Captain Sugo, along with several Landmark soldiers, rushed to the scene.

“What is happening, Baron Elanza? Bringing soldiers with you… Do you understand the implications of this?”

Farza questioned calmly, but his voice carried a weighty authority.

“Silence! Because of you, Marquis Sugoella issued an arrest warrant for me! Even if you try to frame me and bring about my downfall, it won’t work! Hand me my rope immediately! And all of you, I will present you before Marquis Sugoella!”

“Is this arrest warrant related to embezzling taxes owed to the Marquis?”

Farza responded calmly.

“Indeed, it was your doing!”

“Isn’t it because of your sins, not mine?”

Farza answered calmly again.

“Shut up! It’s tax revenue from my territory, what’s wrong with doing what I like!”

“Do not misunderstand. As residents of Sugoella’s territory, it is your duty to pay taxes to the Marquis. Baron Elanza, do you not consider Marquis Sugoella a close ally, or is your allegiance to a different nation?”

“Wh-what do you mean!”

“You have been obtaining confidential information not only from Sugoella’s territory but also from the southeastern part of the kingdom, selling it to neighboring countries for personal gain.”

“W-what nonsense is this! It must be your Landmark family’s doing… Yes, you were leaking information to neighboring countries for personal gain! I knew it! Hand over your head quietly!”

“Do you realize the inconsistency in your statements? Stop justifying yourself with temporary lies.”

Farza was disgusted by Baron Elanza’s disgraceful behavior.

“Silence, silence, silence! Soldiers, immediately capture these liars and rebels! I will generously reward anyone who captures them!”

Elanza drew his sword and ordered his soldiers to capture the Landmark family, accusing them of rebellion.

However, the soldiers, realizing the potential consequences of drawing their swords against a fellow lord, hesitated.

“Do not draw your swords, soldiers. If you do, you will share the same fate as this man—execution!”

Sugo, the large and sturdy commander of the Landmark soldiers, intervened and said firmly.

Intimidated by his words, the soldiers discarded their sheathed swords.

“What are you doing, you fools?! Do not defy orders!”

An enraged Baron Elanza attacked one of his own soldiers nearby.


The soldier screamed as he fell to the ground, wounded.


In response to Farza’s sharp call,


Sugo replied and swiftly tackled Baron Elanza, dragging him down. In no time, they had him restrained.

Thus, the neighborly relations with Baron Elanza came to an end.

Access 10 Chapters ahead of the Novelupdates release on our Patreon. <3

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Secret Side Business Reincarnation Chapter 37

Secret Side Business Reincarnation Chapter 37

Commotion at the Gate, What's Happening?

Several days later, Baron Elanza arrived in the Landmark territory with dozens of his own soldiers.

This act violated the non-aggression pact, as Baron Elanza brought his troops without permission.

The Landmark soldiers tried to stop the commotion at the newly built gates, but Elanza, using his title as a shield, attempted to force his way through.

"Lowly peasants, do not touch me! I am Baron Elanza!"

Kamiza, who happened to pass by the disturbance, intervened.

"I came over wondering what was going on, and here we have Baron Elanza causing a ruckus with the Landmark ‘Baron’ family. Is this an invitation to a fight?"

"I do not acknowledge it! It's all because of you people! You've been filling Marquis Sugoella's head with lies! It's clear... you're jealous of me, a commoner turned aristocrat!"

"You have nothing for us to be jealous of. Moreover, disrespecting the Baron title bestowed upon my son by His Majesty the King is intolerable. Even if I were to be killed, I would have no complaints."

Kamiza put his hand on his sword.

“Soldiers, capture that man. He is one of the leaders of Landmark who insulted me. I will capture him and present him as a gift to Marquis Sugoella!"

Elanza's soldiers hesitated. They followed orders, but capturing the former A-rank adventurer, the Red-haired Demon Kamiza, from another territory posed a significant challenge.

As the blame clearly lay with Baron Elanza, the soldiers, unable to act, exchanged glances.

Upon hearing the commotion, Farza, Ryu, Tauro, and Captain Sugo, along with several Landmark soldiers, rushed to the scene.

"What is happening, Baron Elanza? Bringing soldiers with you... Do you understand the implications of this?"

Farza questioned calmly, but his voice carried a weighty authority.

"Silence! Because of you, Marquis Sugoella issued an arrest warrant for me! Even if you try to frame me and bring about my downfall, it won't work! Hand me my rope immediately! And all of you, I will present you before Marquis Sugoella!"

"Is this arrest warrant related to embezzling taxes owed to the Marquis?"

Farza responded calmly.

"Indeed, it was your doing!"

"Isn't it because of your sins, not mine?"

Farza answered calmly again.

"Shut up! It's tax revenue from my territory, what's wrong with doing what I like!"

"Do not misunderstand. As residents of Sugoella's territory, it is your duty to pay taxes to the Marquis. Baron Elanza, do you not consider Marquis Sugoella a close ally, or is your allegiance to a different nation?"

“Wh-what do you mean!”

"You have been obtaining confidential information not only from Sugoella's territory but also from the southeastern part of the kingdom, selling it to neighboring countries for personal gain."

"W-what nonsense is this! It must be your Landmark family's doing... Yes, you were leaking information to neighboring countries for personal gain! I knew it! Hand over your head quietly!"

"Do you realize the inconsistency in your statements? Stop justifying yourself with temporary lies."

Farza was disgusted by Baron Elanza's disgraceful behavior.

"Silence, silence, silence! Soldiers, immediately capture these liars and rebels! I will generously reward anyone who captures them!"

Elanza drew his sword and ordered his soldiers to capture the Landmark family, accusing them of rebellion.

However, the soldiers, realizing the potential consequences of drawing their swords against a fellow lord, hesitated.

"Do not draw your swords, soldiers. If you do, you will share the same fate as this man—execution!"

Sugo, the large and sturdy commander of the Landmark soldiers, intervened and said firmly.

Intimidated by his words, the soldiers discarded their sheathed swords.

"What are you doing, you fools?! Do not defy orders!"

An enraged Baron Elanza attacked one of his own soldiers nearby.


The soldier screamed as he fell to the ground, wounded.


In response to Farza's sharp call,


Sugo replied and swiftly tackled Baron Elanza, dragging him down. In no time, they had him restrained.

Thus, the neighborly relations with Baron Elanza came to an end.

Access 10 Chapters ahead of the Novelupdates release on our Patreon. <3



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