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Secret Side Business Reincarnation Chapter 25

What’s the Emergency?


The south of the territory had become hectic.

To the south of the Landmark Territory was what was called the ‘Demon’s Abyss’, an area covered by dense forests, a blank territory where no ruler existed.

Therefore, it was possible to expand the territory depending on the development, but as expected, the territory could not be expanded without permission from the central government. Moreover, because of the large number of monsters, it was not an easy task.

From such a dangerous area, Grandfather Kamiza appeared in his armor, mounted on a horse, and galloped along the cobblestone road to the estate.

Normally, he lived with grandmother in a remote house and never showed his face around here, but he regularly spent time in the forest hunting monsters in order to keep an eye out over the demon lands to the south.

“Farza, we’re short on manpower. Send a request to the Adventurer’s Guild.”

“…What are we dealing with?”

“Orc packs, but they seem to be numerous, maybe as many as 800. It will take a lot more than just me this time.”

Orcs were fat, upright-walking, humanoid pigs with tusks and rough, strong personalities.

They are monsters that look down on humans as a lower species.

“I understand. At the same time, I will also send word to Sugo to recruit territorial troops. Sebastian, contact the Adventurers’ Guild!”

“Yes, as soon as possible!”

The residence became hectic.

“Ryu, go with Grandpa to the southern border and build the walls with earth magic as instructed. Jiro, you stay in the rear in case anyone gets hurt. ─Sugo, you’re here! I heard that an orc pack is coming this way, gather the territorial troops and head south immediately. I’m on my way as well.”

Each of them replied and decided to head for their posts.

Everyone was quick.

Sugo started the carriage and headed for the southern border of the territory, picking up the territorial troops.

Ryu rode with his grandfather Kamiza on his horse, and Sima ran alongside them.

As Sebastian ran into the guild, the Adventurers’ Guild was also tense as an urgent quest was issued.

Normally, Kamiza and Farza would defeat the big monsters without relying on the Adventurers’ Guild, so it was rare for the lord to send out a request.

Therefore, the urgency was considered great.

Although it was the rural Adventurers Guild Landmark branch, there were many who came to train as warriors.

Even now, a B-rank (first-class) adventurer was visiting.

“If it’s not too late, will Lord Kamiza, the Red-Haired Demon, and Lord Farza, the Fresh-Blooded Knight, be there as well?”

“This is an urgent quest from the Landmark family, so they will be fighting beside us.”

“Good, my party will take it! We’ll head there right away. Local adventurers, please show us the way.”

Kamiza and Farza, both former adventurers, seemed to be celebrities.

“Hey, is that red-haired Demon a tough guy?”

An adventurer, also from outside the area, seemed to be intrigued.

“He is a former A rank adventurer and a great man who became a knight from a commoner after being active on the battlefield! His son, Farza-sama, is also famous for his achievements together with him!”

“Former A-rank!? That’s amazing! If I can fight with him, I can boast about it! I’m in!”

The number of quest recipients increased one after another, and even though it was a rural guild, the number of participants grew to 20.

Despite the fact that the guild was located in the countryside, there were 20 people in total, including B-rank (first-rate), C-rank (strong), and D-rank (skilled) individuals.

“Let’s head out then!”

A party of B-rank adventurers assumed leadership and took command, heading for the southern territorial border.

Ryu, who had ridden at full gallop on horseback with his grandfather, Kamiza, was the first to arrive at the site.

Sima was also able to follow, though he was out of breath.

“Sima should rest a little. Ryu, I want you to build a low earth wall from that tall tree over there to the rocks over there. I want to conserve my magic for the main battle.”

“Okay, Grandpa.”

Ryu nodded and immediately went to work.

The earth rumbled, the earth jutted out, and walls of earth was formed one after another, he took a magic recovery potion out of his magic storage, drank it down and continued.

“Huh? Ryu, what’s with the potion?”

“? It’s a homemade magic recovery potion.”

“If you have such a thing, tell me first, give me one.”

After receiving the magic recovery potion, Kamiza used earth magic with it in his hand to create a stone wall with a rumbling sound, and immediately drank the potion.


Sima, who had been sitting idly with Ryu, was simply astonished at the sight of the wall.

The scale was different.

“Do you still have potions, Ryu?”

“Oh, yes”

He took out a few potions from the magic storage and handed them to Kamiza.

“It tastes bad, but it’s good, Ryu. You are a talented pharmacist, too. Wahahaha!”

Ryu and Sima were relieved by the Grandfather’s boldness and lack of nervousness.

Access 10 Chapters ahead of the Novelupdates release on our Patreon. <3

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Secret Side Business Reincarnation Chapter 25

Secret Side Business Reincarnation Chapter 25

What's the Emergency?


The south of the territory had become hectic.

To the south of the Landmark Territory was what was called the 'Demon's Abyss', an area covered by dense forests, a blank territory where no ruler existed.

Therefore, it was possible to expand the territory depending on the development, but as expected, the territory could not be expanded without permission from the central government. Moreover, because of the large number of monsters, it was not an easy task.

From such a dangerous area, Grandfather Kamiza appeared in his armor, mounted on a horse, and galloped along the cobblestone road to the estate.

Normally, he lived with grandmother in a remote house and never showed his face around here, but he regularly spent time in the forest hunting monsters in order to keep an eye out over the demon lands to the south.

"Farza, we're short on manpower. Send a request to the Adventurer's Guild."

"...What are we dealing with?"

"Orc packs, but they seem to be numerous, maybe as many as 800. It will take a lot more than just me this time."

Orcs were fat, upright-walking, humanoid pigs with tusks and rough, strong personalities.

They are monsters that look down on humans as a lower species.

"I understand. At the same time, I will also send word to Sugo to recruit territorial troops. Sebastian, contact the Adventurers' Guild!"

"Yes, as soon as possible!"

The residence became hectic.

“Ryu, go with Grandpa to the southern border and build the walls with earth magic as instructed. Jiro, you stay in the rear in case anyone gets hurt. ─Sugo, you're here! I heard that an orc pack is coming this way, gather the territorial troops and head south immediately. I'm on my way as well."

Each of them replied and decided to head for their posts.

Everyone was quick.

Sugo started the carriage and headed for the southern border of the territory, picking up the territorial troops.

Ryu rode with his grandfather Kamiza on his horse, and Sima ran alongside them.

As Sebastian ran into the guild, the Adventurers' Guild was also tense as an urgent quest was issued.

Normally, Kamiza and Farza would defeat the big monsters without relying on the Adventurers' Guild, so it was rare for the lord to send out a request.

Therefore, the urgency was considered great.

Although it was the rural Adventurers Guild Landmark branch, there were many who came to train as warriors.

Even now, a B-rank (first-class) adventurer was visiting.

"If it's not too late, will Lord Kamiza, the Red-Haired Demon, and Lord Farza, the Fresh-Blooded Knight, be there as well?"

"This is an urgent quest from the Landmark family, so they will be fighting beside us."

"Good, my party will take it! We'll head there right away. Local adventurers, please show us the way."

Kamiza and Farza, both former adventurers, seemed to be celebrities.

"Hey, is that red-haired Demon a tough guy?"

An adventurer, also from outside the area, seemed to be intrigued.

“He is a former A rank adventurer and a great man who became a knight from a commoner after being active on the battlefield! His son, Farza-sama, is also famous for his achievements together with him!"

"Former A-rank!? That's amazing! If I can fight with him, I can boast about it! I'm in!"

The number of quest recipients increased one after another, and even though it was a rural guild, the number of participants grew to 20.

Despite the fact that the guild was located in the countryside, there were 20 people in total, including B-rank (first-rate), C-rank (strong), and D-rank (skilled) individuals.

"Let's head out then!"

A party of B-rank adventurers assumed leadership and took command, heading for the southern territorial border.

Ryu, who had ridden at full gallop on horseback with his grandfather, Kamiza, was the first to arrive at the site.

Sima was also able to follow, though he was out of breath.

“Sima should rest a little. Ryu, I want you to build a low earth wall from that tall tree over there to the rocks over there. I want to conserve my magic for the main battle."

"Okay, Grandpa."

Ryu nodded and immediately went to work.

The earth rumbled, the earth jutted out, and walls of earth was formed one after another, he took a magic recovery potion out of his magic storage, drank it down and continued.

"Huh? Ryu, what's with the potion?"

"? It's a homemade magic recovery potion."

"If you have such a thing, tell me first, give me one."

After receiving the magic recovery potion, Kamiza used earth magic with it in his hand to create a stone wall with a rumbling sound, and immediately drank the potion.


Sima, who had been sitting idly with Ryu, was simply astonished at the sight of the wall.

The scale was different.

"Do you still have potions, Ryu?"

"Oh, yes"

He took out a few potions from the magic storage and handed them to Kamiza.

"It tastes bad, but it's good, Ryu. You are a talented pharmacist, too. Wahahaha!"

Ryu and Sima were relieved by the Grandfather's boldness and lack of nervousness.

Access 10 Chapters ahead of the Novelupdates release on our Patreon. <3



not work with dark mode